Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.

As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.
In the womb, oh wait you don't care. Also you don't care about them outside the womb either. Most kids that are obese, their parents receive some sort of assistance from goverment.

Prove that statement. A fetus in the womb needs healthy parents. See how that works. So when the GOP wants to take health care away from million who make under 60,000 a year, mainly 95% of Americans, then we have a problem.

Kids, rich alike , sit too much and have that cell phone on their ears. Kids do not play anymore except video games.
------------------------------------------------------------------ agree that kids are not active anymore !!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.

As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.
In the womb, oh wait you don't care. Also you don't care about them outside the womb either. Most kids that are obese, their parents receive some sort of assistance from goverment.

Prove that statement. A fetus in the womb needs healthy parents. See how that works. So when the GOP wants to take health care away from million who make under 60,000 a year, mainly 95% of Americans, then we have a problem.

Kids, rich alike , sit too much and have that cell phone on their ears. Kids do not play anymore except video games.
Prove the republicans want to take healthcare away from 95% of Americans.

Too go back to the way it was pre the ACA is proof alone. The main problem Obama did was not to mandate expanded Medicaid.
As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.
It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.
It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!
You're playing politics with children's food and making it more unhealthy in the process. You have no morals. Now you know.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.

As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.
In the womb, oh wait you don't care. Also you don't care about them outside the womb either. Most kids that are obese, their parents receive some sort of assistance from goverment.

Prove that statement. A fetus in the womb needs healthy parents. See how that works. So when the GOP wants to take health care away from million who make under 60,000 a year, mainly 95% of Americans, then we have a problem.

Kids, rich alike , sit too much and have that cell phone on their ears. Kids do not play anymore except video games.
Prove the republicans want to take healthcare away from 95% of Americans.

Too go back to the way it was pre the ACA is proof alone. The main problem Obama did was not to mandate expanded Medicaid.
Yeah people can't afford the monthly premiums, and definitely can't afford the deductible. So democrats gave Americans something they can't afford and can't use it if they need it without getting a second mortgage. Congratulations.
It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
What a maggot. I don't want government controlling everything we eat. You can go eat shit for all I care. We had healthy food in schools back in the 50s to 70s so you don't know what you're babbling about in the first place. And many of us brought lunches and we did it without some totalitarian power freak like you!
I don't want government controlling everything we eat.
Again, you're playing politics with children's food, making it more unhealthy. You are what's wrong with the US.
You disregarded everything I said. You're a smear mongering ass stain, nothing more.
You're politically opposed to Michelle's food program. What did I disregard? That you don't care about American children's health? :dunno:
It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
Yea I really want that bitch telling my kid what to eat. Who the hell wants this?

It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!
You're playing politics with children's food and making it more unhealthy in the process. You have no morals. Now you know.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let 'mochelle' and Mudda mind her / their own business Mudda .
Its not even about what you eat, its about what you do.

I grew up with a group of kids in the neighborhood about 12-15 strong. We had enough for two teams that resembled real opposing football teams. None of us were fat, but we all ate in the cafeteria every day and had snacks at snack line and ate pizza and hamburgers whenever we could get our hands on them. I grew up on Cheetos and cheese sandwiches. I also ran outside like a chicken with my head cut off. I got off the bus, told my mom how much homework I had, if she said you can do it tonight, I dropped my booksack on the floor in my room and ran out the door to the "field" to meet all the kids ready to pick teams and play football. None of us sat on our asses all day and played video games, and none of us were fat.

Kids have strong metabolisms. Just let them run outside and play and it doesn't matter what they eat at school. We had no cell phones back then, and the super nintendo hadn't even come out yet. You can only play so much "duck hunt" before you want to go outside and play.

My parents would tell me don't come back home until the street lights come on. And amazingly, I grew up a very healthy child enjoying junk food like kids should. My mother made sure I had a well balanced supper with veggies, but not at school. She'd just say "eat whatever they serve or starve".
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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
You`re telling us that you`re a lard ass and you want your children to be like you. Dismissed!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
I don't want government controlling everything we eat.
Again, you're playing politics with children's food, making it more unhealthy. You are what's wrong with the US.
DO you ask your government masters when to pee and poo too?

YOU are what is wrong with America.. You cant think for yourself and you want your children indoctrinated too..
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!
You're playing politics with children's food and making it more unhealthy in the process. You have no morals. Now you know.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let 'mochelle' and Mudda mind her / their own business Mudda .
You want to let children go hungry or eat junk and I should mind my own business? Why? You feeling guilty about something and don't like hearing about it?

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