Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
You`re telling us that you`re a lard ass and you want your children to be like you. Dismissed!
You fucking snowflakes are so predictable.. " tell me what to do.. I cant make a decision... tell me what to think my almighty government masters..."

As a parent I taught my children how to choose wisely. Its not the governments job, ITS MINE!.. NOW go to your safe space where your told to do everything.. Fucking left wing morons!
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
You`re telling us that you`re a lard ass and you want your children to be like you. Dismissed!
Spoken like a good little commie... Demand compliance and then act like a king shewing a subject away... Fuck off Obama..
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Even in early elementary school I remember school lunches always had a meat, a veggie and a bread. And of course skim milk in a bag. (remember those days?) That's pretty damn healthy to me. We used to love whenever they'd do tacos. We got ground meat, lettuce, tomatoes and shredded cheese on a flat rectangular tortilla shell. When you're in 2nd grade, that's pretty awesome. We would RUN to the cafeteria on taco day. Not everything they served was good and yes, every time they mowed the grass they served greens or spinach causing long lasting rumors that persist to this day, but we lived.

I have nothing wrong with meals like the above mentioned meals. But that shit fat ass MObama wants kids to eat, fuck that fat nigga bitch.
Listen children.......eat your French fries and you will grow up to look like President...
Even in early elementary school I remember school lunches always had a meat, a veggie and a bread. And of course skim milk in a bag. (remember those days?) That's pretty damn healthy to me. We used to love whenever they'd do tacos. We got ground meat, lettuce, tomatoes and shredded cheese on a flat rectangular tortilla shell. When you're in 2nd grade, that's pretty awesome. We would RUN to the cafeteria on taco day. Not everything they served was good and yes, every time they mowed the grass they served greens or spinach causing long lasting rumors that persist to this day, but we lived.

I have nothing wrong with meals like the above mentioned meals. But that shit fat ass MObama wants kids to eat, fuck that fat nigga bitch.
Those are well balanced meals.. But the global warming nuts see CO2 producing animals and foods then want them banned. (to save the planet and our children - 2 items that seem to be so emotional that we give up our rights without thinking, but no more, the scams have been exposed) It way past time to put these retard nut cases out to pasture and regain sanity in our schools and food..
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It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!
You're playing politics with children's food and making it more unhealthy in the process. You have no morals. Now you know.
Republicans love children. OK, well, not exactly children. In fact, they hate children. It's the fetus they love.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!
You're playing politics with children's food and making it more unhealthy in the process. You have no morals. Now you know.
Republicans love children. OK, well, not exactly children. In fact, they hate children. It's the fetus they love.
what a comment from a murder oking Left wing idiot.
As I said in another thread on this - Michelle Obama is a sellout to the sugar industry. She has no credence.
When I was in HS we had an almost restaurant style menu. There were "regular" items; hamburgers, hot dogs, meatloaf and then every day we had a "special" my favorite was tacosnacks (burrito like thing with just the right amount of heat and cheese) Then there were side items; I know there were fries and onion rings, don't remember anything else because I always got the fries (with cheese sauce because all my friends made fun of me if I didn't - I eat my fries with a fork or my fingers get all salty and I get in trouble for licking my fingers off >.< Can't fucking win heh) They always had milk (2% and whole), usually juices, and sometimes shakes - and there were also soda and snack machines in the cafeteria so you could buy soda, chips, cookies, candy or whatever.

Hot dogs was my norm, though I can say I /never/ missed a tuesday tacosnack day. I even went /back/ to school after I'd dropped out to buy them for over a year then they said I couldn't do that anymore so I hunted down the food maker peeps for the school district to try to buy them directly and they told me they hand made them so I couldn't get them unless I was a student :(

25 years later and I just made a pouty face because I can't haz anymore lol
I don't want government controlling everything we eat.
Again, you're playing politics with children's food, making it more unhealthy. You are what's wrong with the US.
DO you ask your government masters when to pee and poo too?

YOU are what is wrong with America.. You cant think for yourself and you want your children indoctrinated too..
Says another overweight person.
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
----------------------------------------------- its their parents business plus i don't want THEIR or 'mochelles' or government rules on MY kids Mudda .
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
You are an ignorant fool... You would willing give up your parental rights and take those from others to suit YOUR AGENDA.. Fuck YOU!

This isn't about food or children, its about CONTROL and taking away rights..
Wrong. I was alive before Michelle came around. I'm older than her by far. The kids are fatter than ever today and blaming it on school lunches is silly.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
I believe your kids should be taken from you since you can't feed them properly.
I don't want government controlling everything we eat.
Again, you're playing politics with children's food, making it more unhealthy. You are what's wrong with the US.
DO you ask your government masters when to pee and poo too?

YOU are what is wrong with America.. You cant think for yourself and you want your children indoctrinated too..
Says another overweight person.
GO fuck yourself..
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
I believe your kids should be taken from you since you can't feed them properly.
Rather amazing how that end game is played isn't it.. And how fucking stupid these people are who push this crap.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.

Oh nooooo!!!

Whatever will Trump do?

From the looks of his enormous caboose, he's downing his sorrows in more sugary coke, more high calorie fat food.

RWNJs should do as he does. And hey, give your kids seconds of every crappy non-food you can. The sooner all of America's kids are grossly obese and diabetic, the sooner FLOTUS Michelle will stop caring about them.

BTW, thanks to the Repubs, you won't be able to afford the insulin.

You RWNJs should be proud.

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its simple , Kids should eat as their parents decide . Who elected 'mochelle' to anything . Anyway , doesn't really matter i guess because i think that President Trump slapped 'mochelle' and her food program down eh Luddley ??

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