Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Again, you're playing politics with children's food, making it more unhealthy. You are what's wrong with the US.
DO you ask your government masters when to pee and poo too?

YOU are what is wrong with America.. You cant think for yourself and you want your children indoctrinated too..
Says another overweight person.
GO fuck yourself..
I guess the truth hurts, you fat fuck. :lmao:

Its funny to watch you left wing nut bags melt down when the left wing lies are exposed..
So you want kids to be as fat as you? Is that it?
DO you ask your government masters when to pee and poo too?

YOU are what is wrong with America.. You cant think for yourself and you want your children indoctrinated too..
Says another overweight person.
GO fuck yourself..
I guess the truth hurts, you fat fuck. :lmao:

Its funny to watch you left wing nut bags melt down when the left wing lies are exposed..
So you want kids to be as fat as you? Is that it?
I call them the "Waddlers".....and don't get in their way when they are making for their fast food or junk food!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.

As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.
Most of what they sell in stores is crap. Kids aren't allowed to be alone or play outside. Michelle is a freelance nutritionist and amature health professional. She does more harm than good.
Even in early elementary school I remember school lunches always had a meat, a veggie and a bread. And of course skim milk in a bag. (remember those days?) That's pretty damn healthy to me. We used to love whenever they'd do tacos. We got ground meat, lettuce, tomatoes and shredded cheese on a flat rectangular tortilla shell. When you're in 2nd grade, that's pretty awesome. We would RUN to the cafeteria on taco day. Not everything they served was good and yes, every time they mowed the grass they served greens or spinach causing long lasting rumors that persist to this day, but we lived.

I have nothing wrong with meals like the above mentioned meals. But that shit fat ass MObama wants kids to eat, fuck that fat nigga bitch.
Those are well balanced meals.. But the global warming nuts see CO2 producing animals and foods then want them banned. (to save the planet and our children - 2 items that seem to be so emotional that we give up our rights without thinking, but no more, the scams have been exposed) It way past time to put these retard nut cases out to pasture and regain sanity in our schools and food..
Funny that you should mention scams. That check from Mexico should be in the mail this week, you think? Ever?
relax little bobby, no one is taking away you`re right to be a gluttonous slob but it`s a shame that we`ll have to pay for your unnecessary medical bills and the bills of other racist trash.
------------------------------------------- and i'll be happy as you pay for the WALL , its either YOU or the mexicans and i don't care who pays . Concerning the health of other posters , YOU have no idea on the health of other posters August !!
and its funny , they end up calling names from waddlers to the old FAT thats supposed to be an insult but all this rather mild name calling does is show that the lefties , dems , liberals are name callers with nothing to say !!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.

As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.

Michelle healthy eating crusade was a honorable crusade, but it is misdirected and ultimately a failure. If the food is so horrible the kids are not eating it then how is this a success. The problem with child obscenity is more that kids snack between meals on junk food and sugar filled snacks. This snacking is only exasperated by horrible lunches they don't eat.

Michelle's crusade is having a reverse effect.

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
Don't worry. The Donald will make school lunch great again by declaring ketchup to be a vegetable.
and its funny , they end up calling names from waddlers to the old FAT thats supposed to be an insult but all this rather mild name calling does is show that the lefties , dems , liberals are name callers with nothing to say !!
"lefties , dems , liberals are name callers with nothing to say" Really?? It is the childish bullies and morons of all ages and political strips who do that.

Let me tell you something. I wish that Michelle had been around when I was a kid in the 50s and 60s . Neither I or the adults in my life had any concept of what healthy eating was. The school lunches were terrible. Unhealthy and not palatable. At home. I was fed a steady diet of fatty meat, white pasta and bread, sweets and few fresh vegetables or fruits. I was known as the fat boy of 58 street. I don't know how fat I was but probably not as fat as the kids are today. As an adult, I was fortunate to become involved in the health food movement and learned how to really eat. I learned that eating is a total experience and how you feel about what you put into your body is as important, if not more so, than the immediate gratification of fat and salt. As time went on, I learned more about food and learned more about how to choose and prepare foods that are BOTH satisfying and that I can feel good about. I am now 69 years old, in great shape, and have had a long and productive life, and I'm still going strong. Never a heart attack or diabetes . That would not be the case if I remained on the path that I was on as a kid. What do you want for the future of our young people ? For the future of your kids and grand kids?
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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
Don't worry. The Donald will make school lunch great again by declaring ketchup to be a vegetable.
The Donald thinks that Kentucky Fried Chicken is a vegetable and that a ice-cream float with diet coke is a health smoothie.
and its funny , they end up calling names from waddlers to the old FAT thats supposed to be an insult but all this rather mild name calling does is show that the lefties , dems , liberals are name callers with nothing to say !!
"lefties , dems , liberals are name callers with nothing to say" Really?? It is the childish bullies and morons of all ages and political strips who do that.

Let me tell you something. I wish that Michelle had been around when I was a kid in the 50s and 60s . Neither I or the adults in my life had any concept of what healthy eating was. The school lunches were terrible. Unhealthy and not palatable. At home. I was fed a steady diet of fatty meat, white pasta and bread, sweets and few fresh vegetables or fruits. I was known as the fat boy of 58 street. I don't know how fat I was but probably not as fat as the kids are today. As an adult, I was fortunate to become involved in the health food movement and learned how to really eat. I learned that eating is a total experience and how you feel about what you put into your body is as important, if not more so, than the immediate gratification of fat and salt. As time went on, I learned more about food and learned more about how to choose and prepare foods that are BOTH satisfying and that I can feel good about. I am now 69 years old, in great shape, and have had a long and productive life, and I'm still going strong. Never a heart attack or diabetes . That would not be the case if I remained on the path that I was on as a kid. What do you want for the future of our young people ? For the future of your kids and grand kids?
------------------------------------------------------------------ personal stories , some care , most don't . so good --- or bad for you , who cares you 'english' !! OUR young people , i only have 3 that are mine and it was never 'mochelle obamas' or American governments business how they eat ; english' .
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
Don't worry. The Donald will make school lunch great again by declaring ketchup to be a vegetable.
The Donald thinks that Kentucky Fried Chicken is a vegetable and that a ice-cream float with diet coke is a health smoothie.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no ones business but Donald Trumps and as a matter of fact i say TRUMP looks ok to me !!
and its funny , they end up calling names from waddlers to the old FAT thats supposed to be an insult but all this rather mild name calling does is show that the lefties , dems , liberals are name callers with nothing to say !!
What the fuck is so funny about my post. Nothing intelligent to say about it ?
So tired of the leftie advertising tricks, so Moosh, here's the thing.
Having good food in schools is something BOTH PARTIES and all rational thinkers want. Just because we don't support YOUR approach of filling trash cans full of your idea of lunch because our kids refuse to eat it, is not the answer. That's all.

Advertising ploy:
Moms and Dads, we all know that kids need vitamins, right? Well then buy our vitamin enriched juice if you love your kid. If you don't buy it you must not want the best for your child. You are a horrible parent if you don't buy YumYum Juice. Why do you hate your children?

I am sure that is a lie, the trash cans filling up, a GOP lie.

No...it's not......the kids do not eat vegetables or fruit.....if you have kids check it out.....
Mine did 'cause that's what was on the table and in the fridge from the time he could eat. Fruit juice, apples, carrots, celery, melon, salad. Did he LIKE brownies, chips, etc. etc.? Sure. He didn't find them at home, though, except on really special occassions.
and its funny , they end up calling names from waddlers to the old FAT thats supposed to be an insult but all this rather mild name calling does is show that the lefties , dems , liberals are name callers with nothing to say !!
What the fuck is so funny about my post. Nothing intelligent to say about it ?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- nothing to say . you are a nanny state type person , what is there to say to you . You wish 'mochelle' woulda been around to take care of you . This is the USA , do what you want , eat as you like and its none of 'mochelles' or USA governments business 'english' .
I'll start believing in Mooch's credentials as a nutritionist when she finds a way to slim down her fat ass.
So tired of the leftie advertising tricks, so Moosh, here's the thing.
Having good food in schools is something BOTH PARTIES and all rational thinkers want. Just because we don't support YOUR approach of filling trash cans full of your idea of lunch because our kids refuse to eat it, is not the answer. That's all.

Advertising ploy:
Moms and Dads, we all know that kids need vitamins, right? Well then buy our vitamin enriched juice if you love your kid. If you don't buy it you must not want the best for your child. You are a horrible parent if you don't buy YumYum Juice. Why do you hate your children?

I am sure that is a lie, the trash cans filling up, a GOP lie.

No...it's not......the kids do not eat vegetables or fruit.....if you have kids check it out.....
Mine did 'cause that's what was on the table and in the fridge from the time he could eat. Fruit juice, apples, carrots, celery, melon, salad. Did he LIKE brownies, chips, etc. etc.? Sure. He didn't find them at home, though, except on really special occassions.
---------------------------------------------------------------- same here , the kids got their choice of GOODIES on Friday OR Saturday evening as thats when we went grocery shopping in town . I'd get home from work and we'd all go grocery shopping 35 miles awayin town . Otherwise the kids ate food , home cooked meals and snacks that we thought were good for them OldLady .
and GOODIES was pizza for the girls or my son liked 'fish and chips' so each weekend we got one or the other and a bit of soda or pop !!
Mine, who's now in his forties, still prefers a nice honeydew melon to a piece of cake or pie. He appreciates that's how he got brought up, although he did plenty of swapping during lunches at school, I'm positive. LOL

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