Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

As our kids just get fatter and fatter. Yes we do care. Good health starts in childhood.
It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!

And that's supposed to be a good for the kids?
Yea I really want that bitch telling my kid what to eat. Who the hell wants this?


Then let those kids grow up obese like everyone else.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!
You're playing politics with children's food and making it more unhealthy in the process. You have no morals. Now you know.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let 'mochelle' and Mudda mind her / their own business Mudda .

It doesn't work that way you racist piece of shit.
If your kids go to public school then the government is minding your business may it be Michele or that clown asshole.

What's wrong with cutting sodium?
Its not even about what you eat, its about what you do.

I grew up with a group of kids in the neighborhood about 12-15 strong. We had enough for two teams that resembled real opposing football teams. None of us were fat, but we all ate in the cafeteria every day and had snacks at snack line and ate pizza and hamburgers whenever we could get our hands on them. I grew up on Cheetos and cheese sandwiches. I also ran outside like a chicken with my head cut off. I got off the bus, told my mom how much homework I had, if she said you can do it tonight, I dropped my booksack on the floor in my room and ran out the door to the "field" to meet all the kids ready to pick teams and play football. None of us sat on our asses all day and played video games, and none of us were fat.

Kids have strong metabolisms. Just let them run outside and play and it doesn't matter what they eat at school. We had no cell phones back then, and the super nintendo hadn't even come out yet. You can only play so much "duck hunt" before you want to go outside and play.

My parents would tell me don't come back home until the street lights come on. And amazingly, I grew up a very healthy child enjoying junk food like kids should. My mother made sure I had a well balanced supper with veggies, but not at school. She'd just say "eat whatever they serve or starve".

That doesn't mean kids should eat unhealthy food and follow your bad habits.
I bet you are an obese person.
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I don't want government controlling everything we eat.
Again, you're playing politics with children's food, making it more unhealthy. You are what's wrong with the US.
DO you ask your government masters when to pee and poo too?

YOU are what is wrong with America.. You cant think for yourself and you want your children indoctrinated too..

What do you think is going on before Michele? now Trump is doing the same thing but the wrong way.
It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!

And that's supposed to be a good for the kids?
It starts at home. Parents should feed their kids, not taxpayers. We ate breakfast at home and those that couldn't afford school lunches brought their own. Somehow we managed with some socialist asshole ramming their agenda down our throats.
It's about what kind of food the school caf feeds the kids. Michelle's plan was for more healthy food, and like she said "what's wrong with people who don't want our kids to eat healthy food?"
It isn't up to DC, local school boards can figure it out. How did we survive before?
Before? The kids all became fat slobs. Michelle was trying to turn that around and set some national standards going forward.
------------------------------------------------------------ none of the 'mochs' business , those kids have parents !! Course , thankfully , i think that President Trump slapped the 'mochelle' and her program down Mudda !!

And that's supposed to be a good for the kids?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it worked good for MY kids Charwin !!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
You`re telling us that you`re a lard ass and you want your children to be like you. Dismissed!
You fucking snowflakes are so predictable.. " tell me what to do.. I cant make a decision... tell me what to think my almighty government masters..."

As a parent I taught my children how to choose wisely. Its not the governments job, ITS MINE!.. NOW go to your safe space where your told to do everything.. Fucking left wing morons!

You are full
Of shit always Billypoo.

Then keep your business and your family to yourself and stay out of this topic.

Are you saying only the left wants the kids to eat less sodium? Are you saying the right tards wants their kids to be obese and diabetic.
This is not about left and right stupid. This is about feeding these kids with healthier food. Not McDonald's.
its simple , Kids should eat as their parents decide . Who elected 'mochelle' to anything . Anyway , doesn't really matter i guess because i think that President Trump slapped 'mochelle' and her food program down eh Luddley ??

So Trump did this just for the heck of politics playing with the kids health.
That's is just disgusting. And this a good example that Trump is nothing but clown fucking president.

The fucked up republicans want a sick and fat country. First take away health insurance from millions, then feed the kids crap and make them fat diabetics by the time they are young adults. It makes no sense ! It's partly a blind adherence to a small government ideology and part, a hatred of everything Obama


Selected excerpts

The lunch ladies loved Marshall Matz. For more than 30 years, he worked the halls and back rooms of Washington for the 55,000 dues-paying members of the School Nutrition Association, the men and still mostly women who run America’s school-lunch programs.

Matz often told the lunch ladies they were front-line warriors in the battle for better eating, and they liked that too. Every school day, they dished out more than 30 million lunches, all of which were subsidized by taxpayers. They also served about 13 million subsidized breakfasts. Many students got more than half their daily calories at school.

So when Michelle Obama started Let’s Move!, her campaign against child obesity, in 2010, the members of the School Nutrition Association were her natural allies. The average weight of the American child had been climbing at an alarming rate since the 1980s, and now one in three American kids was obese or overweight.

Researchers at the Institute of Medicine, meanwhile, were finishing new recommendations to bring school meals into compliance with national dietary guidelines, and Congress was about to reauthorize the school-lunch program. This gave the White House an opening. If there was a war to fight against childhood obesity, then school cafeterias would be a perfect place to wage it.

That year, the Obama administration got behind the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, an ambitious bill that would impose strict new nutrition standards on all food sold in public schools. A generation raised on Lunchables and Pizza Hut, the bill’s authors believed, could learn to love whole-wheat pasta and roasted cauliflower. Kids would be more energetic, better able to focus in class and above all less likely to be obese.

The Obama program initially had bi-partisan support!!

But to pass the bill, the White House needed to enlist not only Democrats and Republicans in Congress but also a host of overlapping and competing interest groups: the manufacturers who supplied food to schools, the nutrition experts who wanted it to be more healthful and the lunch ladies who would have to get children to eat it.

Under pressure to show concern about child obesity, food companies backed it, too: With $4.5 billion in new funding over the next 10 years, the bill did provide plenty of new business, and their lobbyists could always massage the details later. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act became law in 2010, with overwhelming support in Congress.

Until suppliers realized that the program would cut into the bottom line:

But as the government began turning the broad guidelines into specific rules — specific rules with specific consequences for specific players — life became more difficult. What began as a war on obesity turned into war among onetime allies. Republicans now attack the new rules as a nanny-state intrusion by the finger-wagging first lady. Food companies, arguing that the new standards are too severe, have spent millions of dollars lobbying to slow or change them.

Some students have voted with their forks, refusing to eat meals they say taste terrible.
Sure kids raised on junk food will crave high sodium and fat foods. It's addictive and who's fault is that?
So they got rid of Matz
Last summer, the School Nutrition Association dumped Matz. In the small world of Washington food lobbyists, the decision provoked unending gossip and speculation. Matz said little about the sudden turn, even to friends.
And changed their tune for political reasons
Today the School Nutrition Association is Washington’s loudest and most public critic of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. Even as they claim to support the act, the lunch ladies have become the shock troops in a sometimes absurdly complex battle to roll back the Obama’s administration’s anti-obesity agenda.
Concern for nutrition in schools was nothing new. What's new is that it became politicized

The federal school-lunch program has always invited martial metaphors, and not without reason: It was the U.S. military that first advanced the national-security implications of a healthful lunch. In the spring of 1945, at the dawn of the Cold War, Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, a former school principal who joined the armed forces before World War I, went in front of the House Agriculture Committee to deliver a stern warning. Hershey headed the Selective Service System — the draft — and he told the lawmakers that as many as 40 percent of rejected draftees had been turned away owing to poor diets. “Whether we are going to have war or not, I do think that we have got to have health if we are going to survive,” he testified.

Again bi partisan support
Within a year, a majority of lawmakers from both parties had voted for the National School Lunch Act. The act declared it “the policy of Congress, as a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and well-being of the nation’s children.”

So what is wrong with these ass hats today??

The first shot in the Cafeteria Wars was fired in January 2011. That was when, under the terms of the new law, a team of dietitians, economists and nutritionists at the Department of Agriculture released the revised meal pattern for school breakfasts and lunches. The rules outlined just what schools — and, by extension, their suppliers — would have to do to continue receiving government subsidies.

It makes perfect sense, just not to you because you are a partisan idiot.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
You are an ignorant fool... You would willing give up your parental rights and take those from others to suit YOUR AGENDA.. Fuck YOU!

This isn't about food or children, its about CONTROL and taking away rights..

What the fuck to are talking about dude?

If your kids go to public school whoever in charge they dictate and control they feed at school.
If you don't like it then. Get them off the public school.
Not blaming it solely on school lunches but having healthier stuff to eat is a positive thing for kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting partisan politics get in the way of feeding children. Making you a fucking douchebag of the soggiest order.
---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
----------------------------------------------- its their parents business plus i don't want THEIR or 'mochelles' or government rules on MY kids Mudda .

If not Michele it's Trump---- so it doesn't matter the government are feeding your kids at public school.
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---------------------------------------------------------- let me say it plain , feck those kids that ain't MY kids . Its a long time American tradition and principle to let American parents take care of there own kids Mudda .
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
----------------------------------------------- its their parents business plus i don't want THEIR or 'mochelles' or government rules on MY kids Mudda .

If not Michele it's Trump---- so it doesn't matter the government are feeding your kids at public school.
---------------------------------------------------------- 'mochelle' has had her program and legacy slapped down by Trump same as mrobamas legacy is being slapped down by Trump Charwin !!
So you simply don't want to help kids who are hungry at school. That's really sad. And pathetic.
Any time is see this "poor children" bullshit from left wing morons i am convinced your too stupid to remain alive..

IF their parents were in good paying jobs (which Obama and left wits destroyed) they would eat better at home and not need your handouts.. 95.8 million people forced out of the work force by Obama and his minions.. The root cause is YOU IDIOTS!

Your "poor children" mantra is ALWAYS a ruse to take away my rights as a person and a parent. Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin knew that rational adults would give up their very lives for their children. My Children are NOT property of the state.. Now F**k off snowflake!
We're talking about helping kids eat better at school, and you don't want that. :cuckoo:
----------------------------------------------- its their parents business plus i don't want THEIR or 'mochelles' or government rules on MY kids Mudda .

If not Michele it's Trump---- so it doesn't matter the government are feeding your kids at public school.
---------------------------------------------------------- 'mochelle' has had her program and legacy slapped down by Trump same as mrobamas legacy is being slapped down by Trump Charwin !!

This is not about slapping you old twit.This is about kids at school trying to eat less sodium.
You are a Russian who don't give a fuck just because of your support of trump.
Yea I really want that bitch telling my kid what to eat. Who the hell wants this?


Then let those kids grow up obese like everyone else.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i only concern myself with MY kids . Everyone elses kids are none of my business Charwin !!

You can feed your kids however you want--------- but making racial remarks at the same time criticizing what is best for the kids just for the sake of Trump against better nutritious food is dumb and ignorant.
i don't give a feck about YOUR kids , thats YOUR business Charwin .

If you don't care then what the hell you keep posting stupid stuff and racist crap? I don't give a feck about your kids Pismoe piece of shit.

At least I am responsible citizen trying to convince ignorant fuck like you who is trying to insist salty food is good.
My kids are very healthy I feed them and trained them very well to respect and behave all races. They grow up very decent.
Based from all your post you are just a piece rotten full of crap and scumbag.

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