Michelle Obama Had Ayers Speak In 1997 joined by Obama

I emailed Drudge the link to U of I on Michelle/Obama and Ayers. It is now on the Drudge Report. Cool!
Everyone in the sixties was a radical, it was a time of war and the fight for equal rights. But Ayers is not Obama has noting to do with him. Does every right wing conservative republican have only saints for friends and acquaintances?

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Everyone in the sixties was a radical, it was a time of war and the fight for equal rights.

Tell that to the family of Sgt. McConnel, killed by a Weatherman bomb.

But Ayers is not Obama has noting to do with him.

Wrong. Evidence is piling up they had a lot to do with each other. Obama has lied about it.
If it's ok to revive things that happened in 1997, then I'd like to bring back the Clinton economy.
If it's ok to revive things that happened in 1997, then I'd like to bring back the Clinton economy.

Getting back to the Clinton Economy is a piece of cake. Here's how:

Step 1: Re-implement all of Reagan's policies.

Step 2: Create a new boom equal to the tech boom of the 1990s.

Step 3: Ensure there are Republican majorities in Congress to override vetoes on important issues as Welfare Reform.

Step 4: Get involved with a 20 year old intern, lie about it under oath and get investigated so you have no time to propose to Congress destructive policies.

Step 5: Implement or change policies that do not need Congressional approval that make you look good but will destroy the economy in 20 years such as the "Community Reinvestment Act".
Step 3: Ensure there are Republican majorities in Congress to override vetoes on important issues as Welfare Reform.

Let's see, we had a GOP pres and Congressional majority from 2001 to 2007 that increased spending at a faster rate than when we had a Dem pres and Dem majority 1993 to 1995. They gave us massive social engineering spending bills like Medicare Part D (which will end up costing a lot more than the bailout), and No Child Left Behind.

And it was a Dem president who proposed welfare reform, but the current GOP pres who decided to expand socialized medicine faster than anyone since LBJ with the Medicare drug plan.

But Mac isn't just another Bush. At least W has an MBA. Mac looks lost every time he has to discuss the economy, as if he'd rather talk about Iraq. So now in desperation he's talking about William Ayers, even though during the primary he angrily pointed fingers at any fellow Republican who brought up Jeremiah Wright.
Keep throwing the crap on the wall.

That's all you have.

Your side broke the economy for the last 7 years.

Bush and McCain are economic Terrorists

Keating Five, Libby, Duke Guy:evil:
A passing associate who thinks setting bombs and endangering other Americans is what? freedom of expression? great entertainment? a way to get his kicks on a Saturday night? What is it Silence? Somehow I think you wouldn't be so flip if a loved one had been injured or killed by this terrorist.

And until we understand the relationship, we shouldn't minimize it.

what is there to understand? Ayers hasn't committed a crime in almost 40 years. A court of law freed him. WHO the fuck are YOU or anyone else to continue to condemn this man?

The law holds people responsible and if it doesn't then hopefully, if you believe in that, God will.

Obama owes no explanation to you or anyone else about a man he seems to know only in passing. Obama was EIGHT YEARS OLD when Ayers bombed something. EIGHT YEARS OLD! do you get that?

he could be BFF with this man and if the man is NOW a law abiding, successful, contributing member of society who gives a fuck?

You all should be more concerned about the fact that McCain associated with KNOWN criminals as an ADULT and as a US Senator....hell he even participated in one of the crimes....keating Five....

Get off your high horse and talk about the issues, the economy, the two ground wars we're fighting, the health care system, unemployment, gas prices, et al.

but i know if you do that, you have nothing to say...
Get off your high horse and talk about the issues, the economy, the two ground wars we're fighting, the health care system, unemployment, gas prices, et al.

"I'll debate John McCain anywhere, anytime"

- Obama
"I'll debate John McCain anywhere, anytime"

- Obama

You dont win at a 50 state ground game by following Mac around to republican strongholds to talk to screened republicans.... Obama agreed to a few of these town hall meetings but Mac did not want to leave his Canned audience format... In fact Mac gave up on these town hall meeting cause he sucked at it... you by the way would not realy want Obama on stage with mac since he even lost a debate on his strong suit of foreign policy...

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You dont win at a 50 state ground game by following Mac around to republican strongholds to talk to screened republicans.... Obama agreed to a few of these town hall meetings but Mac did not want to leave his Canned audience format...

so Obama lied?

did he or didn't he say he'd debate mcC anytime, anywhere?

although, i guess technically if he did, and then refused to, that's be more along the lines of a broken promise than a lie.

a politician breaking a promise; change we can believe in. lol

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