Michelle Obama Had Ayers Speak In 1997 joined by Obama

Did you read the Annenberg papers?

It boils down to this, Either you believe he sat in that church 20 years and never heard a whisper or you don"t. I don't. Especially since they were on CD and DVD in the lobby.

You guys tried this one already remember?

The American people all realize they dont agree with every damn thing their own religious leaders say.

Its going no where and you guys are showing your desperation.
Did you read the Annenberg papers?

It boils down to this, Either you believe he sat in that church 20 years and never heard a whisper or you don"t. I don't. Especially since they were on CD and DVD in the lobby.

No, it doesn't "boil down to that". Unless you think that every statement Wright made was controversial, which considering as you said they are all on CD and DVD, I highly highly doubt.
They appeared together at another U of I forum in 2002.

Link here

And by the way, that's Mr. Dolt you you. :D


Why dont you check the guest list and see if there were any republicans there?

Why dont you check the guest list and see if there were any republicans there?

From the link.... I wonder if that means all of these people are terrorists....

3:30-5:00 p.m.
I. Why Do Ideas Matter? (a keynote panel)
We introduce the “meta” theme of the conference by hearing “success stories” from diverse voices discussing their experiences intervening intellectually.

Timuel Black, Chicago activist; Prof. Emeritus, City Colleges of Chicago
Lonnie Bunch, President, Chicago Historical Society
Bernardine Dohrn, Northwestern University Law School, Children and Family Justice Center
Gerald Graff, UIC, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Richard Rorty, Stanford University, Philosophy

6:00 p.m. Patricia Williams (Columbia University Law School) Harold Washington Library Center

7:30 p.m. Dinner for Patricia Williams and Conference Presenters

Saturday, April 20th 9:00-11:00 a.m.
I. Working Breakfast
This session brings together people taking on important social problems in theory and in practice. They will gather according to interest, such as "housing," "poverty," "human rights," and "education," to teach each other to create new collaborative networks. All are invited to participate.

Guest participants will include:
Arvis Averette (housing issues)
Jim Duignan (DePaul, Stockyard Institute)
Stevan Weine (UIC Psychiatry, refugees and survivors of terrorism)
and others

11:15-2:00 p.m.
III. Lunch and Public Encounters
Alternative breakout tours led by Chicago activists. Tours of Bronzeville and other communities, and visits to organizations that are working on partnering theorists with activists.

2:15-3:45 p.m.
IV. Intellectuals in Times of Crisis
Experiences and applications of intellectual work in urgent situations.

William Ayers, UIC, College of Education; author of Fugitive Days
Douglass Cassel, Northwestern University, Center for International Human Rights
Cathy Cohen, University of Chicago, Political Science
Salim Muwakkil, Chicago Tribune; In These Times
Barack Obama, Illinois State Senator
Barbara Ransby, UIC, African-American Studies (moderator)

4:00-6:00 p.m.
V. “Mini-Conference” on Genetics and Ethics: a special topic panel that acts like a test case of public intellectual work.

Lori Andrews, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Rex Chisholm, Northwestern University, Center for Genetic Medicine
Eduardo Kac, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago, Law and Philosophy
Dorothy Roberts, Northwestern University, Law
Arnold Eiser, University of Illinois at Chicago, General Internal Medicine (moderator)

If they weren't such pathetic dolts, it would be pretty funny. They are bordering on the hysterical, though.
If this guy is so dangerous then why does he hold the honor of "Distinguished Professor" at the University of Ill. He has worked on education reform his whole life, seems like he changed his ways a long time ago.
If this guy is so dangerous then why does he hold the honor of "Distinguished Professor" at the University of Ill. He has worked on education reform his whole life, seems like he changed his ways a long time ago.

They know its garbage... they're trying to do the swiftboating thing... It's called desperation. :eusa_boohoo:
Crazy aint it.

The American people aing going to buy this clap trap.

McCain and his whole family were neck deep in the Keating 5 scandal.

Phil Gramm his good budy gave us the Enron mess while his wife was on the board of Eron.

McCains whole team is full of deregulators who have screwed this country over and over.
did he or didn't he say he'd debate mcC anytime, anywhere?

although, i guess technically if he did, and then refused to, that's be more along the lines of a broken promise than a lie.

a politician breaking a promise; change we can believe in. lol
Yes.. but if mac cant get his shit together why should Obama wait around for him.. truth is the ball was back in Macs court.. he balked... said wtf, I can blame Obama cause my people will believe whatever I say anyway... apparently, he was right for a change....
You guys tried this one already remember?

The American people all realize they dont agree with every damn thing their own religious leaders say.

Its going no where and you guys are showing your desperation.

It proves to me Obama is a liar. I would have held a lot of respect for the man had he been truthful. That's just me. Everybody gets to make up their own minds. Depsperate or not.
If this guy is so dangerous then why does he hold the honor of "Distinguished Professor" at the University of Ill.

One word: Daddy

He has worked on education reform his whole life, seems like he changed his ways a long time ago.

I suspect the family of Sgt. McConnell, killed by a Weatherman bomb, might disagree.

The only people I know who believe everything their religious leader says are in a cult.
Please see our campaign’s response to Barack Obama’s dishonest defense of his relationship with unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. During interviews, both his chief strategist David Axelrod and his senior communications advisor Robert Gibbs have said that Barack Obama was “unaware” of William Ayers’ terrorist past:

“Does Barack Obama truly expect the American people to believe that he had no idea about his friend’s past as the infamous founder of the domestic terror group ‘The Weather Underground’ or is he just lying? If Obama didn’t know in 1995 about the bombings Ayers was responsible for, when did he find out — because Obama was promoting Ayers’ book in 1997, serving on boards with him until 2002, and trading emails and phone calls with him as recently as 2005. If Obama really was unaware of Ayers’ radical past, learning the truth doesn’t seem to have had any effect on their friendship. Whether Barack Obama is lying to voters about his previous support for higher taxes on the middle class, his votes against funds for American troops in the field or his associations with an unrepentant terrorist, voters are left wondering who Obama is and what he stands for.” —Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008

Link here
and? obama isn't the one trying to throw mud... that would be McCain. you know, that whole people in glass houses thing.

Mccain should have at least tried to salvage his dignity.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
Please see our campaign’s response to Barack Obama’s dishonest defense of his relationship with unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. During interviews, both his chief strategist David Axelrod and his senior communications advisor Robert Gibbs have said that Barack Obama was “unaware” of William Ayers’ terrorist past:

“Does Barack Obama truly expect the American people to believe that he had no idea about his friend’s past as the infamous founder of the domestic terror group ‘The Weather Underground’ or is he just lying? If Obama didn’t know in 1995 about the bombings Ayers was responsible for, when did he find out — because Obama was promoting Ayers’ book in 1997, serving on boards with him until 2002, and trading emails and phone calls with him as recently as 2005. If Obama really was unaware of Ayers’ radical past, learning the truth doesn’t seem to have had any effect on their friendship. Whether Barack Obama is lying to voters about his previous support for higher taxes on the middle class, his votes against funds for American troops in the field or his associations with an unrepentant terrorist, voters are left wondering who Obama is and what he stands for.” —Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008

Link here


please elaborate?

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