Michelle Obama "my kids ruined my life "


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

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I didn't find it a bad article , and defiantly not your reaction to the article. Jo are you being too hard on her? I think so.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.

The only job she ever had was as some director after Barry became a US Senator. When they left for the WH her "job" was eliminated.....they are total phonies and the perpetrators of the biggest scam in the history of the world.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
So you argue over semantics. Lovely.
Very much planned and can be a lengthy process.

Our children didn't ruin my life....they complete it. I'd never make a comment like it did concerning them. It's selfish
Imagine the two girls having to read this on their own without being forewarned. She really is a complete and total piece of s***.

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Kinda irrelevant, since adopting children is essentially the same life choice, with the same trade-offs for the future.

Well, yes, if one is seeing parenthood as sacrificing your life and your dreams as a "concession" to someone else, then one is doing parenting all wrong. Decent, sane people see it as trading one dream for another because you want the other dream (parenthood) more.
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Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

Of course, the thread title is a lie. What an idiotic thread for braindead partisans.
I'm talking about the context of other remarks in this thread. If she is the birth mother then she is a selfish
self centered piece of trash. I have three children and have never considered them a minus in my life.

On the other hand if "she" is just a surrogate mother, playing a role in a grand scheme designed
to subjugate themselves to further Barry's political career, especially considering how he turned
out to be such a massive failure, she has every right to feel unfulfilled and cheated.

Not progressive enough for the left, just the socialist swine the right feared, trying to diminish American
power throughout the world, then what a waste Michelle Obama went through living such a lie for such
a selfish narcissist.
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Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

Of course, the thread title is a lie. What an idiotic thread for braindead partisans.

Of course, you didn't include the "actual" quote to prove it was a lie. What an idiot for thinking your word for it would be enough.
I've given birth and we've adopted.... trust me adoption is waaay less painful.

But the end result is equal.

Mooch is iffy at best and to declare it's kids ruined it's life? It's no mother
He didnt say it ruined his life. And people do give up goals when they have children unplanned.
Then again, I guess adoption is planned, huh? Lol

Very much planned and can be a lengthy process.

Our children didn't ruin my life....they complete it. I'd never make a comment like it did concerning them. It's selfish
Imagine the two girls having to read this on their own without being forewarned. She really is a complete and total piece of s***.

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Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

Of course, the thread title is a lie. What an idiotic thread for braindead partisans.

Of course, you didn't include the "actual" quote to prove it was a lie. What an idiot for thinking your word for it would be enough.

Overwhelmed eh? I get it.....

Yeah, no. The context of her remarks had not a damned thing to do with equipment.
I'm talking about the context of other remarks in this thread. If she is the birth mother then she is a selfish
self centered piece of trash. I have three children and have never considered them a minus in my life.

On the other hand if "she" is just a surrogate mother, playing a role in a grand scheme designed
to subjugate themselves to further Barry's political career, especially considering how he turned
out to be such a massive failure, she has every right to feel unfulfilled and cheated.

Not progressive enough for the left, just the socialist swine the right feared, trying to diminish American
power throughout the world, then what a waste Michelle Obama went through living such a lie for such
a selfish narcissist.

Nah. However she acquire the children, whatever the reason she did so, she still made the choice to be a parent. So she's still looking at it the wrong way.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.


Not so much.

She said it was a concession, and that she had to sacrifice her dreams.

On that end, I wish I could tell everyone everywhere that message. Life has trade offs. You can't have everything you want.

I've seen high end elite, that sacrificed their entire families, to get their high end careers.

I've known women that got the high paying engineering job, and they lose their husband, and their kids don't like them, and they are complete wrecks by the time they are in their 40s.

So you seem to be imparting some sort of negative to response, when in reality what Michelle is saying is that she realized she simply couldn't have everything she wanted, and also have the children she wanted.

She understood that she had to make a trade off somewhere. And she did. She gave up on some of her dreams, to have a decent family.

That actually speaks well of her. I wish all women that got that concept.

Honestly, I was way more amused by her blaming black people.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

Wow. This is like Hillary blaming women. I love it.

Amazing how quickly left-wingers blame everyone but themselves for their failures.

Never once even crossed their minds, that maybe not every black person wanted endless socialism. Maybe not everyone wanted their race baiting talk. Maybe stirring up racial tension after decades of decline, wasn't the best winning combination.

Nope nope nope... like all psychotic left-wingers.... it was their fault... those people who supported me, it's all their fault!

*rolls eyes*

So predictable.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
Apparently Michelle didn’t understand what happens when you have children. How could she be so ignorant?

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