Michelle Obama "my kids ruined my life "

Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
Apparently Michelle didn’t understand what happens when you have children. How could she be so ignorant?

I'm pretty sure she understood what happens, but she doesn't appear to have understood the correct perspective from which to view it. Which is why I'm interested in her comment. Michelle Obama herself is largely irrelevant now that her husband is no longer President, and I for one am perfectly happy for her to continue being largely irrelevant forever.

However, her comment highlights the disturbing mindset of the feminist movement and of our culture, which has been poisoned by the feminist movement. We have gone from "Women should be able to have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Women MUST have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Motherhood isn't a dream at all. It's a parasite which sucks all your dreams away, and OCCASIONALLY, with very bad grace, you might consent to tolerate it".

In this, I think I am more typical of women than Mrs. Obama is. When I was young and dreamed of what I wanted to do with my life, having a family to love was one of those dreams. In every adult life, there come occasions when you must choose to pursue Dream A, and to abandon Dream B in order to pursue Dream A, because you can only do one of them. I decided that I wanted to pursue the dream of a family more than I wanted to pursue the other things I could have. Pure and simple. And I believe that is the case for most women who are married and/or have children.

Which makes it very troubling that so many women, those who have families and those who don't, have been convinced to see marriage and motherhood not as a valid dream to pursue, but as a sacrifice of dreams.
I don’t believe a word she says. She’s nothing but a fraud like her husband.

If she's trying to tell me how the world is and should be, then I don't believe her either.

But when she's trying to tell me what her opinion and viewpoint is, I tend to believe that genuinely is her viewpoint, however misguided it might be. I especially believe she's being honest about her viewpoint when it comes in the form of a revealing choice of words.


a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded.
"the strikers returned to work having won some concessions"
compromise · adjustment · modification · allowance · exception · point conceded · point lost · forfeit · something surrendered · sop

  • the action of conceding, granting, or yielding something.
    "this strict rule was relaxed by concession"
    admission · acknowledgment · acceptance · recognition ·
  • (a concession to)
    a gesture, especially a token one, made in recognition of a demand or prevailing standard.
    "her only concession to fashion was her ornate silver ring"
Can anyone really make excuses for how this is an acceptable way to view motherhood? There's a reason why the loser in an election gives a "concession speech": Because he came out on the short end of things. He LOST.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

I didn’t like her from the get go.

She and Ears did an interview in 2008, before he won the nomination, that turned my stomach. She claimed O could be murdered just going out to get gas for the car. Insinuating whites would just kill blacks on a whim. I thought wtf at the time. Does she think it’s 1880 and she lives in Mississippi?

I’ve searched for that interview but can’t find it. I thought it was on 60 Minutes
That is what I am finding on all my searches. Any stories or information hat is complementary to trump is just omitted as is information that sheds negative light on famous Dems. This is insidious and it is going on more and more. It is harder to discern but like you if you are looking for something specific that you know exists you can try any rephrasing and you find it is just omitted, not buried but omitted. This is how our information intake is managed and it is the furthest thing from free speech.
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She continues to be an embarrassment to herself and her country which she has ALWAYS hated. Wow, to make her kids feel like they were never really wanted or were forced upon her is perhaps they biggest insult she could convey upon them.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
Apparently Michelle didn’t understand what happens when you have children. How could she be so ignorant?

I'm pretty sure she understood what happens, but she doesn't appear to have understood the correct perspective from which to view it. Which is why I'm interested in her comment. Michelle Obama herself is largely irrelevant now that her husband is no longer President, and I for one am perfectly happy for her to continue being largely irrelevant forever.

However, her comment highlights the disturbing mindset of the feminist movement and of our culture, which has been poisoned by the feminist movement. We have gone from "Women should be able to have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Women MUST have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Motherhood isn't a dream at all. It's a parasite which sucks all your dreams away, and OCCASIONALLY, with very bad grace, you might consent to tolerate it".

In this, I think I am more typical of women than Mrs. Obama is. When I was young and dreamed of what I wanted to do with my life, having a family to love was one of those dreams. In every adult life, there come occasions when you must choose to pursue Dream A, and to abandon Dream B in order to pursue Dream A, because you can only do one of them. I decided that I wanted to pursue the dream of a family more than I wanted to pursue the other things I could have. Pure and simple. And I believe that is the case for most women who are married and/or have children.

Which makes it very troubling that so many women, those who have families and those who don't, have been convinced to see marriage and motherhood not as a valid dream to pursue, but as a sacrifice of dreams.
I don’t believe a word she says. She’s nothing but a fraud like her husband.
She continues to be an embarrassment to herself and her country which she has ALWAYS hated. Wow, to make her kids feel like they were never really wanted or were forced upon her is perhaps they biggest insult she could convey upon them.
Watch Biden pick her for VP. Then we’ll know O gets a third term, should Sniffy win

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.


Not so much.

She said it was a concession, and that she had to sacrifice her dreams.

On that end, I wish I could tell everyone everywhere that message. Life has trade offs. You can't have everything you want.

I've seen high end elite, that sacrificed their entire families, to get their high end careers.

I've known women that got the high paying engineering job, and they lose their husband, and their kids don't like them, and they are complete wrecks by the time they are in their 40s.

So you seem to be imparting some sort of negative to response, when in reality what Michelle is saying is that she realized she simply couldn't have everything she wanted, and also have the children she wanted.

She understood that she had to make a trade off somewhere. And she did. She gave up on some of her dreams, to have a decent family.

That actually speaks well of her. I wish all women that got that concept.

Honestly, I was way more amused by her blaming black people.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

Wow. This is like Hillary blaming women. I love it.

Amazing how quickly left-wingers blame everyone but themselves for their failures.

Never once even crossed their minds, that maybe not every black person wanted endless socialism. Maybe not everyone wanted their race baiting talk. Maybe stirring up racial tension after decades of decline, wasn't the best winning combination.

Nope nope nope... like all psychotic left-wingers.... it was their fault... those people who supported me, it's all their fault!

*rolls eyes*

So predictable.

Don't know why you're trying to whitewash it. Read carefully, she says nothing about the trade off being " worth it" only that she was held back by parenthood. Disgusting actually.


So you are suggesting that she regrets the concession? Or that she didn't believe it was worth it?

Because the reality is, women who don't believe the concession is worth it..... don't make the concession.

Unless she says she regrets it somewhere, I'm going to give people that I don't know personally, the benefit of the doubt. I think she was merely stating that she came to the realization that she simply couldn't have the Disney version of life, where she gets everything she wants in life.

If you have more evidence than this, I'll consider it. But based on what is written here, I don't see anything wrong with her statements on the fact she had to give up her dreams because she had children.

The use of the word "concession" by itself indicates that. Because it's not a "concession" at all.

It is a concession. Of course it is a concession.

If you have to give up something you want, for something else... that's a concession.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
Apparently Michelle didn’t understand what happens when you have children. How could she be so ignorant?

I'm pretty sure she understood what happens, but she doesn't appear to have understood the correct perspective from which to view it. Which is why I'm interested in her comment. Michelle Obama herself is largely irrelevant now that her husband is no longer President, and I for one am perfectly happy for her to continue being largely irrelevant forever.

However, her comment highlights the disturbing mindset of the feminist movement and of our culture, which has been poisoned by the feminist movement. We have gone from "Women should be able to have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Women MUST have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Motherhood isn't a dream at all. It's a parasite which sucks all your dreams away, and OCCASIONALLY, with very bad grace, you might consent to tolerate it".

In this, I think I am more typical of women than Mrs. Obama is. When I was young and dreamed of what I wanted to do with my life, having a family to love was one of those dreams. In every adult life, there come occasions when you must choose to pursue Dream A, and to abandon Dream B in order to pursue Dream A, because you can only do one of them. I decided that I wanted to pursue the dream of a family more than I wanted to pursue the other things I could have. Pure and simple. And I believe that is the case for most women who are married and/or have children.

Which makes it very troubling that so many women, those who have families and those who don't, have been convinced to see marriage and motherhood not as a valid dream to pursue, but as a sacrifice of dreams.
I don’t believe a word she says. She’s nothing but a fraud like her husband.

If she's trying to tell me how the world is and should be, then I don't believe her either.

But when she's trying to tell me what her opinion and viewpoint is, I tend to believe that genuinely is her viewpoint, however misguided it might be. I especially believe she's being honest about her viewpoint when it comes in the form of a revealing choice of words.


a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded.
"the strikers returned to work having won some concessions"
compromise · adjustment · modification · allowance · exception · point conceded · point lost · forfeit · something surrendered · sop

  • the action of conceding, granting, or yielding something.
    "this strict rule was relaxed by concession"
    admission · acknowledgment · acceptance · recognition ·
  • (a concession to)
    a gesture, especially a token one, made in recognition of a demand or prevailing standard.
    "her only concession to fashion was her ornate silver ring"
Can anyone really make excuses for how this is an acceptable way to view motherhood? There's a reason why the loser in an election gives a "concession speech": Because he came out on the short end of things. He LOST.

Oh come on..... people.....

Cecilie1200 99.9% you and I are on the same side of nearly every argument fighting against the utter stupidity of the left-wing.

But really? When Ford in the mid-2000 came to the Unions, saying the company was going to implode, unless the Unions accepted some employment changes....

The Unions were not "losers" in that. In fact, they were winners. It is exactly because they made those "concessions" that allowed the company to not only rebound in the mid-2000s, but also is exactly why Ford never needed a bailout, and never went bankrupt during the recession.

Not only were all those union employees not losers for making concessions, they were winners. They were able to keep their jobs, while Chrysler and GM were imploding in on themselves, and those Unions that refused to make concessions, lost their jobs.

In fact even your own definition that posted....

"her only concession to fashion was her ornate silver ring"

That did not make her a loser.

Yes, in the specific example of a concession speech during an election... yes that means you lost.

You guys are going way off the rails on this. I'm all for giving Michelle all the knocks she rightfully has earned....

But many women have grand dreams about what they want to do with their lives, and when they have kids, they find out it is impossible to do both.

They end up... making concessions.

Honestly, you are reading too much into that.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.
What if it was followed by the revelation that the most powerful and important thing you can do is become a parent? Or about how it taught her what was really important about life rather than career? Just some easy examples.

Did she say those things? I doubt it but are either of us actually going to find out? I know I could not sit through the love fest that any documentary is when the subject is one of the creators let alone when that documentary is on one of the Obamas.

The point is, context even with these statements is important.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.
I liked Mrs Obama. She was a class act. All this partisan hatred is for dimwits and lesser thinkers. I like Mrs trump too. She's a class act as well. As far as both of their husbands as presidents, I would give them both C- as a grade.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

I felt the same way as you when I read the article a few days ago. I thought about the daughters' reactions and was so surprised Michelle would not have. But then, trusting a liberal minority to have similar belief systems to my own is a mistake I rarely make. Apples and oranges.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

I'm going to bet she could care less what your view point is of her. I guess when you're illiterate you get offended by words you dont know the meaning of. You do realize a concession is something given in response to an ask or demands right? Nowhere did she say it ruined her life.
I liked Mrs Obama. She was a class act. All this partisan hatred is for dimwits and lesser thinkers. I like Mrs trump too. She's a class act as well. As far as both of their husbands as presidents, I would give them both C- as a grade.
She was fine until making the comment about finally being proud of the nation. That was a rather disgusting comment.

Fortunately for her, Trump makes every comment before him look like gold.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
Apparently Michelle didn’t understand what happens when you have children. How could she be so ignorant?
what really stands out in my mind is the fact that she did not see her husband's success as her own. That speaks to an extremely deep and remorseless form of narcissism for which I can imagine no cure.
Obama's success is not her own. Shes not her husband. I love independent women.
Seriously, what the hell is she talking about? "Concession" implies that she made a sacrifice as a favor to someone else. Who? Her husband? The world, in order to add so much to everyone's existence?

Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet. I never thought of it as 'conceding" anything, though. Becoming a parent was a life choice I made, and like all choices in life, it closed some doors and opened others and defined which path I was taking through my future. Again, ALL life choices do that, not just having children.
Apparently Michelle didn’t understand what happens when you have children. How could she be so ignorant?

I'm pretty sure she understood what happens, but she doesn't appear to have understood the correct perspective from which to view it. Which is why I'm interested in her comment. Michelle Obama herself is largely irrelevant now that her husband is no longer President, and I for one am perfectly happy for her to continue being largely irrelevant forever.

However, her comment highlights the disturbing mindset of the feminist movement and of our culture, which has been poisoned by the feminist movement. We have gone from "Women should be able to have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Women MUST have other dreams besides being a wife and mother" to "Motherhood isn't a dream at all. It's a parasite which sucks all your dreams away, and OCCASIONALLY, with very bad grace, you might consent to tolerate it".

In this, I think I am more typical of women than Mrs. Obama is. When I was young and dreamed of what I wanted to do with my life, having a family to love was one of those dreams. In every adult life, there come occasions when you must choose to pursue Dream A, and to abandon Dream B in order to pursue Dream A, because you can only do one of them. I decided that I wanted to pursue the dream of a family more than I wanted to pursue the other things I could have. Pure and simple. And I believe that is the case for most women who are married and/or have children.

Which makes it very troubling that so many women, those who have families and those who don't, have been convinced to see marriage and motherhood not as a valid dream to pursue, but as a sacrifice of dreams.
I don’t believe a word she says. She’s nothing but a fraud like her husband.

If she's trying to tell me how the world is and should be, then I don't believe her either.

But when she's trying to tell me what her opinion and viewpoint is, I tend to believe that genuinely is her viewpoint, however misguided it might be. I especially believe she's being honest about her viewpoint when it comes in the form of a revealing choice of words.


a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded.
"the strikers returned to work having won some concessions"
compromise · adjustment · modification · allowance · exception · point conceded · point lost · forfeit · something surrendered · sop

  • the action of conceding, granting, or yielding something.
    "this strict rule was relaxed by concession"
    admission · acknowledgment · acceptance · recognition ·
  • (a concession to)
    a gesture, especially a token one, made in recognition of a demand or prevailing standard.
    "her only concession to fashion was her ornate silver ring"
Can anyone really make excuses for how this is an acceptable way to view motherhood? There's a reason why the loser in an election gives a "concession speech": Because he came out on the short end of things. He LOST.
Whats acceptable to you is none of her concern. As long as she feels its acceptable that all that matters. I'm pretty sure the girls have known about this for a long time. Its good for kids to know what you gave up so they can understand the responsibility that comes with having children.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???

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