Michelle Obama "my kids ruined my life "

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

Wow- so you just lied about what Michelle Obama said.

The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” the first lady explained. “Something had to give and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

“I made that concession not because he said ‘you have to quit your job,’ but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back,’” she added.

Not exactly the first professional woman who had to put aside her own professional aspirations in order to support her kids and husband. And if you want to know how her daughters feel about her- you can read about how they gush all over her.

Thank you. I didn't watch the propaganda lies video the OP put up.

I watched Michelles Netflix show the other night. I remember her saying what you posted. I thought at the time that she went through the same thing I went through when my daughter was born. I did what she did. I quit working to raise my child.

Funny, the far right radical extremists have been screaming for decades that is what women should do. Give up their lives to raise their kids. Michelle did it. I did it. Like Michelle I changed my career when I went back to work.

Not once did Michelle say what the OP is claiming she said.

Wow.... She says she was prevented from following her dreams.....by what was she prevented O illiterate one?

I didn't find it a bad article , and defiantly not your reaction to the article. Jo are you being too hard on her? I think so.
I think resentment for your kids is easy to do. I'm sure those girls will return the favor. She has made her bed, now sleep in that bitch.

What I find abhorrent is she claims that blacks not voting in 2016 is a slap in the face. She assumes that blacks should only vote Democrat. This is a very clear racist attitude. And for that I can only say this, using identity politics all your life and complaining about how it turns out for you is like a gunfighter bitching about always having to have eyes in the back of their heads. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.
She chose to base her husband's campaign off of his skin color, so why bitch when blacks refuse to vote for an angry white racist who hates everyone?
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

Agreed. Absolutely. Completely out of touch.

They sold their people the Socialist Snake oil, and then act shocked that their people didn't buy it.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
After Obama tricked everyone into voting for him....he made sure that he went from being middle-class to a multi-millionaire in a few short years.
That's pretty crooked.

Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
After Obama tricked everyone into voting for him....he made sure that he went from being middle-class to a multi-millionaire in a few short years.
That's pretty crooked.

View attachment 335675

Well that is generally true of all politicians.

Yeah, and I agree with Truman on that. This is exactly why the founders did not want career politicians. And we should have hard term limits. You get two terms in congress, or the senate, then you are done.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
In everything he did. Bailing big corporations, tax cuts for the rich, multiple wars to enrich the MIC. Huge HC plan that enriched the rich. Shut down Occupy Wall Street. Did nothing for the people of Flint drinking polluted water. It goes on and on but a dishonest media refused to tell the people.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
After Obama tricked everyone into voting for him....he made sure that he went from being middle-class to a multi-millionaire in a few short years.
That's pretty crooked.

View attachment 335675

Well that is generally true of all politicians.

Yeah, and I agree with Truman on that. This is exactly why the founders did not want career politicians. And we should have hard term limits. You get two terms in congress, or the senate, then you are done.
Yeah.....keep telling yourself that BS.
As the trend of not having kids grows many of you will believe this is bad for the nation.
Kinda irrelevant, since adopting children is essentially the same life choice, with the same trade-offs for the future.

Well, yes, if one is seeing parenthood as sacrificing your life and your dreams as a "concession" to someone else, then one is doing parenting all wrong. Decent, sane people see it as trading one dream for another because you want the other dream (parenthood) more.
Why did Barack punish her with a baby?
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
After Obama tricked everyone into voting for him....he made sure that he went from being middle-class to a multi-millionaire in a few short years.
That's pretty crooked.

View attachment 335675
Sad truth :frown:
Kinda irrelevant, since adopting children is essentially the same life choice, with the same trade-offs for the future.

Well, yes, if one is seeing parenthood as sacrificing your life and your dreams as a "concession" to someone else, then one is doing parenting all wrong. Decent, sane people see it as trading one dream for another because you want the other dream (parenthood) more.
Why did Barack punish her with a baby?

Last time I checked, it took TWO people to have sex, so unless she's claiming someone raped her, she chose voluntarily to have those kids all the way down the line. Which means if she sees them as "a concession" and the "end of her dreams", she was doing motherhood wrong all the way through.
Thanks for Michelle Obama's record of "accomplishments". All of them seem like appointed executive
positions in "community affairs" or well connected board positions or Chicago public sector jobs.
When Obama said "you didn't accomplish that" he must have been thinking about Michelle.
Aside from a brief cream puff legal position with a notorious leftist legal firm her "accomplishments"
have all been handed to her on a silver platter, just like Netflix.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
In everything he did. Bailing big corporations, tax cuts for the rich, multiple wars to enrich the MIC. Huge HC plan that enriched the rich. Shut down Occupy Wall Street. Did nothing for the people of Flint drinking polluted water. It goes on and on but a dishonest media refused to tell the people.

Um... no.

First, OWS was a bunch of stupid people, complaining they engaged in stupid, and then thought the way to protest their own stupidity, was to take over a public park, and make it into an indecent display of poop and filth.

There was not one single valid claim or position by OWS, and even if they did have a valid claim, acting like a bunch of sub-human neanderthals in a public park, is not how you deal with it. If you don't like owing money..... DO NOT BORROW THE MONEY.

Second, It's not Obama's job to fix every smelly public toilet, or every trash dump, or every road, or every water utility in the country.

I am so sick and tired of this new modern "american" todderism, where every supposedly adult human being, sits on their hands, screaming that mommy government, needs to bring her tits over, so they can suck everything you need to fix their lives out of her.

FIx your own freakin water! Your town, your city, your local government, and your tax dollars. FIX YOUR OWN WATER. Stop being a 5-year-old with a temper tantrum when you supposed to be an adult. FIX YOUR OWN PROBLEMS. You would think every adult American, needs a government assigned wet-nurse, with how you people are acting. GROW UP.

Third, yes Obama made a terrible health care plan, that was more socialized and government control than ever before, and like all socialized systems it sucks.

However, complaining the rich got rich off it? Really? Let me ask you, would you supply health care if you lost money doing so? Hint: No, you would not.

There is only one way people are going to supply health care products and services.... that's if they can get rich doing it. If your complaint is "people got rich off it", then you have no complaint, because you yourself would not be providing care for free, and losing money. So why would you expect anyone else to?

Same thing with wars. I would agree we should either have completely invaded Syria, or completely stayed out of Syria. But if your complaint is that it enriched the "military industrial complex"... grow up. People don't build weapons without profit, and the government would be buying those weapons, whether we went to war or not.

Believe it or not, but things need repaired, and need replaced, even if you don't use them. Even missiles have a shelf life.

Fifth, tax cuts for the rich? I'm not sure what you are referring to, but if you mean extending the Bush tax cuts.... that's not the same thing as tax cut. Basically he didn't raise taxes.

And by the way, I myself got a tax cut from the Bush tax cuts. I guess me and my massive $20K income at the time, means I'm part of the rich. I suppose in your world, raising taxes on me, would have.... what? Helped the economy? Learn some economics?


Obama was a terrible president, with very bad policies. But this idea that he was "for the wealthy" or something.... yeah.... Um... no.
Those statements are utterly meaningless without the context that they were presented in.

Considering there is less than a mynute chance that anyone nay saying the out of context quotes are actually going to watch Obama talk about herself over an hour (including me) the thread is rather pointless...

I disagree. I don't think there is a context in which you can use the word "concession" and the phrase "cost me dreams" about being a mother and have it be a positive thing.

How is that negative?

She gave up on some of her dreams, to be a parent to her children. That seems to be a positive by it's very nature.

Let's be honest here. Other women in her position, could have hired a nanny to take care of her kids for her. Between 2000 and 2004, the Obama's made an average of $2.4 Million dollars per year. When Obama left office, his net worth was over $40 Million.

Michelle could have said "Man I'm keeping my dreams. I'll hire a nanny, and achieve my goals in life"... and honestly she could have done it.

Instead she decided that kids were more important, and made concessions on what her dreams could have been.

I do not see this as a negative. I just don't.

Explain to me, best you can, why you think this is a negative?
This is an interesting comment by her....

“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady continued.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she added. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

This could mean she is completely out of touch. The people didn’t come out to vote because O failed them and they knew Hillary would too. So, we got Trump because of it.

"Our folks didn't show up". Hmmm. that shows me she thinks of ONLY BLACKS as being her and Barack's kind of people and shows significant and very telling racial prejudice against Non-Blacks, She thinks of the country in terms of SEPARATE Identities. That is absoluty disgusting. Can you imagine a White politician saying that???
I don’t believe that is what she meant. I think she was referring to Democrat voters in total.

You’d think after O lost the Congress in 2010, he would have paid attention to the people. He never did. He continued to focus his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans.

Can you, just for the sake of argument.... give me an example of how after 2010, that Obama focused his attention on the needs of the wealthiest Americans?
In everything he did. Bailing big corporations, tax cuts for the rich, multiple wars to enrich the MIC. Huge HC plan that enriched the rich. Shut down Occupy Wall Street. Did nothing for the people of Flint drinking polluted water. It goes on and on but a dishonest media refused to tell the people.

Um... no.

First, OWS was a bunch of stupid people, complaining they engaged in stupid, and then thought the way to protest their own stupidity, was to take over a public park, and make it into an indecent display of poop and filth.

There was not one single valid claim or position by OWS, and even if they did have a valid claim, acting like a bunch of sub-human neanderthals in a public park, is not how you deal with it. If you don't like owing money..... DO NOT BORROW THE MONEY.

Second, It's not Obama's job to fix every smelly public toilet, or every trash dump, or every road, or every water utility in the country.

I am so sick and tired of this new modern "american" todderism, where every supposedly adult human being, sits on their hands, screaming that mommy government, needs to bring her tits over, so they can suck everything you need to fix their lives out of her.

FIx your own freakin water! Your town, your city, your local government, and your tax dollars. FIX YOUR OWN WATER. Stop being a 5-year-old with a temper tantrum when you supposed to be an adult. FIX YOUR OWN PROBLEMS. You would think every adult American, needs a government assigned wet-nurse, with how you people are acting. GROW UP.

Third, yes Obama made a terrible health care plan, that was more socialized and government control than ever before, and like all socialized systems it sucks.

However, complaining the rich got rich off it? Really? Let me ask you, would you supply health care if you lost money doing so? Hint: No, you would not.

There is only one way people are going to supply health care products and services.... that's if they can get rich doing it. If your complaint is "people got rich off it", then you have no complaint, because you yourself would not be providing care for free, and losing money. So why would you expect anyone else to?

Same thing with wars. I would agree we should either have completely invaded Syria, or completely stayed out of Syria. But if your complaint is that it enriched the "military industrial complex"... grow up. People don't build weapons without profit, and the government would be buying those weapons, whether we went to war or not.

Believe it or not, but things need repaired, and need replaced, even if you don't use them. Even missiles have a shelf life.

Fifth, tax cuts for the rich? I'm not sure what you are referring to, but if you mean extending the Bush tax cuts.... that's not the same thing as tax cut. Basically he didn't raise taxes.

And by the way, I myself got a tax cut from the Bush tax cuts. I guess me and my massive $20K income at the time, means I'm part of the rich. I suppose in your world, raising taxes on me, would have.... what? Helped the economy? Learn some economics?


Obama was a terrible president, with very bad policies. But this idea that he was "for the wealthy" or something.... yeah.... Um... no.
That’s hilarious. O was a terrible fraud and terribly corrupt. He was all about enriching his wealthy donors. That is what Obamacare was all about. He saw oversaw five million Americans lose their homes, but he made the banks bigger and more powerful. He made W’s tax cuts for the rich permanent. He gave huge sums to the MIC.
Thanks for Michelle Obama's record of "accomplishments". All of them seem like appointed executive
positions in "community affairs" or well connected board positions or Chicago public sector jobs.
When Obama said "you didn't accomplish that" he must have been thinking about Michelle.
Aside from a brief cream puff legal position with a notorious leftist legal firm her "accomplishments"
have all been handed to her on a silver platter, just like Netflix.

She reminds me a lot of Hillary Clinton: for both of them, their major accomplishment in life was hitching their wagons to the stars of the right men. Being a traditional sort of woman, I don't actually have a problem with that. But don't then try to tell me what a "feminist icon and role model" you are, or how strong and independent and accomplished you are.
Anyone who is really wealthy is all about the wealthy. First and foremost. There is not one exception, you dupes.
She reminds me a lot of Hillary Clinton: for both of them, their major accomplishment in life was hitching their wagons to the stars of the right men. Being a traditional sort of woman, I don't actually have a problem with that. But don't then try to tell me what a "feminist icon and role model" you are, or how strong and independent and accomplished you are.
It seems that for the most part M. Obama has parlayed her gender, race and leftist connections into a sort of
cottage industry career in public relations and service fields that led to marrying up and coming
secret Muslim and radical Barry Obama that led to the big pay off her current life of wealth, entitlement and bitching that she now enjoys.

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