Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China

the left seems to need politicians who acts like their mommies and daddy

the fawning over them is a little creepy
the left seems to need politicians who acts like their mommies and daddy

the fawning over them is a little creepy

When a majority of Americans come to accept that ALL politicians are hucksters and racketeers, unless proven otherwise, we will be a much better nation.

agreed, but it's getting worse over the worshipping of politicians when you see 10 threads on the fawning over a First lady who was lucky to get there off her husbands back
the left seems to need politicians who acts like their mommies and daddy

the fawning over them is a little creepy

When a majority of Americans come to accept that ALL politicians are hucksters and racketeers, unless proven otherwise, we will be a much better nation.

agreed, but it's getting worse over the worshipping of politicians when you see 10 threads on the fawning over a First lady who was lucky to get there off her husbands back

The worshiping of ANY politician is DUMB.

Sadly many Americans fall for the government/media complex propaganda. Not sure it is any worse now, but to worship BO and his wife after all the harm they have committed, is doubly DUMB!
Boy, you guys really hate Michelle Obama. The US Taxpayers have paid for the exploits of every first family at least during our lifetimes....why is it that Michelle should be treated differently?
She can if she wants to if her policies are as liberal as her husbands I won't be supporting her. I wonder how long it will take before someone accuses me of being racist for this stance?

Racist and sexist! I know better, but I thought I would beat the bedwetters to it. And, you can bet her policies are easily as liberal as her husbands.
Boy, you guys really hate Michelle Obama. The US Taxpayers have paid for the exploits of every first family at least during our lifetimes....why is it that Michelle should be treated differently?

No hatred here, just contempt for her because, to the best of my memory, she is the first FLOTUS to ban any American reporters on her trip. They pay their own way and she could have at the very least allowed a pool reporter along.

What is she hiding from the public?
Boy, you guys really hate Michelle Obama. The US Taxpayers have paid for the exploits of every first family at least during our lifetimes....why is it that Michelle should be treated differently?

No hatred here, just contempt for her because, to the best of my memory, she is the first FLOTUS to ban any American reporters on her trip. They pay their own way and she could have at the very least allowed a pool reporter along.

What is she hiding from the public?

The entire administration has been as secretive as humanly possible. Odd for the president that claimed he was going to run the most ‘open and honest’ administration. I would not think that she would be any different than the rest of the admin.

These people don’t like press that they cannot control. If there are no reporters then they can control the message. Sick that so many simply accept this.
I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

POTUS.., NO !! but a very good actress like her should be leading lady for the new upcoming movie about Aunt Jemima :lmao:
She can if she wants to if her policies are as liberal as her husbands I won't be supporting her. I wonder how long it will take before someone accuses me of being racist for this stance?

Why would you be called "racist" for that?

you being a liarberal should know that, that is the first word out of the mouth by most liberfools here, i will not mention names, but one female poster here knows nothing but "RACIST"

i wonder if when she gets home from collecting all her welfare bennies she will chime in with her FREE Obamaputer :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao:
Boy, you guys really hate Michelle Obama. The US Taxpayers have paid for the exploits of every first family at least during our lifetimes....why is it that Michelle should be treated differently?

"They all do it." Standard lib BS to excuse every outrage.
I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

She was praised by some flunky somewhere. What a joke. And you're paying for her China vacation. With mom and the kids.
I have no doubt she will be urged to run so Obama can serve a third term. Perhaps he will be her Veep.

She was praised by CBS.
Sad that some who consider themselves patriots cannot take pride in the positive impact our brilliant and beautiful 1st lady continues to make abroad..especially in nations critical to our economic well being...

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:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ............ :up:
U r truly disgusting...and definitely not supportive of the representatives of ur country when they go abroad...
fortunately, u and ur ilk r NOT in the majority

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Boy, you guys really hate Michelle Obama. The US Taxpayers have paid for the exploits of every first family at least during our lifetimes....why is it that Michelle should be treated differently?

No hatred here, just contempt for her because, to the best of my memory, she is the first FLOTUS to ban any American reporters on her trip. They pay their own way and she could have at the very least allowed a pool reporter along.

What is she hiding from the public?

hummmm ! a coalition between the libertraitors and the CHICOMS ?? :up:

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