Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China

I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

I believe she wont.

many black people will never run because of how badly racists right wing people in this country are
Sad that some who consider themselves patriots cannot take pride in the positive impact our brilliant and beautiful 1st lady continues to make abroad..especially in nations critical to our economic well being...

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If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.
I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

She was praised by some flunky somewhere. What a joke. And you're paying for her China vacation. With mom and the kids.
I have no doubt she will be urged to run so Obama can serve a third term. Perhaps he will be her Veep.

She was praised by CBS.

Yeah, CBS, some flunky somewhere...
Probably because more than a few times people have claimed those who oppose Obama's policies are because of racism so it's safe to say the same accusations would be made for opposing Michelle.

Awwwwww. You poor, poor guy! Do you think you can recover?

Do you think you can ever post something other than childish and immature drivl?

won't happen, you can write that one off
typical left/liberal...children minds in adult bodies
not pretty
Boy, you guys really hate Michelle Obama. The US Taxpayers have paid for the exploits of every first family at least during our lifetimes....why is it that Michelle should be treated differently?
$17 Trillion in the hole

her and her husband give shit to 'other' rich people for spending

$12k for a dress that she will wear once

oh, and

$17 Trillion in DEBT
Sad that some who consider themselves patriots cannot take pride in the positive impact our brilliant and beautiful 1st lady continues to make abroad..especially in nations critical to our economic well being...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.


"The first lady is going to be criticized no matter what she does." - Barbara Bush
Sad that some who consider themselves patriots cannot take pride in the positive impact our brilliant and beautiful 1st lady continues to make abroad..especially in nations critical to our economic well being...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.

One, I'm not sure other First Ladies have traveled quite as much as our current First Lady. I may be wrong, I just don't remember quite so much travel from past wives.

Second, in a time when most Americans struggle to pay their bills or find work, it just doesn't look good when the First Family, any First Family, embarks on seemingly extravagant vacations. Certainly extravagant to the average citizen.

It doesn't look good, and we all know appearances can be everything...

I think it has less to do with the color of her skin and everything to do with appearances...

No other first lady has embarrassed the country like this trash has.

There is really no need to call her "trash."
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If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.


"The first lady is going to be criticized no matter what she does." - Barbara Bush

can you go get people complaining about Mrs Bush traveling?
Sad that some who consider themselves patriots cannot take pride in the positive impact our brilliant and beautiful 1st lady continues to make abroad..especially in nations critical to our economic well being...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.

When did the irrefutable fact that we are in a recession with $17 Trillion in debt, become racist you complete and utter fucking idiot?
If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.

One, I'm not sure other First Ladies have traveled quite as much as our current First Lady. I may be wrong, I just don't remember quite so much travel form past wives.

Second, in a time when most Americans struggle to pay their bills or find work, it just doesn't look good when the First Family, any First Family, ebarks on seemingly extravagant vacations. Certainly extravagant to the average citizen.

It doesn't look good, and we all know appearances can be everything...

I think it has less to do with the color of her skin and everything to do with appearances...

No other first lady has embarrassed the country like this trash has.

There is really no need to call her "trash."

The only other First Lady that I remember being scrutinised like this is Hillary Clinton. Guess the others knew their place.
No other first lady has embarrassed the country like this trash has.

There is really no need to call her "trash."

Normally I would agree but I cant get behind a first lady who knowingly states this:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYY73RO_egw]Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube[/ame]

and I don't think that this was a misstatement or taken out of context. It is disappointing to see someone that fells like that in such an influential position.
If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.

When did the irrefutable fact that we are in a recession with $17 Trillion in debt, become racist you complete and utter fucking idiot?

Yup. These lefty Obamabots seem to forget that the country is in tough economic times.

A fact the FL has ignored. She has no problem jetting off, at taxpayer expense, to another vacation. Yep. She's a winner who's in tune with all the folks here in America who are having trouble paying the bills or finding a job.

She's so in tune that the millions her vacation has cost doesn't even register.

She's one loser plus in my book.
The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.

One, I'm not sure other First Ladies have traveled quite as much as our current First Lady. I may be wrong, I just don't remember quite so much travel form past wives.

Second, in a time when most Americans struggle to pay their bills or find work, it just doesn't look good when the First Family, any First Family, ebarks on seemingly extravagant vacations. Certainly extravagant to the average citizen.

It doesn't look good, and we all know appearances can be everything...

I think it has less to do with the color of her skin and everything to do with appearances...

No other first lady has embarrassed the country like this trash has.

There is really no need to call her "trash."

The only other First Lady that I remember being scrutinised like this is Hillary Clinton. Guess the others knew their place.

With Hillary, I think her more active roll as First Lady led to the scrutiny. We always had the impression that there were two Presidents while Bill was in office. At least I did.

Most Americans, I think, look for the first lady to take a more passive, nurturing role. I can't say I agree with that outlook, but I think it's what they've come to expect. I get the impression that most First Ladies are reluctant participants in the whole game and are quite happy to let their husbands take the heat while they stick to things more benign.

I recall Nancy Reagan catching flak for the whole "Just Say No" campaign. It was not nearly as severe as we see today and it eventually died down, but there were people...
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U r truly disgusting...and definitely not supportive of the representatives of ur country when they go abroad...
fortunately, u and ur ilk r NOT in the majority

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are us talking to yourself? and how old are you? you write in text/email lingo on a message board
I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

Hmm, an American news source says she's a hit, but that's not what a European news source says...

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' – and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff'

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