Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China

I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

She was praised by some flunky somewhere. What a joke. And you're paying for her China vacation. With mom and the kids.
I have no doubt she will be urged to run so Obama can serve a third term. Perhaps he will be her Veep.

You can cry louder than that
Once she return from her stylish trip from China, she can finally announce long awaited merger of Hollywood and the White House. She can use her toned arms and husbands pen.
Hmm, an American news source says she's a hit, but that's not what a European news source says...

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' – and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff'

Color me shocked.

Sounds like the Chinese who were serving her and her entourge are more than glad to see the backside of that huge ass.

I'm sure my taxdollar was well spent on that $8,350 per night room.

I hope the fixtures were pure gold for that price. WOW talk about a bargain.

the hotel better check their suitcases when they check out, some of those gold fixtures might be missing.

You're an idiot.
If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

The hypocrisy is that other (white) First Ladies were never criticized for traveling.

Maybe you just didn't read the papers then?

Could you give an example?
BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

I'm sure she was, she's used to being around Marxists. It's being around people who are allowed to disagree with her she can't handle.
BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

I'm sure she was, she's used to being around Marxists. It's being around people who are allowed to disagree with her she can't handle.

Oh come on, the Chinese are more open to free markets that Kenyan Marxist socialist and his consort. (-:
I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

She was praised by some flunky somewhere. What a joke. And you're paying for her China vacation. With mom and the kids.
I have no doubt she will be urged to run so Obama can serve a third term. Perhaps he will be her Veep.

Let us hope you are correct.
There are no reporters allowed with her on her trip.

therefore, this is bullshit

not that you would recall that info, since that would require thought, and libs never ever do that.

Since when do you care about reporters you dip shit hypocrite.
Sad that some who consider themselves patriots cannot take pride in the positive impact our brilliant and beautiful 1st lady continues to make abroad..especially in nations critical to our economic well being...

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Remind of what positive impact has been made by the most narcissistic first lady in history, spending millions of taxpayer dollars on yet another trip for her, her kids and now her mom.

Read the articles you dimwit, you'll see it.
Sad that some who consider themselves patriots cannot take pride in the positive impact our brilliant and beautiful 1st lady continues to make abroad..especially in nations critical to our economic well being...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

If Mrs. BO were an R, you would be buying the media condemnation of her for her lavish spending of tax payer dollars...and her lavish trips.

But since she is a D and there is no media condemnation, its all good.

The hypocrisy is truly amazing.

And if Michelle were a Republican you'd be coming all over yourself with pride. See how that works a-hole?
:lol: Angry little lefty whelp is just running around in circles getting himself all worked up!

I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Why does this world need a another racist POTUS?


Michelle is not a racist... but you are it seems, and a hater.
I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Why does this world need a another racist POTUS?


Michelle is not a racist... but you are it seems, and a hater.

Actually no, I'm the hater punk. I'd throw a keg party if that bitch returned home in a body bag. It would be a celebration bitches.
I'm wondering out loud if Michelle would someday consider running for POTUS. Just food for thought boys and girls.

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

BEIJING -- U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

Food for thought? Beware of the potential heartburn and/or choking and gagging.

She is not too willing to be approached by the press, is she now?

Good for her... good to see that it just makes you foam at the mouth though. :eusa_clap:
Actually no, I'm the hater punk. I'd throw a keg party if that bitch returned home in a body bag. It would be a celebration bitches.

Control yourself, R.eally C.an't be a Christian. You and your hypocrisy are not impressing anyone. Take the damn pills and go to sleep.
Great, no experience in ANYTHING but spending money and looking STYLISH they now want Michelle Obama to run for President

dear gawd this country is hopless

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