Michelle Obama says that they had a scandal free presidency

Obama was a piss poor President who set race relations back 60 years. I still don't believe anything he says.
Obama started out with a scandals.
He went to Rev. White's racist church for 20 years.
He volunteered to work for the racist hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
He associated with the far-left Weather Underground extremist William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
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Michelle Obama: 'No accident' Obama White House was 'scandal-free'
In an episode of her show, "The Light Podcast," former first lady Michelle Obama reflects on her family's conduct during her husband's presidency, saying they were mindful of how their actions while in the White House would reflect upon Black Americans

This is another great example of how the Left Wingers are delusional.
Obama got away with more scandals than any other president because he is given Democrat Privilege by the Press and Hollywood.
#1 Obama Scandal: Obama illegally spied on President Trump's campaign and his FBI and DOJ attempted to frame Trump with their Crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory.

View attachment 765652
I'll take Fast-n-Furious for a thousand Alex.....

Who was indicted or charged from the Obama Administration for the Az. ATF rouge agents actions. Shouldn't you blame the Head of the ATF instead of the AG? Oh that's right the GOP was continually blocking Obama's pick to head the ATF.
There is a difference between mindless, fruitless investigations by the Republicans and scandals by Obama. In fact, the investigations found no scandals. Let's see perhaps a slightly statisticallly higher rate of IRS audits of a group whose big thing was not paying taxes, but nuthin else. Why do you guys think Obama had scandals?

Because we weren't 10 years old when Obama was president, and most of us have a pretty good memory.

The Complete Collection: Obama’s Scandals, Gaffes, and Power-Grabs [UPDATED!]

Lists of Obama scandals

Category:Obama administration controversies - Wikipedia

18 Obama scandals

These Were the Biggest Controversies of Barack Obama's Presidency

Barack Obama - Spring scandals and summer challenges


Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free Administration’ Is a Myth
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Something else you guys know that you just can't quite prove?

can't prove? It is just a matter of adding up all of the proven scandals! Obumma was even censured by the Supreme Court something like a dozen times for trying to or exceeding his authority as a president trying to be dictator.

The Obumma's were the Wild Wild West of Washington until the Bidens came along, more like Mogadishu. That is why they tried for four years (and longer) to trump up crimes for the Donald to try to cover and distract for themselves.
I'll take Fast-n-Furious for a thousand Alex.....

Who was indicted or charged from the Obama Administration for the Az. ATF rouge agents actions. Shouldn't you blame the Head of the ATF instead of the AG? Oh that's right the GOP was continually blocking Obama's pick to head the ATF.
thanks, that's the point. hahahahahhaahahahhahaha
Obama started out with a scandals.
He went to Rev. White' racist church for 20 years.
He volunteered to work for the racist hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
He associated with the far-left Weather Underground extremist William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
Wasn't Barack about 8 or 9 when Bad Billy Ayers ran the militant group fighting against our military involvement in SE Asia?
thanks, that's the point. hahahahahhaahahahhahaha
The point is you guys blamed Obama and Holder for Brian Terry's death, along with some wacky CT theory that the guns would lead to Americans demanding more gun control. A phony scandal like all the rest. Made up by the GOP to sling mud only. It's their SOP.
Obama started out with a scandals.
He went to Rev. White's racist church for 20 years.
He volunteered to work for the racist hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
He associated with the far-left Weather Underground extremist William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
None of these are scandals. Perhaps questionable taste in associations. But not scandals.
Michelle Obama: 'No accident' Obama White House was 'scandal-free'
In an episode of her show, "The Light Podcast," former first lady Michelle Obama reflects on her family's conduct during her husband's presidency, saying they were mindful of how their actions while in the White House would reflect upon Black Americans

This is another great example of how the Left Wingers are delusional.
Obama got away with more scandals than any other president because he is given Democrat Privilege by the Press and Hollywood.
#1 Obama Scandal: Obama illegally spied on President Trump's campaign and his FBI and DOJ attempted to frame Trump with their Crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory.

View attachment 765652
I distinctly remember the time Obama's right hand man
{ Valerie Jarrett } showed up on MSNBC - Morning Joe -
She stated something universally Untrue.Joe Scarborough
attempted to correct her but she just inisisted on telling
a manifest untruth.And Important Untruth,defining more who
the real Valeria Jarret is and how committed to spreading
Falsehood.Jarrett also made a veiled threat before an important
election.Something about how Congress best pay attention because
if her vaunted party loses Congress there will be All Hell to Pay.
I'll try and find her quote.I'm having trouble due to it's getting harder
and harder to drudge up Facts,History and quotes.
I distinctly remember the time Obama's right hand man
{ Valerie Jarrett } showed up on MSNBC - Morning Joe -
She stated something universally Untrue.Joe Scarborough
attempted to correct her but she just inisisted on telling
a manifest untruth.And Important Untruth,defining more who
the real Valeria Jarret is and how committed to spreading
Falsehood.Jarrett also made a veiled threat before an important
election.Something about how Congress best pay attention because
if her vaunted party loses Congress there will be All Hell to Pay.
I'll try and find her quote.I'm having trouble due to it's getting harder
and harder to drudge up Facts,Histiory and quotes.
Thinking libs scrub the internet is a sign.
Thinking libs scrub the internet is a sign.
Could drudge up examples as like the TV commercial
of the 60's where a Native American Indian in headress
and gear is seen looking curbside and all the litter being
strewn about.Without a word the camera focuses on his
Face as he sheds a tear.
Not to be compared to the Oscars { used to be known as
- The Academy Awards - } as only 16 million tuned in.

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