Michelle Obama says that they had a scandal free presidency

Again, none of these are real scandals. They are conjured up Republican attempts at a hit piece.
Eight years. Zero indictments, Zero convictions. Scandal free. By all measures, a good president.
So then any notions of an Obama created Deep State are
pure fiction.Like the way Massa Obama blew off any notions
that Trump was spied-on.
Try again ... you flake.
Scandals dont have to be illegal. They can be morally wrong. Like your IRS targeting political opponents.
The real moral problem was the CU decision combined with the IRS rule that contravene the law regarding tax free anonymous donations to public service groups who were not suppose to delve into politics at all. According to the law no amount of politicking can be done, but the IRS rule says up to 50% of the groups activity can be political. After CU then application for these tax free haven PAC's skyrocketed. Lois Lerner's infraction was using political sounding names to choose a list of applications for verification, when she should have used a more randomized process. In her defense most government programs that require a verification process, spells out in detail the selection process that is required. After the CU decision the rules were not changed. So not only did she not break the law or the rules but there were no rules to break.
Which didn’t happen. Both liberal and conservative orgs were “targeted “ for scrutiny based on “triggers”
Yeah Righto Ringo.Like Lois Lerner's IRS.
I guess that explains why she quit the IRS and took
the 5th at trial { Not before she regurgitated a written
statement after being seated. }
Yeah Righto Ringo.Like Lois Lerner's IRS.
I guess that explains why she quit the IRS and took
the 5th at trial { Not before she regurgitated a written
statement after being seated. }
She was a beurocrat who was under attack by the entire right wing blogosphere.

She got the hell out.

Those folks can be dangerous
Could drudge up examples as like the TV commercial
of the 60's where a Native American Indian in headress
and gear is seen looking curbside and all the litter being
strewn about.Without a word the camera focuses on his
Face as he sheds a tear.
Not to be compared to the Oscars { used to be known as
- The Academy Awards - } as only 16 million tuned in.
Could drudge up examples as like the TV commercial
of the 60's where a Native American Indian in headress
and gear

"Could drudge up examples as like the TV commercial
of the 60's where an Italian clothed in Native American headdress and gear"
Now it both Figuratively AND Literally spot on.
That Morons are running our Government and Mainstream
Media.Nothing else quite explains this new Unamerican wrinkle.
According to you guys, those morons cheat during eletions, corruptly control all facets of the federal government and the media, and you guys are just not able to do anything about it. except attempt to overthrow the government on 1/6. Who are the morons?
Indictments are a commodity that can be controlled by a friendly Judiciary.
Is that what Chuckie Schumer and senators like Bernie
Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are consumed over.
A friendly Judiciary like our Supreme Court adding
like 2,3,or 5 more jurists.Plus giving D.C. statehood.
And here I thought that Russia shut down Pravda.
Again, none of these are real scandals. They are conjured up Republican attempts at a hit piece.
Eight years. Zero indictments, Zero convictions. Scandal free. By all measures, a good president.

Obama was nothing more than a self-absorbed piece of shit, a street thug, a "community organizer", and a racist. The only reason he got where he did was because of Affirmative Action programs.

Oh, and his white mother posed for porn pictures.

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