Michelle Obama to Elite Donors: Republicans Are Going After Your Food Stamps


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well baller for her..The Obama's have no shame in lying which is a shame for our country..and isn't nice she runs all over the country to beg for money for Democrats ON OUR DIME
links in article at site..

An average 46,609,072 people were on the program every month in 2012.
It’s something the Obama administration is very proud of.

Michelle Obama told a group of top Democratic donors last night that Republicans caused seniors to go hungry and now they’re after your food stamps!
Via the Shark Tank and TPM:

“Just last month for example we saw the failure of common sense legislation to protect our kids from gun violence, legislation by the way that 90 percent of the American people supported. We’re seeing a budget stalemate and a sequester resulting in children across the country being turned away from Head Start, and so many seniors losing their meals on wheels, and now there’s talk about cutting food stamps,” Obama said.

The First Lady described these cuts as “not what this country is about.”

all of it here
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback
From your own quote:

We’re seeing a budget stalemate and a sequester resulting in children across the country being turned away from Head Start, and so many seniors losing their meals on wheels, and now there’s talk about cutting food stamps,” Obama said

She clearly wasn't referencing the food stamps of any wealthy donors, what are you talking about with the "your food stamps" thing?
The President and his wife seem to think success is when we have as many people on government
assistance as possible.Wouldn't it be better that we have the least because people are able to provide for themselves.But that would contradict the whole Democrat philosophy.
well baller for her..The Obama's have no shame in lying which is a shame for our country..and isn't nice she runs all over the country to beg for money for Democrats ON OUR DIME
links in article at site..

An average 46,609,072 people were on the program every month in 2012.
It’s something the Obama administration is very proud of.

Michelle Obama told a group of top Democratic donors last night that Republicans caused seniors to go hungry and now they’re after your food stamps!
Via the Shark Tank and TPM:

“Just last month for example we saw the failure of common sense legislation to protect our kids from gun violence, legislation by the way that 90 percent of the American people supported. We’re seeing a budget stalemate and a sequester resulting in children across the country being turned away from Head Start, and so many seniors losing their meals on wheels, and now there’s talk about cutting food stamps,” Obama said.

The First Lady described these cuts as “not what this country is about.”

all of it here
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

She's right.

And, I see you STILL don't know what "baller"means.
The President and his wife seem to think success is when we have as many people on government
assistance as possible.Wouldn't it be better that we have the least because people are able to provide for themselves.But that would contradict the whole Democrat philosophy.

well, when Obama puts out a video called the wonderlife of Julia sucking off taxpayer from cradle to grave, that should give you a clue what they want..
well baller for her..The Obama's have no shame in lying which is a shame for our country..and isn't nice she runs all over the country to beg for money for Democrats ON OUR DIME
links in article at site..

An average 46,609,072 people were on the program every month in 2012.
It’s something the Obama administration is very proud of.

Michelle Obama told a group of top Democratic donors last night that Republicans caused seniors to go hungry and now they’re after your food stamps! Via the Shark Tank and TPM:

“Just last month for example we saw the failure of common sense legislation to protect our kids from gun violence, legislation by the way that 90 percent of the American people supported. We’re seeing a budget stalemate and a sequester resulting in children across the country being turned away from Head Start, and so many seniors losing their meals on wheels, and now there’s talk about cutting food stamps,” Obama said.

The First Lady described these cuts as “not what this country is about.”

all of it here
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

The GOP likes killing puppies too......

At least they don't eat them like Obama......


By William J. Bennett, CNN Contributor

updated 1:03 PM EDT, Wed May 9, 2012

Julia's happily-ever-after tale is remarkably void of reality, says William Bennett.

(CNN) -- Last week, President Obama's campaign launched a fictional storybook ad called, "The Life of Julia." The slide show narrative follows Julia, a cartoon character, from age 3 to age 67 and explains how Obama's policies, from Head Start to Obamacare to mandated contraception coverage to Medicare reform, would provide Julia with a better life than Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan could.

Julia is not your typical all-American girl, but an obviously independent, yuppie liberal woman. She goes to public school, graduates college, and becomes a Web designer. She is able to pursue her career because, at age 27, "her health insurance is required to cover birth control and preventive care, letting Julia focus on her work rather than worry about her health."

At age 31 she "decides to have a child," with no mention of a father or husband. Her son Zachary heads off to a Race to the Top funded public school, while Julia goes on to start her own Web business. She retires at age 67 with Social Security and Medicare supporting her financially and spends her later years volunteering in a community garden.

William Bennett
William Bennett

Julia's happily-ever-after tale is remarkably void of reality. Nowhere in her fictional life is it mentioned that Head Start has done little, if anything, to improve elementary education, that she will likely graduate with $25,000 in student loan debt, that she has a 50% chance of being unemployed or underemployed after college, that Medicare and Social Security are headed toward insolvency, and that her share of the national debt is $50,000 and growing.

For Republicans, Julia's story might seem like a joke too good to be true, but they should take it very seriously. Because buried within "The Life of Julia" is the ideological vision of modern liberalism -- to create a state that takes care of its people from cradle to grave. The story of Julia is a microcosm of Obama's vision for America and emblematic of his view of the government's role in an individual's life.

all of it here

Obama's 'Life of Julia' is the wrong vision for America - CNN.com
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well baller for her..The Obama's have no shame in lying which is a shame for our country..and isn't nice she runs all over the country to beg for money for Democrats ON OUR DIME
links in article at site..

An average 46,609,072 people were on the program every month in 2012.
It’s something the Obama administration is very proud of.

Michelle Obama told a group of top Democratic donors last night that Republicans caused seniors to go hungry and now they’re after your food stamps! Via the Shark Tank and TPM:

“Just last month for example we saw the failure of common sense legislation to protect our kids from gun violence, legislation by the way that 90 percent of the American people supported. We’re seeing a budget stalemate and a sequester resulting in children across the country being turned away from Head Start, and so many seniors losing their meals on wheels, and now there’s talk about cutting food stamps,” Obama said.

The First Lady described these cuts as “not what this country is about.”

all of it here
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

The GOP likes killing puppies too......

At least they don't eat them like Obama......


By all means, if we must cut expenses, make those cuts in funds used to feed the poor and hungry, while continuing to fund the military at a level that exceeds the next 13 nations in the world combined.... After all, we NEED those 227 military bases in Germany, in case the Nazi's start up again!
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By all means, if we must cut expenses, make those cuts in funds used to feed the poor and hungry, while continuing to fund the military at a level that exceeds the next 13 nations in the world combined.... After all, we NEED those 227 military bases in Germany, in case the Nazi's start up again!

touching using the poor and hungry, but NO ONE goes hungry in this country..there are food pantries, charties, etc etc..

don't know when you people are going to stop playing that gig..

our government's major duty is to protect us and this country...but it's always our defense you lefties want to cut..
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By all means, if we must cut expenses, make those cuts in funds used to feed the poor and hungry, while continuing to fund the military at a level that exceeds the next 13 nations in the world combined.... After all, we NEED those 227 military bases in Germany, in case the Nazi's start up again!

touching using the poor and hungry, but NO ONE goes hungry in this country..there are food pantries, charties, etc etc..

don't know when you people are going to stop playing that gig..

Which, of course, the Tea Party would change right away, if given the opportunity, as is so clearly indicated by the source of this OP.

Let's see, now. What are our prioriity? Feeding our citizens who are under the poverty level, or maintaining 662 military bases on foreign soil...? Hmmmm.......that's a hard one!

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This is absurd. Food stamps won't be an issue once we've got y'all back in chains. Then you'll eat what we give you when we give it to you and that's that.

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