Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.


Her bait makes them bite with ease.


Obama then went on to make a bizarre supremacist-style comment suggesting that black people were “better” than white people.

“We are just as and often times better than many of the people who doubt us,” she said.

The former First Lady’s comments are somewhat hypocritical given that the Obamas don’t appear to enjoy living around black people themselves.


In 2017, they purchased their DC home for $8.1 million. It is located in Kalorama, an exclusive and wealthy enclave where 83% of the population is white and just 3.8% are African-American.
Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.


Her bait makes them bite with ease.


Obama then went on to make a bizarre supremacist-style comment suggesting that black people were “better” than white people.

“We are just as and often times better than many of the people who doubt us,” she said.

The former First Lady’s comments are somewhat hypocritical given that the Obamas don’t appear to enjoy living around black people themselves.

View attachment 287088

In 2017, they purchased their DC home for $8.1 million. It is located in Kalorama, an exclusive and wealthy enclave where 83% of the population is white and just 3.8% are African-American.
Dark people are scary, be afraid.
he will live on in the minds of white supremacists for generations


All 20 of 'em....

If "white supremacists" are such a huge problem, why the need to HATE HOAX like Michael Robinson's butt buddy Jussie Smollett did?

What about whataboutism?

WHITE SUPREMACISTS AND other domestic extremists maintain an active presence in U.S. police departments and other law enforcement agencies. A striking reference to that conclusion, notable for its confidence and the policy prescriptions that accompany it, appears in a classified FBI Counterterrorism Policy Guide from April 2015, obtained by The Intercept. The guide, which details the process by which the FBI enters individuals on a terrorism watchlist, the Known or Suspected Terrorist File, notes that “domestic terrorism investigations focused on militia extremists, white supremacist extremists, and sovereign citizen extremists often have identified active links to law enforcement officers,” and explains in some detail how bureau policies have been crafted to take this infiltration into account.

Although these right-wing extremists have posed a growing threat for years, federal investigators have been reluctant to publicly address that threat or to point out the movement’s longstanding strategy of infiltrating the law enforcement community.

No centralized recruitment process or set of national standards exists for the 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States, many of which have deep historical connections to racist ideologies. As a result, state and local police as well as sheriff’s departments present ample opportunities for white supremacists and other right-wing extremists looking to expand their power base.

In a heavily redacted version of an October 2006 FBI internal intelligence assessment, the agency raised the alarm over white supremacist groups’ “historical” interest in “infiltrating law enforcement communities or recruiting law enforcement personnel.” The effort, the memo noted, “can lead to investigative breaches and can jeopardize the safety of law enforcement sources or personnel.” The memo also states that law enforcement had recently become aware of the term “ghost skins,” used among white supremacists to describe “those who avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.” In at least one case, the FBI learned of a skinhead group encouraging ghost skins to seek employment with law enforcement agencies in order to warn crews of any investigations.

That report appeared after a series of scandals involving local police and sheriff’s departments. In Los Angeles, for example, a U.S. District Court judge found in 1991 that members of a local sheriff’s department had formed a neo-Nazi gang and habitually terrorized black and Latino residents. In Chicago, Jon Burge, a police detective and rumored KKK member, was fired, and eventually prosecuted in 2008, over charges relating to the torture of at least 120 black men during his decadeslong career. Burge notoriously referred to an electric shock device he used during interrogations as the “****** box.” In Cleveland, officials found that a number of police officers had scrawled “racist or Nazi graffiti” throughout their department’s locker rooms. In Texas, two police officers were fired when it was discovered they were Klansmen. One of them said he had tried to boost the organization’s membership by giving an application to a fellow officer he thought shared his “white, Christian, heterosexual values.

Although the FBI has not publicly addressed the issue of white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement since that 2006 report, in a 2015 speech, FBI Director James Comey made an unprecedented acknowledgment of the role historically played by law enforcement in communities of color: “All of us in law enforcement must be honest enough to acknowledge that much of our history is not pretty.” Comey and the agency have been less forthcoming about that history’s continuation into the present.

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.


Her bait makes them bite with ease.


Obama then went on to make a bizarre supremacist-style comment suggesting that black people were “better” than white people.

“We are just as and often times better than many of the people who doubt us,” she said.

The former First Lady’s comments are somewhat hypocritical given that the Obamas don’t appear to enjoy living around black people themselves.

View attachment 287088

In 2017, they purchased their DC home for $8.1 million. It is located in Kalorama, an exclusive and wealthy enclave where 83% of the population is white and just 3.8% are African-American.
Dark people are scary, be afraid.
All you white people look the same.
I would not blame people wanting to get out of certain communities for certain reasons. Try living where I was raised, pine ridge Indian reservation... Truly a Third World country.
Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.


Her bait makes them bite with ease.


Obama then went on to make a bizarre supremacist-style comment suggesting that black people were “better” than white people.

“We are just as and often times better than many of the people who doubt us,” she said.

The former First Lady’s comments are somewhat hypocritical given that the Obamas don’t appear to enjoy living around black people themselves.

View attachment 287088

In 2017, they purchased their DC home for $8.1 million. It is located in Kalorama, an exclusive and wealthy enclave where 83% of the population is white and just 3.8% are African-American.
Dark people are scary, be afraid.
All you white people look the same.
I would not blame people wanting to get out of certain communities for certain reasons. Try living where I was raised, pine ridge Indian reservation... Truly a Third World country.
We've done the same to them to haven't we.

Why do Black Leftists, especially HOMOS, engage in HATE HOAXES like Jussie Smollett?

Notice the same type of "cut and paste unrelated bullshit" response we get here, just like Political Chic when asked

Why don't Jews believe in Jesus....

To the Black Left, "racism" is religion. If you question it, you won't get a rational response....

HATE HOAXES are needed because there isn't any "real racism" to race bait about....

Why do Black Leftists, especially HOMOS, engage in HATE HOAXES like Jussie Smollett?

Notice the same type of "cut and paste unrelated bullshit" response we get here, just like Political Chic when asked

Why don't Jews believe in Jesus....

To the Black Left, "racism" is religion. If you question it, you won't get a rational response....

HATE HOAXES are needed because there isn't any "real racism" to race bait about....
Hate hoaxes are as american pie, baseball and violence; we built a great nation on hate hoaxes.
Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.


Her bait makes them bite with ease.


Obama then went on to make a bizarre supremacist-style comment suggesting that black people were “better” than white people.

“We are just as and often times better than many of the people who doubt us,” she said.

The former First Lady’s comments are somewhat hypocritical given that the Obamas don’t appear to enjoy living around black people themselves.

View attachment 287088

In 2017, they purchased their DC home for $8.1 million. It is located in Kalorama, an exclusive and wealthy enclave where 83% of the population is white and just 3.8% are African-American.
Dark people are scary, be afraid.
All you white people look the same.
I would not blame people wanting to get out of certain communities for certain reasons. Try living where I was raised, pine ridge Indian reservation... Truly a Third World country.
We've done the same to them to haven't we.
Actually it’s the career politicians/deep state that is fucked over Indians like me, with political correctness/affirmative-action.

There again the nanny state knowing what’s best for individual citizens, there’s a reason why everyone with any common sense knows socialism is a fuck up. Lol
God how I love the way black women so effortlessly trigger white male fragility.

I love the way commies like you decry racism and sexism unless it's directed towards white men.
The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

You poor downtrodden sod.

You really should try to reign in your tendency to derail threads with your spam. 1,400 posts in 20 days good grief.
Hate hoaxes are as american pie, baseball and violence; we built a great nation on hate hoaxes

That must have won the "contest" for being

Michael Robinson's Presidential campaign theme.....

"We built a great nation on hate hoaxes"

Will Jussie Smollett be the running mate if Michael Robinson runs and wins the nomination, as polls suggest in NH?

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