Michigan Allows Adoption Agents to Opt-Out of Adoption to Gay "Couples"

Do adoption agencies have a right to insist couples provide both a mother & father to children?

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Just when you thought Sil couldn't be any sillier...

I think her obsession with gays is because she hasn't been laid in about two decades and is bitter about all the pretty boys that she's met over the years who would rather put it in each others' butts than her ready and waiting vag.
Of course adoption agencies should have the right of refusal to gay couples seeking to adopt.

They are charged with doing what is BEST for the CHILD.


And, by no means, simply to accommodate sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) who feel unfulfilled - a side-effect of their perversity, in this context.

The question becomes: "Is it BEST for a child, to have to deal with a lifetime of growing-up, defending the perverts who adopted you?" .

In most instances, common sense tells us that the answer to that question is a resounding and emphatic "No".

What is BEST for the CHILD is the trump-card in any such public dialogue.

Are homosexual couples CAPABLE of being good parents?

Of course.

Is it best for the CHILD?

In most cases, the answer is going to be "No".

We should not be subjecting our castaway children to such abnormalities as part of a misguided exercise in egalitarianism.

Egalitarianism, too, has a few limits, here and there.

This should probably be one of them.

Personally, I'm all for allowing the adoption agencies themselves to make such a determination.

If the professionals in that setting give their blessing to such an undertaking, then, that's on them.

If the professionals in that setting see more negative impact than positive, in any such undertaking, then they should also be free to reject the application, without worrying about political correctness or even law.

And - if agencies are stripped of this power of determination - at law - then the frigging law needs to be changed - up to and including the Constitution of the United States - whatever it takes, to get the job done, and to set this right again.
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Just when you thought Sil couldn't be any sillier...

I think her obsession with gays is because she hasn't been laid in about two decades and is bitter about all the pretty boys that she's met over the years who would rather put it in each others' butts than her ready and waiting vag.
Wow, ad hominem much? Let us know when you're ready to explain to the world how fatherless boys or motherless girls as an incentivized and approved institution will pan out to be a good thing over time...OK?

I've often found with your crew that ad hominems always make a go-to substitute when you're at a loss for words as to how to rebut a point I've just made. Anyone else notice that? Yes, silent or expressed, the eyes that watch her have notice..
A kid having sodomite parents is a terrible form of mental cruelty on a child. ..... :cry:
A kid having sodomite parents is a terrible form of mental cruelty on a child. ..... :cry:
The Prince's Trust survey in the OP link surely agrees with you Sunni Man.

The Prince Trust study never even mentions gay parents, gays, gay marriage, or measures the effects of any kind of parenting.

You hallucinated all of that.

Nor does it say that a good same sex role model need be a parent.

You hallucinated that too.

And we don't base our laws on your hallucinations.
A kid having sodomite parents is a terrible form of mental cruelty on a child. ..... :cry:
The Prince's Trust survey in the OP link surely agrees with you Sunni Man.

The Prince Trust study never even mentions gay parents, gays, gay marriage, or measures the effects of any kind of parenting.

You hallucinated all of that.

Nor does it say that a good same sex role model need be a parent.

You hallucinated that too.

And we don't base our laws on your hallucinations.
And, with any luck, sometime after January 20, 2017, we will not longer be basing our laws (and judicial interpretations) upon the desires of our Fruit Loops, but on the desires of the 97% of the country that is Straight.
A kid having sodomite parents is a terrible form of mental cruelty on a child. ..... :cry:

Sodomistic as well as unbalanced - both in respect to their sexual perversions as well as the demented world view relative to Child Rearing - case in point >>>>

The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online

A few more similies ...

Gay Conn. couple accused of rape face trial - NY Daily News

Homosexual Couple Adopted Boy and Molested Him from Infancy The Thinking Housewife
And, with any luck, sometime after January 20, 2017, we will not longer be basing our laws (and judicial interpretations) upon the desires of our Fruit Loops, but on the desires of the 97% of the country that is Straight.

If the democratic party keeps publicly identifying with the cult in the photo in my signature, I predict not only a GOP presidential inaugeration then, but also the installation of a stunning (and perhaps frightening) majority in both houses of Congress. I weep for green energy, universal healthcare, the environment and jobs when that happens.....

...so repugnant and offensive is that cult's value system that middle dems will make the choice of the lesser of two evils. At least enviromental damage can be reversed sometimes and we can hopefully make it four more years to another chance at green energy and healthcare revival. A permanent social change institutionalizing perversions around our formative citizens (gay marriage depriving kids of either mom or dad) is legally impossible to rework later. And that's why middle dems will choose the GOP.

Mark my words. You saw a little preview of that Fall 2014.
When people discuss the content of your threads, you often ignore them. ;)

Not at all. When your army shows up and begins cluster-fucking, I try to address as many of their posts as possible. Since most of them are just ad hominems veiled as lucid conversation, I ignore plenty of those types of posts, to be sure.
...so repugnant and offensive is that

...mirror on your wall.
If you can make the thread about me, then people will be less likely to pay attention to its content. Isn't that how that's supposed to work...the ad hominems your group is famous for?


Your OMGGAYGASM threads are always about you, Sil. They have no content, they're not about logic or rationality or even baby Jesus. It's all about you and the fact that you don't want gay people to get married, and therefore what you want should happen, because gaygasm.
When people discuss the content of your threads, you often ignore them. ;)

Not at all. When your army shows up and begins cluster-fucking, I try to address as many of their posts as possible. Since most of them are just ad hominems veiled as lucid conversation, I ignore plenty of those types of posts, to be sure.

I have an army now, do I? :rofl:

Congratulations. You've been folded into the elaborate and diverse cast of Sil's hallucinations.
Am I hallucinating that Michigan and soon other states will pass laws allowing adoption agencies to insist their wards only be adopted to couples who provide a mother and a father to the child? How is that about me? Trying a strawman when ad hominems fail you?

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