Michigan Allows Adoption Agents to Opt-Out of Adoption to Gay "Couples"

Do adoption agencies have a right to insist couples provide both a mother & father to children?

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  • No

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The old "at least we don't kill you" shtick rears its ugly head again. Too funny.

You and your fellow queers keep pissing people off.

You won't like what happens.

What I'm telling you is that I think it's okay for people who are, for one reason or another, incapable of forming a love and affection relationships with the opposite sex to form a relationship with the same sex if that's what they want.

IMO, it's probably better than living, and dying, alone.

But it's not a substitute for a real, love and affection, blood of my blood, Man - Woman Relationship.

The fallacy, and what is starting to really piss people off, is that you and your fellow butt-rangers DEMAND that everybody recognize it as being equal.

It isn't. It just fucking isn't.

Very bad things happen in this life every now and then. I'm talking Biblical Proportion things, things that change the course and direction of humanity...... Vast plagues, Genocidal Wars of Total Destruction, incredible economic hardships that would make the Great Depression look like a picnic.......

Or maybe just a simple Armed Insurrection.

When, not 'if' -- When one of those occurs, are you and your butt-ranger pals going to feel comfortable?

Better be careful who you piss off.

That quaking you hear is our boots b/c the only thing you are going to do is jack and shit. Nobody buys this blow hard/tough guy bullshit of yours Edegtho. You pussies are all talk.
The old "at least we don't kill you" shtick rears its ugly head again. Too funny.

You and your fellow queers keep pissing people off.

You won't like what happens.

Vague, thuggish threats of violence from yet another opponent of same sex marriage. Gee, how did I know that was coming?

But it's not a substitute for a real, love and affection, blood of my blood, Man - Woman Relationship.

Says who? Again, you're offering us your personal opinion on the quality of relationships you know nothing about nor are a part of involving people you've never met. Not only do you not know what you're talking about.....you couldn't know what you were talking about.

Very bad things happen in this life every now and then. I'm talking Biblical Proportion things, things that change the course and direction of humanity...... Vast plagues, Genocidal Wars of Total Destruction, incredible economic hardships that would make the Great Depression look like a picnic.......

Or maybe just a simple Armed Insurrection.

Here's your problem: you and your ilk aren't gonna do a thing. You're going to offer vague anonymous threats of violence but do nothing. Why? Because you're not willing to bleed. You only want to hurt people if it doesn't cost you anything. That's not how wars are fought. If you actually believed the bullshit you're spouting, you'd be doing it. Instead you're giving us excuses why you can't.

Second, you don't have the numbers. Not only does the majority support same sex marriage, but among the fighting age folks (the millenials) support is in the low 80s. They aren't going to be killing anyone or sacrificing their lives because YOU don't like 'butt rangers'.

So you have insufficient numbers, no will to fight for what you believe, no willingness to sacrifice, and no army to do it for you.

Which translates into vague, anonymous, useless threats online. But cracking another beer and scratching your paunch in the real world. Enjoy the brew.
Yeah. All talk.


All talk, right scumbag?


Tell this guy it's all talk, scumbag


And who's going to protect you when these maniacs get loose?

You? You and your pink mafia?

Think it can't happen here? You're an idiot. Social breakdown can happen anywhere and at any time.

Ask the Jews.
Think it can't happen here? You're an idiot. Social breakdown can happen anywhere and at any time.

Ask the Jews.

If it does, it won't be you. Or anyone like you. As you lack conviction and willingness to bleed.

Which makes your threats nothing but noise. As there's no teeth, no consequence behind them.
Yeah. All talk.


All talk, right scumbag?


Tell this guy it's all talk, scumbag


And who's going to protect you when these maniacs get loose?

You? You and your pink mafia?

Think it can't happen here? You're an idiot. Social breakdown can happen anywhere and at any time.

Ask the Jews.

Yes, you're all talk. Besides, I am more then capable of taking care of me and mine. Luckily we don't have to worry too much about it when it comes to pussies such as yourself.
The LGBT and their hetero allies are not worried about any armed resistance from the weaklings like Edgy. They would welcome it.
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?

I can express disgust over ISIS's vile acts and still be concerned about the injustices I see here in the U.S. Multitasking isn't all that hard to do. That being said, what does ISIS have to do with Michigan's adoption law? Oh wait...nothing.
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

We're equating threat of throwing people off of buildings and other thuggery with threats of violence and thuggery.
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?

I can express disgust over ISIS's vile acts and still be concerned about the injustices I see here in the U.S. Multitasking isn't all that hard to do. That being said, what does ISIS have to do with Michigan's adoption law? Oh wait...nothing.

Well it's the "injustices" the LGBTs are perceiving will have to be weighed against the injustice of making a legally-binding institution out of depriving children of either a mother or a father in "gay marriage". The little urchins always seem to get a pass from you. Yet I'll bet you knew both your mom and your dad growing up...
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?

I can express disgust over ISIS's vile acts and still be concerned about the injustices I see here in the U.S. Multitasking isn't all that hard to do. That being said, what does ISIS have to do with Michigan's adoption law? Oh wait...nothing.

Well it's the "injustices" the LGBTs are perceiving will have to be weighed against the injustice of making a legally-binding institution out of depriving children of either a mother or a father in "gay marriage". The little urchins always seem to get a pass from you. Yet I'll bet you knew both your mom and your dad growing up...

Stopping gays from getting married doesn't suddenly make their children have two opposite sex parents. All it does it prohibit their parents from being married. Besides, gays have been able to adopt long before they could married.
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

We're equating threat of throwing people off of buildings and other thuggery with threats of violence and thuggery.

You'll notice that Sil's biggest concern in that response is how those words could garner empathy for gays but says nothing of the actual threats themselves. What a phony!
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?

I can express disgust over ISIS's vile acts and still be concerned about the injustices I see here in the U.S. Multitasking isn't all that hard to do. That being said, what does ISIS have to do with Michigan's adoption law? Oh wait...nothing.

Well it's the "injustices" the LGBTs are perceiving will have to be weighed against the injustice of making a legally-binding institution out of depriving children of either a mother or a father in "gay marriage". The little urchins always seem to get a pass from you. Yet I'll bet you knew both your mom and your dad growing up...

Yeah, but same sex parenting and marriage aren't the same thing. So why would we be throwing gays off of buildings because they get married?

Remember, what you're attempting to defend are rather vile threats against gays and lesbians. Threats that include the phrase 'armed insurrection'.
All this does is hurts children looking for loving homes..

Of course. But take into account the depth of irrational hatred toward gays that afflict some of these folks. Do you really think hurting a few thousands children is going to matter much in the face of threats to throw them off of buildings and start an armed insurrection over the matter?
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?

I can express disgust over ISIS's vile acts and still be concerned about the injustices I see here in the U.S. Multitasking isn't all that hard to do. That being said, what does ISIS have to do with Michigan's adoption law? Oh wait...nothing.

Well it's the "injustices" the LGBTs are perceiving will have to be weighed against the injustice of making a legally-binding institution out of depriving children of either a mother or a father in "gay marriage". The little urchins always seem to get a pass from you. Yet I'll bet you knew both your mom and your dad growing up...

Yeah, but same sex parenting and marriage aren't the same thing. So why would we be throwing gays off of buildings because they get married?

Remember, what you're attempting to defend are rather vile threats against gays and lesbians. Threats that include the phrase 'armed insurrection'.

I was saying that homosexuals being thrown off buildings were "atrocities". Note the part in bold of my quote that you buried so you could lie and milk sympathy. You are assigning the motivations of one of your convenient antagonists to me. Check your quotes before you post.

Here's the reality: homosexuals being thrown off of buildings in the ME does not mean that they get to adopt children in the US automatically. Just like if thieves get their hands chopped off in the ME, doesn't mean that thieves "therefore" get the right to steal in the US "because some people are really really mean to thieves".

Your logic is flawed and your strawman is burned. US laws and customs are very different and always will be from the ME's laws and customs. Obviously.
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?

I can express disgust over ISIS's vile acts and still be concerned about the injustices I see here in the U.S. Multitasking isn't all that hard to do. That being said, what does ISIS have to do with Michigan's adoption law? Oh wait...nothing.

Well it's the "injustices" the LGBTs are perceiving will have to be weighed against the injustice of making a legally-binding institution out of depriving children of either a mother or a father in "gay marriage". The little urchins always seem to get a pass from you. Yet I'll bet you knew both your mom and your dad growing up...

Yeah, but same sex parenting and marriage aren't the same thing. So why would we be throwing gays off of buildings because they get married?

Remember, what you're attempting to defend are rather vile threats against gays and lesbians. Threats that include the phrase 'armed insurrection'.

I was saying that homosexuals being thrown off buildings were "atrocities". Note the part in bold of my quote that you buried so you could lie and milk sympathy.

I see the part where you ignored Edgetho's threats/violence. You're biggest concern was his nonsense would garner sympathy for gay people and nothing else.
Sounds like we're equating people not giving kids over to gays to "throwing gays off of buildings". I submit that "edgetho" is a welcome alarmist. He sure helps drum up the sympathy-machine.

But he has a point. Why doesn't the LGBT lobby take on the atrocities done to homosexuals in the ME?

I can express disgust over ISIS's vile acts and still be concerned about the injustices I see here in the U.S. Multitasking isn't all that hard to do. That being said, what does ISIS have to do with Michigan's adoption law? Oh wait...nothing.

Well it's the "injustices" the LGBTs are perceiving will have to be weighed against the injustice of making a legally-binding institution out of depriving children of either a mother or a father in "gay marriage". The little urchins always seem to get a pass from you. Yet I'll bet you knew both your mom and your dad growing up...

Yeah, but same sex parenting and marriage aren't the same thing. So why would we be throwing gays off of buildings because they get married?

Remember, what you're attempting to defend are rather vile threats against gays and lesbians. Threats that include the phrase 'armed insurrection'.

I was saying that homosexuals being thrown off buildings were "atrocities". Note the part in bold of my quote that you buried so you could lie and milk sympathy. You are assigning the motivations of one of your convenient antagonists to me. Check your quotes before you post.

Here's the reality: homosexuals being thrown off of buildings in the ME does not mean that they get to adopt children in the US automatically. Just like if thieves get their hands chopped off in the ME, doesn't mean that thieves "therefore" get the right to steal in the US "because some people are really really mean to thieves".

Your logic is flawed and your strawman is burned. US laws and customs are very different and always will be from the ME's laws and customs. Obviously.

That isn't my straw man, ding dong. It is yours. You have assigned it to me and then railed against a position I've never taken. ISIS throwing gays off buildings still has nothing to do with Michigan's adoptions laws.
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Here's the reality: homosexuals being thrown off of buildings in the ME does not mean that they get to adopt children in the US automatically.

And who said that they do? You're beating the crap out of a strawman. What we're objecting to are thuggish threats of violence against gays by our boards own posters:

Very bad things happen in this life every now and then. I'm talking Biblical Proportion things, things that change the course and direction of humanity...... Vast plagues, Genocidal Wars of Total Destruction, incredible economic hardships that would make the Great Depression look like a picnic.......

Or maybe just a simple Armed Insurrection.

Gotta love vague and thuggish threats of violence toward people you have never met, nor have done you any harm. Not quite the 'responsibility to eradicate homosexuals' from Keyes. But close enough.

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