Michigan Kidnap Suspect? Anarchist

While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.

I sure as hell ain't gonna believe you, no less the FBI who was in on one of the biggest conspiracy's evah to unseat a duly elected President at the whims of a sore loser!
And, I don't trust Christopher Wray as nuthin' has changed at the FBI!
I don't care what you believe. You are cut from the same cloth as these dummies who thought their peculiar brand of racist patriotism makes it OK to take up arms against Americans.
Are you dumb? They sought out an anti cop militia group. These retards couldnt possibly be further from being right wing.

Democrats need to stop doing this shit.

Why? They burn, loot, beat and murder....then democrat party prosecutors, paid for by george soros, let them go.........why would they stop?
The target tells the story of their ideology.

That's the long and short of it.
Just did quick search for posts about Gretchen Whitmer on this board and the usual suspects seem to hold a special hatred for her.
The "usual suspects" on this board have nothing to do with this, you disingenuous asswipe.
Totally disagree...some of the Q types here are total brothers under the skin with people like that. I note that the thread that slants Con--which is careful to push 'Anarchist' rather than Right wing Q conspiracy/nutz!

As..Oddball..are you. You push divisiveness--in the service of some SHTF scenario.

these are YOUR people..own it.
One of them, Brandon Caserta, is on a twitter video ranting that Trump is a tyrant. He's TDS afflicted moron like you.
What this militia did not know was that The Gimp chained in their clubhouse basement under the "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" Trump poster was actually an FBI agent.
There are some militia that has been infiltrated with people that are there for a different reason. And the FBI spies on all of these militias. Every members in each militia are being spied on by the FBI. That is why Obama transferred everything to digital, and give out cellphones and digital T.V. converters to those that can't afford them during a recession.
And so they already knew of this plot. They were just hoping that all of the members in the militia were involved so that they can shut down all of these militias.

Anarchist flag, and listen to what he says.

Isn't this one of the White Supremacists, the FBI just arrested in a kidnap plot of the Michigan governor. Well, one less Trump supporter.

He's on video repeatedly calling Trump a tyrant, and from this you somehow come to the ridiculous conclusion that he's a Trump supporter? SMH.
Anarchist flag, and listen to what he says.

Isn't this one of the White Supremacists, the FBI just arrested in a kidnap plot of the Michigan governor. Well, one less Trump supporter.

He's on video repeatedly calling Trump a tyrant, and from this you somehow come to the ridiculous conclusion that he's a Trump supporter? SMH.

So you think White Supremist have joined with Blacks to support the democrats.:cuckoo:
I suspect Trump's on again off again condemnation of White Supremist has him pissed off. Come election day he and his brothers will vote Republican if they vote at all.
Anarchist flag, and listen to what he says.

Isn't this one of the White Supremacists, the FBI just arrested in a kidnap plot of the Michigan governor. Well, one less Trump supporter.

He's on video repeatedly calling Trump a tyrant, and from this you somehow come to the ridiculous conclusion that he's a Trump supporter? SMH.

So you think White Supremist have joined with Blacks to support the democrats.:cuckoo:
I suspect Trump's on again off again condemnation of White Supremist has him pissed off. Come election day he and his brothers will vote Republican if they vote at all.

You parrot lies.
Anarchist flag, and listen to what he says.

Isn't this one of the White Supremacists, the FBI just arrested in a kidnap plot of the Michigan governor. Well, one less Trump supporter.

He's on video repeatedly calling Trump a tyrant, and from this you somehow come to the ridiculous conclusion that he's a Trump supporter? SMH.

So you think White Supremist have joined with Blacks to support the democrats.:cuckoo:
I suspect Trump's on again off again condemnation of White Supremist has him pissed off. Come election day he and his brothers will vote Republican if they vote at all.
White supremacist? You don't even what the word "anarchist" even means, do you?

You're a fucking moron.

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