Michigan Kidnap Suspect? Anarchist

While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.

I sure as hell ain't gonna believe you, no less the FBI who was in on one of the biggest conspiracy's evah to unseat a duly elected President at the whims of a sore loser!
And, I don't trust Christopher Wray as nuthin' has changed at the FBI!
I don't care what you believe. You are cut from the same cloth as these dummies who thought their peculiar brand of racist patriotism makes it OK to take up arms against Americans.

You can't handle the truth. Neither does your ilk.
I can understand you wanting to disavow these terrorists but it's a stretch not even your most skilled propagandists will be able to accomplish.

I agree. The Dimm captured media already started their wallpaper avalanche late this morning.
The Holy Trinity of the Dimm media, weaponized deep state, supporting one false Dimm narrative one after another IS formidable.
The average voter might succumb to this constant and persistent onslaught of lies!
I recognize this.

I think that more and more people are actually noticing and realize that they have been played for fools.
While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.

I sure as hell ain't gonna believe you, no less the FBI who was in on one of the biggest conspiracy's evah to unseat a duly elected President at the whims of a sore loser!
And, I don't trust Christopher Wray as nuthin' has changed at the FBI!
I don't care what you believe. You are cut from the same cloth as these dummies who thought their peculiar brand of racist patriotism makes it OK to take up arms against Americans.

You can't handle the truth. Neither does your ilk.
I can understand you wanting to disavow these terrorists but it's a stretch not even your most skilled propagandists will be able to accomplish.

I agree. The Dimm captured media already started their wallpaper avalanche late this morning.
The Holy Trinity of the Dimm media, weaponized deep state, supporting one false Dimm narrative one after another IS formidable.
The average voter might succumb to this constant and persistent onslaught of lies!
I recognize this.
You sound like a looney-bird.
I never have, do, or will confirm your TDS!
Keep licking those boots boy...


While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.
Anarcho-communists have absolutely nothing in common with people like B. Kidd.

You have NFI what you're squealing about.
The belief that the current structure must crash in order for a new and arguable better one to emerge is a shared tenet, yes?
That's the tenet of progressive morons like Cloward and Piven, whom leftist freaks like BLM and Pantifa take after.

Ancaps, agorists, and the like just prepare as best we can for that inevitable crash, we're not the least bit interested in participating in the proactive violence of bringing it about.
Kinda like...I dunno..cheerleaders? Interesting term, btw..proactive violence.

One would almost believe that you believe in historical inevitability~
While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.

I sure as hell ain't gonna believe you, no less the FBI who was in on one of the biggest conspiracy's evah to unseat a duly elected President at the whims of a sore loser!
And, I don't trust Christopher Wray as nuthin' has changed at the FBI!
I don't care what you believe. You are cut from the same cloth as these dummies who thought their peculiar brand of racist patriotism makes it OK to take up arms against Americans.

You can't handle the truth. Neither does your ilk.
I can understand you wanting to disavow these terrorists but it's a stretch not even your most skilled propagandists will be able to accomplish.

I agree. The Dimm captured media already started their wallpaper avalanche late this morning.
The Holy Trinity of the Dimm media, weaponized deep state, supporting one false Dimm narrative one after another IS formidable.
The average voter might succumb to this constant and persistent onslaught of lies!
I recognize this.
You sound like a looney-bird.

Only because you lack a sense of history, personal experience, and critical thinking skills.
Please don't project your deficiencies on me.
Hey, lets just say these were unaffiliated people who thought Witmer was an anti American totalitarian asshole. They would be right no matter where they came from. And lets not forget Witmer descriminated against garden growers right in the beginning and that was absurd. So I'm over here in Pa. and I have a totalitarian asshole for a governor too but I still canned 90 jars of tomatoes this year, just like every other year. This jerkoff Witmer closed the garden depts. in the spring. WTF is that all about and does anyone really blame people for being pissed? All this bullshit will only get worse as long as we let Democrats control any majority.
Hey, lets just say these were unaffiliated people who thought Witmer was an anti American totalitarian asshole. They would be right no matter where they came from. And lets not forget Witmer descriminated against garden growers right in the beginning and that was absurd. So I'm over here in Pa. and I have a totalitarian asshole for a governor too but I still canned 90 jars of tomatoes this year, just like every other year. This jerkoff Witmer closed the garden depts. in the spring. WTF is that all about and does anyone really blame people for being pissed? All this bullshit will only get worse as long as we let Democrats control any majority.

The only way they'll stop, if it gets bloody!
Real bloody!!
While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.
Anarcho-communists have absolutely nothing in common with people like B. Kidd.

You have NFI what you're squealing about.
The belief that the current structure must crash in order for a new and arguable better one to emerge is a shared tenet, yes?
That's the tenet of progressive morons like Cloward and Piven, whom leftist freaks like BLM and Pantifa take after.

Ancaps, agorists, and the like just prepare as best we can for that inevitable crash, we're not the least bit interested in participating in the proactive violence of bringing it about.
Kinda like...I dunno..cheerleaders? Interesting term, btw..proactive violence.

One would almost believe that you believe in historical inevitability~
Kinda like.....Putting words in my mouth?....Imputing motivations that you cannot possibly know?

There's proactive violence, and defensive violence...One is a violation of the non-aggression principle (NAP) and the other is not.

You're welcome.
While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.
Anarcho-communists have absolutely nothing in common with people like B. Kidd.

You have NFI what you're squealing about.
The belief that the current structure must crash in order for a new and arguable better one to emerge is a shared tenet, yes?
That's the tenet of progressive morons like Cloward and Piven, whom leftist freaks like BLM and Pantifa take after.

Ancaps, agorists, and the like just prepare as best we can for that inevitable crash, we're not the least bit interested in participating in the proactive violence of bringing it about.
Kinda like...I dunno..cheerleaders? Interesting term, btw..proactive violence.

One would almost believe that you believe in historical inevitability~
Kinda like.....Putting words in my mouth?....Imputing motivations that you cannot possibly know?

There's proactive violence, and defensive violence...One is a violation of the non-aggression principle (NAP) and the other is not.

You're welcome.
One is proactive when one acts to forestall the actions of another--or to forestall a perceived negative outcome.

Proactive violence is directed....directed at a discrete goal. As opposed to reactive violence--like a riot after a shooting--in reaction to perceived injustice.

But you know that....not that I'd put words in your mouth~
While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.
Anarcho-communists have absolutely nothing in common with people like B. Kidd.

You have NFI what you're squealing about.
The belief that the current structure must crash in order for a new and arguable better one to emerge is a shared tenet, yes?
That's the tenet of progressive morons like Cloward and Piven, whom leftist freaks like BLM and Pantifa take after.

Ancaps, agorists, and the like just prepare as best we can for that inevitable crash, we're not the least bit interested in participating in the proactive violence of bringing it about.
Kinda like...I dunno..cheerleaders? Interesting term, btw..proactive violence.

One would almost believe that you believe in historical inevitability~
Kinda like.....Putting words in my mouth?....Imputing motivations that you cannot possibly know?

There's proactive violence, and defensive violence...One is a violation of the non-aggression principle (NAP) and the other is not.

You're welcome.
One is proactive when one acts to forestall the actions of another--or to forestall a perceived negative outcome.

Proactive violence is directed....You're welcome.

But you know that....not that I'd put words in your mouth~
I posted a link that plainly 'splains the NAP, which is the context in which the comment was made.

Any other twisting of my words is disingenuous.
While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

No, moron, it doesn't....antifa and blm joe biden voters went after the democrat mayor of portland too....you dumb ass....
Stupidest attempted kidnapper ever.
Who the fuck would pay any ransom for that beeotch?
Apparently they were plotting to blow up a bridge as a distraction ,kidnap the Governor, take her to Wisconsin put her on trial for treason. Not demand ransom.

And also firebomb police vehicles and kill police officers at their homes.
Stupidest attempted kidnapper ever.
Who the fuck would pay any ransom for that beeotch?
Apparently they were plotting to blow up a bridge as a distraction ,kidnap the Governor, take her to Wisconsin put her on trial for treason. Not demand ransom.

And also firebomb police vehicles and kill police officers at their homes.
Those are definitely antifa/blm wackos. Right wing groups would never target police.
While this is still a developing story the claim is that these were far right white supremacist militia types. You have a problem with that assessment?

That possible phony assessment was made in a span of only a little over 3 hours from the time the story broke to the end of Whitmer's media statement.
The Dimm mantra is to hit em' fast and hit em' hard before a phony narrative can be countered!
The target tells the story of their ideology.

You're a liar, supporting liars.
This makes '1984' look like a child's fairytale!
And you willingly support it. This makes you, and many others, an enemy of freedom and liberty.
Shove your fake patriotism up your ass sideways. You should be at least a little concerned that there are violent people out there who actually believe all your conspiracy bullshit.

I sure as hell ain't gonna believe you, no less the FBI who was in on one of the biggest conspiracy's evah to unseat a duly elected President at the whims of a sore loser!
And, I don't trust Christopher Wray as nuthin' has changed at the FBI!
I don't care what you believe. You are cut from the same cloth as these dummies who thought their peculiar brand of racist patriotism makes it OK to take up arms against Americans.
Are you dumb? They sought out an anti cop militia group. These retards couldnt possibly be further from being right wing.

Democrats need to stop doing this shit.

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