Michigan official in charge of certifying elections calls trump a "malignancy"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The idiots on this board who are still parroting the Big Lie are either being paid to promote falsehoods or they are just rock solid stupid. They are ignoring the truth in order to hump trump.

I have called trump a cancer on this country for a long time. Now we have a Republican calling him a malignancy.maybe they are starting to see him for what he is.

The idiots on this board who are still parroting the Big Lie are either being paid to promote falsehoods or they are just rock solid stupid. They are ignoring the truth in order to hump trump.

I have called trump a cancer on this country for a long time. Now we have a Republican calling him a malignancy.maybe they are starting to see him for what he is.
I'm going with rock solid stupid.
Well, some marginal "republican" party man hacktivist said it, so it must be true!


The idiots on this board who are still parroting the Big Lie are either being paid to promote falsehoods or they are just rock solid stupid. They are ignoring the truth in order to hump trump.

I have called trump a cancer on this country for a long time. Now we have a Republican calling him a malignancy.maybe they are starting to see him for what he is.
Get better soon.:itsok:
I don't understand an issue with seeking to confirm that everything is on the level. Why would somebody be so concerned? Call some voters and ask them if they sent in a vote during the election by mail. See who says they didn't and who the vote was for. You can pick up a pattern there.

Just confirm it's on the level and protect it as much as possible, why is this so bad after four years of constant "investigations" into Trump? Everyone knew he wasn't going to just slink away if he lost and would want to transparency after such an odd, mail-out campaign.

The odd delivery of the election results that night has had an impact on global leaders and intel agencies faith in the U.S election system. Not because of Trump, but because of the massive shift in vote numbers from Election Day to the next morning.

Now, if something was amiss in the software or hacking, tell everyone and correct this dangerous system. Otherwise, many will believe their vote doesn't matter and foreign governments will decide that they aren't going to bank on the U.S if their belief in democracy isn't there.
I don't understand an issue with seeking to confirm that everything is on the level. Why would somebody be so concerned? Call some voters and ask them if they sent in a vote during the election by mail. See who says they didn't and who the vote was for. You can pick up a pattern there. Just confirm it's on the level and protect it as much as possible, why is this so bad after four years of constant "investigations" into Trump?

The odd delivery of the election results that night has had an impact on global leaders and intel agencies faith in the U.S election system. Not because of Trump, but because of the massive shift in vote numbers from Election Day to the next morning.

Now, if something was amiss in the software or hacking, tell everyone and correct this dangerous system. Otherwise, many will believe their vote doesn't matter and foreign governments will decide that they aren't going to bank on the U.S if their belief in democracy isn't there.
50 State certification has already done that.

You're just whining about the results.

The idiots on this board who are still parroting the Big Lie are either being paid to promote falsehoods or they are just rock solid stupid. They are ignoring the truth in order to hump trump.

I have called trump a cancer on this country for a long time. Now we have a Republican calling him a malignancy.maybe they are starting to see him for what he is.

He still isn't Hillary or Decomposing Joe and that is all I have ever expected from him. I personally voted for Bloomberg in the primaries. He was the only democrat I supported and mainly because he didn't really give a flying eff. about all the nonsense democrats get their panties in a wad over.

The idiots on this board who are still parroting the Big Lie are either being paid to promote falsehoods or they are just rock solid stupid. They are ignoring the truth in order to hump trump.

I have called trump a cancer on this country for a long time. Now we have a Republican calling him a malignancy.maybe they are starting to see him for what he is.
that cancer is sure eating you up.....
I don't understand an issue with seeking to confirm that everything is on the level. Why would somebody be so concerned?
All 50 States confirmed and certified their votes. They are not seeking to confirm anything. They are throwing doubt on our Constitutional process.
The odd delivery of the election results that night has had an impact on global leaders and intel agencies faith in the U.S election system. Not because of Trump, but because of the massive shift in vote numbers from Election Day to the next morning.

Republican legislatures in those states refused to allow the early counting of the mail in votes and they had to wait until election day thus ensuring a delay was built in. Most states allows those mail in ballots to be counted before election day.

The fraud is the Biglie. The Neo-GOP backing the Biglie. American's need to file a class action suit, of sorts, against the Neo-GOP in Nov. 2022. Just vote them out.
We weren't dealing with politics as usual on election day. We were dealing with insane hatred on the left. That makes a difference if you are in charge of vote counting.
Well, some marginal "republican" party man hacktivist said it, so it must be true!

View attachment 512720
We Moved On from 2016.

Very few knuckle dragging maga fuckups have.
Yeah, thats why you clowns start 15 Trump pissy pants threads a day.

This thread was started because the former president is still whining and playing grievance politics to stay relevant with you knuckle dragging maga sycophants.
Well it looks like Michigan should be added to the list of states needing an election audit.

---New Report Shows Detroit Used Defective Ballot Boxes In 2020 Election Despite Warning Stickers: ---

Somebody in Michigan gets it.

---"It's nearly impossible to uncover fraud unless you have an actual audit of the ballots," DePerno said after claiming his team determined they had the capability to flip votes---


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