Michigan Rejects 846 Mailed Ballots 'Because the Voter Was Dead'

Prove me wrong
Show any widespread illegal voting
Any illegal voting is a problem. You insert the word "widespread" to cover your ass. You'll have to try smarter than that.
Another phony GOP scandal like all the rest...
Strange GOP logic. The coronavirus isn't widespread, when 160,000 people were killed by it, vs voter fraud which in the last 50 years the Heritage Foundation found 1,290 cases of voter fraud since 1972, that they call widespread.

cancel the election!

Okay, let's look at that.

Out of 1.6 MILLION absentee ballots, 10,600 were rejected. 6400 because they arrived too late. A good reason to make sure that the Post office has enough resources...

846 were rejected because the voter was dead. If there was fraud involved, then someone should be held to account. (Probably a relative who tried to vote for their deceased relative.)

so the vote was- Wait for it 846/1,600,000 = 0.053% with a problem. And not even really a problem, because the problem ballots were caught.
More votes are suppressed than are fraudulently cast
Really? Since you act as if you know the actual numbers, tell us how many more.

IOW, you're FOS.
FLorida along 1,100 legal votes supressed through their felony purge, and that's just

Last 50 years the heritage foundation found 1,290 illegal votes.

www.tampabay.com › news › politics › stateroundup

Jun 14, 2012 - "In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons,"
The silly thing here is disingenuous leftists acting as if mass vote-by-mail is justified because not enough people have been caught casting fraudulent votes. If you want to vote by mail, there is already a system in place to do so.
FLorida along 1,100 legal votes supressed through their felony purge,
Coherent English, please.
and that's just
Last 50 years the heritage foundation found 1,290 illegal votes.
Is the Heritage Foundation now the sole authority on such things? Since when?
› news › politics › stateroundup
Jun 14, 2012 - "In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons,"
Linky no worky.
At least it doesn't go to your quote. Next.
846 were rejected because the voter was dead. If there was fraud involved, then someone should be held to account. (Probably a relative who tried to vote for their deceased relative.)

There are about 40,000 medical deaths per year in wisconsin, of which old people are most likely to both vote absentee, and die from old age. Over 100 people die every day in Wisconsin, so if people mailed in their ballots 2 weeks early, up to 1,400 would die before election day. Of course those numbers aren't near reflective of the actual number of old voters, but it shows a ballpark that those dead people simply died before election day.

Maybe it would help if you could explain how voter fraud is accomplished
I'm not here to help you understand things that adults easily grasp.
I'm aware of shitty time wasting debate tactics, as well.
Try smarter.
Voter fraud involves committing multiple felonies. Few people would be so motivated. And even fewer with the financial resources needed to carry it out
saying that voter fraud makes only "a little difference" is like saying Ben Wallace made "a little difference" in the Detroit Pistons winning multiple NBA championships
› news › politics › stateroundup
Jun 14, 2012 - "In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons,"
Linky no worky.
At least it doesn't go to your quote. Next.

Florida voters mistakenly purged in 2000 - Tampa Bay Times
www.tampabay.com › news › politics › stateroundup

Jun 14, 2012 - "In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons," U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson

No wonder you dismissed actual information. Fingers in your ears, hands over eyes.

,So here's a new link to the same information.
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Voter fraud involves committing multiple felonies. Few people would be so motivated. And even fewer with the financial resources needed to carry it out
Agreed. Still, it happens.
To what actual degree, we'll never know.
We only know of those who get caught, not those who get away with it.
Voter ID laws make it far more difficult, mass automatic vote-by-mail schemes make it much easier.
Florida voters mistakenly purged in 2000 - Tampa Bay Times
www.tampabay.com › news › politics › stateroundup

Jun 14, 2012 - "In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons," U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson
Your link is to a piece written by Katie Sanders, editor at Politifact, a discredited "fact check" biased propaganda outlet.
No wonder you dismissed actual information. Fingers in your ears, hands over eyes.
I didn't dismiss it. You posted a bad link.
Your checkers mentality doesn't translate well to chess-style debate.
The silly thing here is disingenuous leftists acting as if mass vote-by-mail is justified because not enough people have been caught casting fraudulent votes. If you want to vote by mail, there is already a system in place to do so.
Correct and they are working to expand that system to more areas for peoples safety. I don’t see what the issue is
Correct and they are working to expand that system to more areas for peoples safety. I don’t see what the issue is
As long as the proper security measures are in place, I'm all for it. Just doing a mass mailing, planned a few months before a pivotal election, isn't secure enough, IMHO.
Jun 14, 2012 - "In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons," U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson

Your link is to a piece written by Katie Sanders, editor at Politifact, a discredited "fact check" biased propaganda outlet.
Then here's the same quote from the miami herald.

You can't ignore an official organ

Bill Nelson to Rick Scott: Your noncitizen "purge" is a "concern ...
miamiherald.typepad.com › nakedpolitics › 2012/05

May 29, 2012 - In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons. Many of ...
Correct and they are working to expand that system to more areas for peoples safety. I don’t see what the issue is
As long as the proper security measures are in place, I'm all for it. Just doing a mass mailing, planned a few months before a pivotal election, isn't secure enough, IMHO.
I agree, each state and county control their elections. They will need to determine what they can and can’t handle. Sounds like that’s what they are trying to do despite Trumps incessant attacks and attempts to derail. How about he try and help make it as safe and secure as possible instead of lighting all these political fires
Correct and they are working to expand that system to more areas for peoples safety. I don’t see what the issue is
As long as the proper security measures are in place, I'm all for it. Just doing a mass mailing, planned a few months before a pivotal election, isn't secure enough, IMHO.

There re states that ONLY do vote by mail. Are there systems not secure?

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