Michigan Rejects 846 Mailed Ballots 'Because the Voter Was Dead'

Then here's the same quote from the miami herald.

You can't ignore an official organ

Bill Nelson to Rick Scott: Your noncitizen "purge" is a "concern ...
miamiherald.typepad.com › nakedpolitics › 2012/05

May 29, 2012 - In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons. Many of ...
You're arguing with your own strawman as I've never contended that some people weren't denied. It's irrelevant, tbh. You take one anecdotal instance and assume it applies to the whole system. Mistakes are made on both sides of the issue.
In the end, voting in person with a valid ID is the most secure method. I know it, you know it.
Then here's the same quote from the miami herald.

You can't ignore an official organ

Bill Nelson to Rick Scott: Your noncitizen "purge" is a "concern ...
miamiherald.typepad.com › nakedpolitics › 2012/05

May 29, 2012 - In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons. Many of ...
You're arguing with your own strawman as I've never contended that some people weren't denied. It's irrelevant, tbh. You take one anecdotal instance and assume it applies to the whole system. Mistakes are made on both sides of the issue.
In the end, voting in person with a valid ID is the most secure method. I know it, you know it.
You twice dismissed the quote that Senator Nelson found 1,100 legal votes purged from the florida voter rolls.

That's many times the number of illegal votes ever found in florida for the last century.
Then here's the same quote from the miami herald.

You can't ignore an official organ

Bill Nelson to Rick Scott: Your noncitizen "purge" is a "concern ...
miamiherald.typepad.com › nakedpolitics › 2012/05

May 29, 2012 - In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons. Many of ...
You're arguing with your own strawman as I've never contended that some people weren't denied. It's irrelevant, tbh. You take one anecdotal instance and assume it applies to the whole system. Mistakes are made on both sides of the issue.
In the end, voting in person with a valid ID is the most secure method. I know it, you know it.
That is correct. However similar arguments can be made for several different kinds of situations. Paying cash is more secure than Credit for example. Matters of convenience, safety and accessibility also play a factor
I agree, each state and county control their elections. They will need to determine what they can and can’t handle. Sounds like that’s what they are trying to do despite Trumps incessant attacks and attempts to derail. How about he try and help make it as safe and secure as possible instead of lighting all these political fires
There's not enough time to make it secure by November.
It's a massive undertaking to securely mail out hundreds of millions of ballots and properly verify the chain of custody of each one.
If the democrats had any faith in their candidates, this wouldn't be an issue.
As it stands, it just illustrates their false bravado and desperation.
That is correct. However similar arguments can be made for several different kinds of situations. Paying cash is more secure than Credit for example. Matters of convenience, safety and accessibility also play a factor
IOW, it's just a difference of opinion. All the more reason not to make rash decisions on the parameters of the voting process this close to a pivotal election.
There's not enough time to make it secure by November.
It's a massive undertaking to securely mail out hundreds of millions of ballots and properly verify the chain of custody of each one.
If the democrats had any faith in their candidates, this wouldn't be an issue.
As it stands, it just illustrates their false bravado and desperation.
All it takes to mail a letter securely is a 55 cent stamp. The post office actually photographs every letter and package they receive. What is more secure than having a record of every letter. They can even show you what mail is due to be delivered, before it is delivered.
You twice dismissed the quote that Senator Nelson found 1,100 legal votes purged from the florida voter rolls.
I haven't dismissed anything.

That's many times the number of illegal votes ever found in florida for the last century.
Found and committed are two different numbers. Since you have no clue what the latter number is, your point is built upon conjecture and thus invalid.
All it takes to mail a letter securely is a 55 cent stamp.
Incorrect. Stamped mail goes missing every day. It's also delivered to the wrong address.
The post office actually photographs every letter and package they receive.
What is more secure than having a record of every letter.
Is that a question? If so, voting in person with a government issued photo ID is far more secure.
They can even show you what mail is due to be delivered, before it is delivered.
I've had the system say something was delivered when it wasn't many times. I'm not the only one:
USPS fails
Shows the system works

How so? How many of the ballots were late because of the PO? Who makes the call on non-matching signatures? Do rejected ballots remain sealed? How many people are rejected for non-matching signatures using in-person voting?

Non-matching signatures will be the hanging-chads of this election...
Using your tactics. If you can't give me a number, then your claim is completely baseless.
I'm not making any claim. Pay attention. If you don't know how many weren't caught, your equation is garbage.
Obviously, I'm not changing your mind and you're not changing mine, rendering this conversation an exercise in futility.
Best of luck getting a mass mail-in voting system in place before November with no funding and powerful opposition.
I'll be enjoying another 4 years of prosperity under Trump in the mean time.
Have a great day.
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I agree, each state and county control their elections. They will need to determine what they can and can’t handle. Sounds like that’s what they are trying to do despite Trumps incessant attacks and attempts to derail. How about he try and help make it as safe and secure as possible instead of lighting all these political fires
There's not enough time to make it secure by November.
It's a massive undertaking to securely mail out hundreds of millions of ballots and properly verify the chain of custody of each one.
If the democrats had any faith in their candidates, this wouldn't be an issue.
As it stands, it just illustrates their false bravado and desperation.
What are you talking about? each state and county handle their own elections. It’s not like all the ballots go to one place. You did know that right?
Link !!!!

The post office does 150 million pieces a day. How many of those go missing
No one knows, but it does happen. Do you deny that mail gets lost and misdelivered?
Of course mail gets lost, sent to the wrong address, ballots get dismissed for late delivery and lack of signatures etc etc. Its more of a risk and chance of error. Voters have to right to take those risks or go vote in person and not risk it. Or drop the ballot off at a drop site. Many options you see
What are you talking about? each state and county handle their own elections. It’s not like all the ballots go to one place. You did know that right?
Why are the democrats asking for billions in extra federal funding for something handled on the state and local level?
Of course mail gets lost, sent to the wrong address, ballots get dismissed for late delivery and lack of signatures etc etc. Its more of a risk and chance of error. Voters have to right to take those risks or go vote in person and not risk it. Or drop the ballot off at a drop site. Many options you see
Agreed. Systems for mail in ballots already exist. No need to change a thing.
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