Michigan Rejects 846 Mailed Ballots 'Because the Voter Was Dead'

Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
Idiots like you are the desperate ones. Voter fraud is lie? Your side just attempted it moron. And YOUR side got caught. Thus yor pathetic whining is dismissed.
Hey moron even Breitbart did not say which candidates the ballots were for. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were for Pubs since it is Pubs that have been the ones most likely to commit voter fraud. See North Carolina.
Whine whine whine because you got caught. This was a primary idiot. Trump had no opponent loser. See 2016 and the quick stoppage of recounts due to DIM fraud being exposed. Your lies are exposed. Again.
You moron, the votes were flagged and discarded. Stop your pathetic attempt to undermine our electoral process which is by far the best in the world. Pathetic you are engaging in the lie of voter fraud because the Orange menace in the WH tells you to.
Yep, you can't get more criminal than this. Think of this every time a Democrat says mass mail-in ballots are the only way to ensure a fair and safe election. They are playing their last losing card of a loser’s hand. Let the Democrats quake in their panicked desperation.

How do you know Biden didnt win by the dead vote?
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
You know that isn't true at all, don't you?

The Fraud commission was stopped from looking into it by the States. So, it wasn't that they found no fraud. They were not even permitted to look for it.
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Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
You know that isn't true at all, don't you?

The Fraud commission was stopped from looking into it by the States. So, it wasn't that they found on fraud. They were not even permitted to look for it.
The voter commission found nothing. They disbanded and scurried out the back door. They were humiliated. Kris Kobach was so humiliated he hasn’t won an election since.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
Democrats are so brainwashed they literally believe our elections are clean and pure.
hahahahh NO SHIT!!
and the illegals get all of that

I think they're getting illegal documents in order to WORK, not in order to vote. Since documents like a SSN are primary information needed to get employment, as opposed secondary information in order to vote.
....you are very NAIVE!!!!.......do you not get out???!!!...they use SSNs to STEAL/crimes/etc...are you living on the moon?

etc many links
Yes we need a computer chip social security card to end illegal immigration duh. There is no evidence of illegals voting. It's not worth the risk obviously. Another ridiculous phony scandal.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
Idiots like you are the desperate ones. Voter fraud is lie? Your side just attempted it moron. And YOUR side got caught. Thus yor pathetic whining is dismissed.
Hey moron even Breitbart did not say which candidates the ballots were for. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were for Pubs since it is Pubs that have been the ones most likely to commit voter fraud. See North Carolina.
Whine whine whine because you got caught. This was a primary idiot. Trump had no opponent loser. See 2016 and the quick stoppage of recounts due to DIM fraud being exposed. Your lies are exposed. Again.
You moron, the votes were flagged and discarded. Stop your pathetic attempt to undermine our electoral process which is by far the best in the world. Pathetic you are engaging in the lie of voter fraud because the Orange menace in the WH tells you to.
You illiterate moron. First to you claim no voter fraud exists. Then you whine they were caught. So which is it idiot? Since they were caught, how many were not? Your pathetic whining and lying about Trump is old. Keep repeating your Dim masters lies. Maybe Kamala will reward you........
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
You know that isn't true at all, don't you?

The Fraud commission was stopped from looking into it by the States. So, it wasn't that they found on fraud. They were not even permitted to look for it.
The voter commission found nothing. They disbanded and scurried out the back door. They were humiliated. Kris Kobach was so humiliated he hasn’t won an election since.
How is they were to find something when they were blocked from even looking?

Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
Democrats are so brainwashed they literally believe our elections are clean and pure.
Unlike you Satan I don’t buy into qanon bullshit and I believe in the patriotism and dedication of our local supervisor of elections. They do their job and do it well.
They were rejected. So the system works?
The fact that people CHEATED to try to garner dead people votes does NOT work. It's great that they caught the bastards.

They were caught. Seems the system works.
Exactly. This is just Trumper desperation to discredit mail in voting to rig the election if Trump’s favor. They are so transparent.
It says a great deal about you that you believe counting only legal votes from legal voters is rigging the election in Trump's favor.

Yes, it says a great deal about you -- and none of it complimentary.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
You know that isn't true at all, don't you?

The Fraud commission was stopped from looking into it by the States. So, it wasn't that they found on fraud. They were not even permitted to look for it.
The voter commission found nothing. They disbanded and scurried out the back door. They were humiliated. Kris Kobach was so humiliated he hasn’t won an election since.
Wrong as always. The DIM states and a few others refused to allow ANY investigating to take place. If you have nothing to hide you should welcome an investigation. What are they hiding?
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
And all of this can be avoided by either voting in person or by absentee ballot. End of story.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
You know that isn't true at all, don't you?

The Fraud commission was stopped from looking into it by the States. So, it wasn't that they found on fraud. They were not even permitted to look for it.
The voter commission found nothing. They disbanded and scurried out the back door. They were humiliated. Kris Kobach was so humiliated he hasn’t won an election since.
How is they were to find something when they were blocked from even looking?

If Trump really felt there was rampant voter fraud he would have kept Kobach and the Commission on. Even Republicans we’re trying to get the commission shut down because they knew the commission itself was a fraud. For all their efforts they found nothing. As I said Kris Kobach was humiliated and left with his tail between his legs.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
You know that isn't true at all, don't you?

The Fraud commission was stopped from looking into it by the States. So, it wasn't that they found on fraud. They were not even permitted to look for it.
The voter commission found nothing. They disbanded and scurried out the back door. They were humiliated. Kris Kobach was so humiliated he hasn’t won an election since.
How is they were to find something when they were blocked from even looking?

If Trump really felt there was rampant voter fraud he would have kept Kobach and the Commission on. Even Republicans we’re trying to get the commission shut down because they knew the commission itself was a fraud. For all their efforts they found nothing. As I said Kris Kobach was humiliated and left with his tail between his legs.
Maybe you should go back to school and learn, for the first time, the limits on power the President can wield. I'll be you think that the President can shut down the economy too.
Yep, you can't get more criminal than this. Think of this every time a Democrat says mass mail-in ballots are the only way to ensure a fair and safe election. They are playing their last losing card of a loser’s hand. Let the Democrats quake in their panicked desperation.

Says right in you link they died after mailing the ballots.

Next fuaxrage please.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
You didn't answer my question lol

On a related note I haven't found any domestic abuse in my neighborhood so thankfully it obviously doesn't exist.
I made it clear rampant voter fraud is lie. There have been instances of voter fraud but they are rare. In a study IIRC out of billions of votes cast since 1972, 1500 may have been the result of fraud. Even that number may be overstated.
You remind me of the hear, see & speak monkeys.

Truly a gullible tool.


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