Michigan Rejects 846 Mailed Ballots 'Because the Voter Was Dead'

Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
1290 in 50 years? Insane people doing insane things. I'd love to see how many were actually prosecuted. There is no problem there is only the GOP swamp. The Trump administration is the most corrupt administration ever. Just like the Trump business used to be.
They were rejected. So the system works?
The fact that people CHEATED to try to garner dead people votes does NOT work. It's great that they caught the bastards.

They were caught. Seems the system works.
Exactly. This is just Trumper desperation to discredit mail in voting to rig the election if Trump’s favor. They are so transparent.
There was rampant Prog voter fraud in 2016. That is why it was after 2 A.M. when Hillary conceded. They were trying to overturned the close states and they overturned a few close ones. They are always to confident like the fix is in. The 2008 election got us 60 Prog Senators and the Obamacare that ripped off people trillions of dollars. Lots of fraud votes there with the help of McCain running a lackluster campaign.
All investigated all discredited never retracted on your crap propaganda outlet. Poor America.
So answer me this. They didn’t know they had died before they sent them out that had been requested, but suddenly knew after they were returned? Hmmm.....
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
Bullshit. They disbanded because they weren’t being allowed to check Democratic run areas!

Many states democrat and republican refused to give out "personal" information from their election databases, such as social security number and date of birth. Such information of every registered voter in a single place screamed of an invitation to foreign intrusion.

Instread of having to hack 50 different voting databases, the election fraud commission was putting all the eggs in one basket. Foreign government hackers could effectively hack all 50 state elections with a single hack.
The TDS morons keep saying voter fraud doesn't happen. The evidence indicates it's endemic:

There have been more deaths from the coronavirus than there has been voter fraud for the last 50 years.

And you call voter fraud endemic, but the coronavirus isn't pandemic.
People who send in a ballot and die afterward like the people in this story should be punished. Perhaps some of our USMB tea bagger trumpoholics can suggest ways for punishing them.
The ironic thing is that in many states the absentee votes are not considered to be "cast" until election day, which means when they start verifying those votes, they can reject the votes of people were dead on election day.

While early voting records the votes on the day the person votes, and removes any identification. That prevents them from being able to retrace and invalidate the ballot.
It means a dead person isn't really voting because when they vote they are actually still alive. So, the whining and crying are about someone making a legal vote. but should be penalized for dying before official election day.
Trupoholics are following Donald down Goofy Lane.
2,225 ballots were discarded because there was no signature on the envelope

1,111 were rejected because the voter moved

846 were not accepted because the voter was dead, The state gets monthly updates from the Social Security Administration regarding new Michigan deaths

452 ballots because election officials lacked signatures or the signatures on the envelope did not match state data

Sounds like the system works.
Dims have tried to obstruct cleaning dead voters off the rolls, you fucking moron.
Shows the system works

Absolutely. Between records of people who moved, and people who died, their absentee votes (which Trump said were perfectly fine in Florida) were caught, and rejected.
You have to go down to the registrars office and fill out an application with your signature on it to get an absentee ballot, moron. It's hardly the same thing as what douchebags like you are proposing.
..illegals will be able to vote with mail in

How do you figure? Ballots are only mailed to people on the registered voter list. The same list used to determine eligibility to vote at the polls.
The registered voter list is filled with dead people, illegal aliens, people who moved, and cartoon characters. You assholes are trying to make it easier to corrupt that as well.
It means a dead person isn't really voting because when they vote they are actually still alive. So, the whining and crying are about someone making a legal vote. but should be penalized for dying before official election day.
Trupoholics are following Donald down Goofy Lane.

It makes for a good talking point, that dead people are allowed to vote.
Dims have tried to obstruct cleaning dead voters off the rolls, you fucking moron.
That's because republicans tend to declare people "dead" long before they die. The same way they declared thousands of people "felons" who were never so much as arrested. Their voter roll purges are notorious for erasing legal voters.
o the registrars office and fill out an application with your signature on it to get an absentee ballot, moron. It's hardly the same thing as what douchebags like you are proposing.

Are you stupid or just trying to troll?

As you see, you can mail in both the application and the ballot.
A mailed in application is worthless. Your illegal alien gardener could have filled it out.

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