Michigan Rejects 846 Mailed Ballots 'Because the Voter Was Dead'

The LWNJs wouldn't be making such an issue of mail-in voting if they were actually confident in the Joe'n'hoe ticket they're running.

That's it, in a nutshell, if they were so confident in their candidates and, that they were going to win, this wouldn't have even been brought up.

Look at 2016, they were positive Hillary would win, they crowed about it every chance they got and, look.......no mention of mail-in voting.

Dems are scared!
Yes we need a computer chip social security card to end illegal immigration duh. There is no evidence of illegals voting. It's not worth the risk obviously. Another ridiculous phony scandal.

They should issue identification cards at birth. With the hospital recording the footprints (which don't change) electronically and stamping or encoding them into a birth certificate.

This would serve as a primary irrefutable basis for determining citizenship. As it proves physical presence at time of birth.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
Democrats are so brainwashed they literally believe our elections are clean and pure.
Unlike you Satan I don’t buy into qanon bullshit and I believe in the patriotism and dedication of our local supervisor of elections. They do their job and do it well.
Unlike you Johnlaw, I don't support the global pedophile cult and their democrat party.

Their is no such thing as a democrat patriot.

Just like how democrats hide hurricane relief from hurricane victims to hurt trump, they wouldn't think twice about committing voter fraud.
Yep, you can't get more criminal than this. Think of this every time a Democrat says mass mail-in ballots are the only way to ensure a fair and safe election. They are playing their last losing card of a loser’s hand. Let the Democrats quake in their panicked desperation.

Having consulted non-biased fact checking sites, your news sources have an extremely low rating for accuracy.

Of course, they tell you what you want to hear, so you accept every lie. But to be truly informed, news organizations must pass the smell test. The two you cite stink to high heaven.
They were rejected. So the system works?
The fact that people CHEATED to try to garner dead people votes does NOT work. It's great that they caught the bastards.

They were caught. Seems the system works.
Exactly. This is just Trumper desperation to discredit mail in voting to rig the election if Trump’s favor. They are so transparent.

Yeah, that's why nazi palousey is trying to do away with signature verification, voter ID and to allow ballot harvesting nation wide. Perhaps the commie leadership thinks the system works too well.

People who send in a ballot and die afterward like the people in this story should be punished. Perhaps some of our USMB tea bagger trumpoholics can suggest ways for punishing them.
God, this proliferation of FAKE NEWS is, sadly, believed by many poorly educated, inbred Trump voters, which make up a majority of the Trump base.
Yep, you can't get more criminal than this. Think of this every time a Democrat says mass mail-in ballots are the only way to ensure a fair and safe election. They are playing their last losing card of a loser’s hand. Let the Democrats quake in their panicked desperation.


More than 6,400 of Michigan's 10,600 absentee ballots rejected Aug. 4 were turned away because they arrived after Election Day, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office said Friday.

Another 2,225 ballots were discarded because there was no signature on the envelope; 1,111 were rejected because the voter moved; and 846 were not accepted because the voter was dead, according to data from Benson's office.

Those individuals listed as dead or moved include voters who died or moved out of the jurisdiction after submitting their absentee ballots, Benson's spokeswoman Tracy Wimmer said. The state gets monthly updates from the Social Security Administration regarding new Michigan deaths so officials can identify ballots filed by people who have since died.
People who send in a ballot and die afterward like the people in this story should be punished. Perhaps some of our USMB tea bagger trumpoholics can suggest ways for punishing them.
The ironic thing is that in many states the absentee votes are not considered to be "cast" until election day, which means when they start verifying those votes, they can reject the votes of people were dead on election day.

While early voting records the votes on the day the person votes, and removes any identification. That prevents them from being able to retrace and invalidate the ballot.
I hope Trump is going to have people scrutinizing the vote count...the dems are going to try and steal this election and I do not trust the swampy GOP to stop them....

I agree.

The Left is preparing to steal this election, by any means necessary.

Cheating, fraud, violence and chaos.

I said it before and I say it again.... I beg President Trump and all Patriots to think of all posible scenarios that the Left will use, and how to stop these criminals.

Freedom is hanging by a thread! Wake up everybody!
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
Democrats are so brainwashed they literally believe our elections are clean and pure.
Unlike you Satan I don’t buy into qanon bullshit and I believe in the patriotism and dedication of our local supervisor of elections. They do their job and do it well.
Unlike you Johnlaw, I don't support the global pedophile cult and their democrat party.

Their is no such thing as a democrat patriot.

Just like how democrats hide hurricane relief from hurricane victims to hurt trump, they wouldn't think twice about committing voter fraud.
Your post is no surprise. You’re a q-anon lunatic.
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Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
Bullshit. They disbanded because they weren’t being allowed to check Democratic run areas!
Yep, you can't get more criminal than this. Think of this every time a Democrat says mass mail-in ballots are the only way to ensure a fair and safe election. They are playing their last losing card of a loser’s hand. Let the Democrats quake in their panicked desperation.

None of that happened. Use credible sources.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
I get so tired of the crazy left trying to point to the commission on voter fraud that Trump put together as proof nothing was found. The commission had to be abandoned because the crazy Democrats would not turn over any records. So the fact was that they could not find any because there were no records to look at.
you might have someone look at this to see just how often voter fraud is prosecuted. Chances are there is even more that is never caught or prosecuted. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
I get so tired of the crazy left trying to point to the commission on voter fraud that Trump put together as proof nothing was found. The commission had to be abandoned because the crazy Democrats would not turn over any records. So the fact was that they could not find any because there were no records to look at.
you might have someone look at this to see just how often voter fraud is prosecuted. Chances are there is even more that is never caught or prosecuted. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
lOL..the Heritage Foundation found 1,290 cases of voter fraud since 1972. That’s right 1,290 out of 1,000,000,000s of votes cast. Thanks for proving to us that rampant voter fraud is lie.
The TDS morons keep saying voter fraud doesn't happen. The evidence indicates it's endemic:

Here’s why Democrats want mail-in voting. So all of the dead people can vote again.
At least 847 dead people tried to vote in Michigan’s August Primary..
Over 10,000 votes were rejected.
Meanwhile, more than 223,000 ballots were “undeliverable” in Clark County, Nevada, the Review-Journal reported.
The state opted for an all-mail election and “Clark County mailed ballots to all — not just active — voters, in part because of legal pressure from state and national Democrats,” according to the paper.
Clark County mailed 1,325,934 ballots, and nearly as many were undeliverable as returned: 223,469 and 305,000, respectively.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they will continue in their efforts to suppress the vote.
What percentage of the voter fraud do you suppose is actually caught?
10%, 20% or more?

I bet it's only between 5 & 10 percent.

It's EASY to say it's not a problem because some was discovered but a wise person realizes there is no possible way to know how much fraud actually succeeded. Therefore you can NOT claim widespread fraud doesn't exist.
Trump started a voter fraud commission. Remember that. Even this rigged commission found no voter fraud. Just let that sink in for a few minutes. A rigged commission put together by Trump to find voter fraud found squat. As you may recall the commission was disbanded with a whimper.
I get so tired of the crazy left trying to point to the commission on voter fraud that Trump put together as proof nothing was found. The commission had to be abandoned because the crazy Democrats would not turn over any records. So the fact was that they could not find any because there were no records to look at.
you might have someone look at this to see just how often voter fraud is prosecuted. Chances are there is even more that is never caught or prosecuted. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
lOL..the Heritage Foundation found 1,290 cases of voter fraud since 1972. That’s right 1,290 out of 1,000,000,000s of votes cast. Thanks for proving to us that rampant voter fraud is lie.
that is only the ones that were prosecuted.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. The ballots were flagged and not counted. The system worked. Trumpers are so desperate to rig the election that they continue with their efforts to suppress the vote despite evidence that the system works.
Democrats are so brainwashed they literally believe our elections are clean and pure.
Unlike you Satan I don’t buy into qanon bullshit and I believe in the patriotism and dedication of our local supervisor of elections. They do their job and do it well.
Unlike you Johnlaw, I don't support the global pedophile cult and their democrat party.

Their is no such thing as a democrat patriot.

Just like how democrats hide hurricane relief from hurricane victims to hurt trump, they wouldn't think twice about committing voter fraud.
What a load of crap propaganda. You have no evidence for any of that. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? There isn't even any real evidence of any of your beliefs. Poor America
I hope Trump is going to have people scrutinizing the vote count...the dems are going to try and steal this election and I do not trust the swampy GOP to stop them....

I agree.

The Left is preparing to steal this election, by any means necessary.

Cheating, fraud, violence and chaos.

I said it before and I say it again.... I beg President Trump and all Patriots to think of all posible scenarios that the Left will use, and how to stop these criminals.

Freedom is hanging by a thread! Wake up everybody!
How is the weather in Moscow?

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