Michigan School Shooting, 3 dead.

Another orange thrown into our apple discussion

Military spending is federal

Education is local

Why do libs insist on federalizing EVERYTHING they touch?
Unfortunately for you, you wouldn’t be the one who gets to decide where the money comes from. Given that it would almost certainly come from something you don’t approve of (if it were to ever happen), would you still be in favor of it?

At least I address your points. You’re too much of a coward to address mine.
His own words tell a different story this kid had serious problems and the parents knew about it.
Buying an older teen a gun for Christmas isn’t the act of a ‘nutjob.’

Having that teen present when the gun is bought isn’t the act of a ‘nutjob.’

Telling others about your new gun isn’t the act of a ‘nutjob.’

Searching for ammunition for your new gun online is not the act of a ‘nutjob.’

There is nothing unusual about this in families where shooting and guns are an avocation.

I’ve read nothing in the news accounts that prior to purchasing the gun for the boy, that the boy had been diagnosed with a mental illness.

If you have a reliable source documenting that the parents knew their son was mentally ill and recklessly provided him with a firearm regardless, please post it.

There seems to be this unsubstantiated narrative that the parents bought the gun for the boy knowing he was mentally ill – or otherwise ‘troubled’ – ignored his mental illness and bought the gun for him anyway.
The problem is the failure of lawmakers and the courts to have in place appropriate laws that specifically address guns in homes with minor children.

Absent such laws, prosecutors are forced to contrive charges that are both inappropriate and unwarranted.
This is a point that has been lost recently.

We can either be a nation governed by laws, or a nation governed by public opinion. We can say, "these parent should be prosecuted because they violated section blah-blah, paragraph whatever of the Michigan criminal code." Or we can say, "everyone is pissed. We should prosecute these parents!"

Of course, in this case, the public opinion that these parent should be prosecuted is entirely manufactured by the filing of the charges. Prior to the news of the charges, no one was advocating that parents of school shooters be sent to jail. Now, overnight, we have half the country thinking that is an awesome idea.

So, it will be pushed into the courts. The judge will read the law and explain it to the jury, who will of course conclude that the parents did nothing criminal.

The only thing missing now is something to do with racism. No doubt that is coming soon.
I’m convinced that some on the left are elated by this tragedy

It gives an excuse to bash gun owners and push their gun confiscation agenda

Without doubt.....they prayed to their god, "The Government," for a divine intervention to remove the Christmas massacre by the blm racist from the news........and they got what they wanted....
Buying an older teen a gun for Christmas isn’t the act of a ‘nutjob.’

Having that teen present when the gun is bought isn’t the act of a ‘nutjob.’

Telling others about your new gun isn’t the act of a ‘nutjob.’

Searching for ammunition for your new gun online is not the act of a ‘nutjob.’

There is nothing unusual about this in families where shooting and guns are an avocation.

I’ve read nothing in the news accounts that prior to purchasing the gun for the boy, that the boy had been diagnosed with a mental illness.

If you have a reliable source documenting that the parents knew their son was mentally ill and recklessly provided him with a firearm regardless, please post it.

There seems to be this unsubstantiated narrative that the parents bought the gun for the boy knowing he was mentally ill – or otherwise ‘troubled’ – ignored his mental illness and bought the gun for him anyway.

Thank you Clayton.....a very rational, sane, good post.......

This is all I am calling for.......looking at the actual situation, not the one pushed by left wing, anti-gun extremists who hope to use this to attack gun owners...
His own words tell a different story this kid had serious problems and the parents knew about it.

How do you know? The school knew.....and yet they did not isolate him, take him to a secure location in the school like the office, they didn't search his lockers, or backpack, and didn't engage the High school, professional security or a police liaison officer.....they simply informed the parents they had to get the kid counseling...

They were the highly trained, educational professionals, with social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists on call....and they didn't see this kid as an immediate and deadly threat...

So......how do you know what the parents knew or didn't know about what the kid was feeling or doing.....?
I’m convinced that some on the left are elated by this tragedy

It gives an excuse to bash gun owners and push their gun confiscation agenda
No same person no one could be happy with the death of innocent children. You are very sick person very suggestion that. We already we already have too many people who shouldn't have guns having guns tighter restrictions are going to be necessary if our culture is to survive.
No same person no one could be happy with the death of innocent children. You are very sick person very suggestion that. We already we already have too many people who shouldn't have guns having guns tighter restrictions are going to be necessary if our culture is to survive.

You don't know what you are talking about...guns are not the issue..

From the 1990s to 2015 we had millions and millions of Americans not only buying guns but carrying guns for self defense in public....a period of 27 years.....

By 2015 there were over 19.5 million Americans carrying guns in public...

What was the result...?

Gun murder went down 49%....how do you explain that?

Gun crime went down 75%....how do you explain that?

Violent crime went down 72%..how do you explain that?

Why did that change in 2015? The democrat party decided to attack the police and release violent gun offenders....

What we have now is a political party, the democrat party, attacking the police non-stop...forcing officers to stop doing their jobs if they don't want to risk their jobs, their pensions or their freedom to left wing, blm, antifa terrorists and their democrat party bosses..

Then, the democrat party is also releasing violent, gun offenders on a revolving door policy.....sending out violent criminals who have already used guns illegally, and letting them out of jail and prison over and over again, or like kim foxx in chicago, not charging them no matter how blatant their gun crimes are...

We have a democrat party problem, not a gun problem...

Over the last 27 years, up to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

1) the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders...they have created a revolving door for criminals who use guns, and will release even the most serious gun offenders over and over again....why? Probably because they realise that normal people don't use their guns for crime, so if they want to push gun control, they need criminals to shoot people.....so they keep releasing them....

2) The democrat party keeps attacking the police.....driving the officers into not doing pro-active policing, cutting detective forces so that murders go unsolved..........
Death Angel, doing the foot work the left is just too stupid to do.

I haven't have to help these idiots make their own points :laughing0301:

This is the best I can find, and from a NON-CREDIBLE LEFTIST SOURCE:

The parents of Ethan Crumbley purchased the handgun used in Tuesday's shooting at Oxford High School, apparently as a Christmas gift for their son on Black Friday, and stored it improperly

It CANNOT be the devil child's gun, because he CANNOT legally own the gun.

Even if this were true, the devil child is 100% responsible for his actions

And in court, before the judge the defense attorney stated the gun was "locked," at the time......
  • Several hours before the shooting: A teacher noticed and photographed an alarming note on the teenager’s desk that included a drawing of a semi-automatic handgun, a bullet, a bleeding figure with two gunshot wounds, and several quotes including “The world is dead.” A school counselor escorted him to the school office with the drawing, which had since been altered to scratch out the violent scene and some of the words including, “My life is useless.” The school summoned the Crumbleys.
  • Three hours before the shooting: The parents arrived for a meeting where they declined to take their son home with them and failed to ask him where the gun was.
This occurred before the shooting, not before the gun was purchased.

It wasn’t until the day of the shooting that there was some indication that the boy was troubled.

The ‘don’t get caught’ text the mother sent the boy was telling him don’t get caught looking at online ammunition resellers in school, not ‘don’t get caught’ with the gun.
A felony?

You are dreaming
Not dreaming – also not willfully ignorant of the law.

Criminal Penalty for Involuntary Manslaughter in Michigan If you are found to have committed the crime of manslaughter, you are guilty of a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a fine of as much as $7,500, according to the Michigan Penal Code (750.321).
And the folks on the right say the exact same thing about the left. You all are so alike you even use the same wording and tactics.

That 60 per cent of Republicans want Trump to run again, the perpetuation of the Big Lie, the embracing of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, the right’s endorsement of violence, racism, bigotry, hate, and political intimidation are all unique to conservatives – there is nothing similar on the left.
This is a point that has been lost recently.

We can either be a nation governed by laws, or a nation governed by public opinion. We can say, "these parent should be prosecuted because they violated section blah-blah, paragraph whatever of the Michigan criminal code." Or we can say, "everyone is pissed. We should prosecute these parents!"

Of course, in this case, the public opinion that these parent should be prosecuted is entirely manufactured by the filing of the charges. Prior to the news of the charges, no one was advocating that parents of school shooters be sent to jail. Now, overnight, we have half the country thinking that is an awesome idea.

So, it will be pushed into the courts. The judge will read the law and explain it to the jury, who will of course conclude that the parents did nothing criminal.

The only thing missing now is something to do with racism. No doubt that is coming soon.
Requiring guns be secured when there are no adults in the home in no manner violates the right to self-defense.

Laws can be composed and endorsed by the courts that afford adults easy access to firearms in the home where minor children are denied access to guns that likewise doesn’t interfere with citizens’ right to self-defense.
Neither will you get to decide
Of course not. I’m just trying to be realistic about where the additional funding would come from.

Are you going to answer the questions now or are you going to continue to be a coward?
This wrongheaded, reprehensible post is further proof that left and right are in no manner ‘the same.’
He's right and we all know it. You're having organs over the prospect of serious prison time for a gun owner.

Wait until we start jailing African mothers who let their spawn murder one another

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