Michigan vs. Sweden: Two COVID-19 Approaches, Very Different Results


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.
Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Price..of..tea..in..China??..whoops..Sweden. And don't look now. Here comes the boomerang.
Sweden's Relaxed Approach to the Coronavirus Could Be Backfiring
Why compare Sweden to Michigan? They have little to nothing to do with each other. I don't even think comparing Sweden to much of Western Europe really demonstrates anything.

If you want to compare Sweden to other countries then try her direct neighbors such as other Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway and Finland where you will find the death per capita in Sweden to be at least twice as high as those other countries.
Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Michigan is no Sweeden. Very different cultures.

Pandemic spread is not magical - the more people interact in close proximity without percautions, the more are infected, it's not rocket science.
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Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Just out of curiosity, is the population density similar? Obviously if swedes are spread out more, they infection rates will be lower.
Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Not so fast Mikey:

Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Just out of curiosity, is the population density similar? Obviously if swedes are spread out more, they infection rates will be lower.

Very different populations...

Sweden are some of the most educated and compliant people on earth. They really know how to behave (i have worked there 6 months twice).

Also Sweden has been using phone data to track the spread for over month. It is a risky strategy but you must remeber they are very organised state with full universal health, a very high public health program that has matured for decades.

They are still a lot of restrictions but these decisions are being made Health Experts not politicians. There is now talk of locking down Stockholm.

Very different area to Michigan
Why compare Sweden to Michigan? They have little to nothing to do with each other. I don't even think comparing Sweden to much of Western Europe really demonstrates anything.

If you want to compare Sweden to other countries then try her direct neighbors such as other Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway and Finland where you will find the death per capita in Sweden to be at least twice as high as those other countries.

Finland is not a Scandinavian county, dummy.
Why compare Sweden to Michigan? They have little to nothing to do with each other. I don't even think comparing Sweden to much of Western Europe really demonstrates anything.

If you want to compare Sweden to other countries then try her direct neighbors such as other Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway and Finland where you will find the death per capita in Sweden to be at least twice as high as those other countries.

Finland is not a Scandinavian county, dummy.

It is a Nordic Country and in Europe is often put in the same group as the others... Splitting hairs...
Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Just out of curiosity, is the population density similar? Obviously if swedes are spread out more, they infection rates will be lower.

Very different populations...

Sweden are some of the most educated and compliant people on earth. They really know how to behave (i have worked there 6 months twice).

Also Sweden has been using phone data to track the spread for over month. It is a risky strategy but you must remeber they are very organised state with full universal health, a very high public health program that has matured for decades.

They are still a lot of restrictions but these decisions are being made Health Experts not politicians. There is now talk of locking down Stockholm.

Very different area to Michigan

Well I know enough about health care in sweden, to know ours is much better.

So that's not the factor. Besides, unless you think doctors are running around the country, barging into the businesses and shops with masks and instant tests... Corona is being transmitted outside the health care system. So even if their system was better, that would do nothing to explain why rates are lower.

That said, otherwise I agree. Sweden has not advocated a policy of multi-culturalism, and thus has a much more cultural cohesive society that promotes wise living, and a compliant society.

Not sure what tracking with phone data would do We have trackers all over the place here too. It's not helping much. How exactly does that help?
Why compare Sweden to Michigan? They have little to nothing to do with each other. I don't even think comparing Sweden to much of Western Europe really demonstrates anything.

If you want to compare Sweden to other countries then try her direct neighbors such as other Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway and Finland where you will find the death per capita in Sweden to be at least twice as high as those other countries.

Finland is not a Scandinavian county, dummy.

Whatever dude, it's not really pertinent, it borders Sweden.

Denmark, Norway and Finland all have fewer deaths per million than the United States where as Sweden has 20 more than we do.
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Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Michigan is no Sweeden. Very different cultures.

Pandemic spread is not magical - the more people interact in close proximity without percautions, the more are infected, it's not rocket science.

And die.
Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Just out of curiosity, is the population density similar? Obviously if swedes are spread out more, they infection rates will be lower.

Very different populations...

Sweden are some of the most educated and compliant people on earth. They really know how to behave (i have worked there 6 months twice).

Also Sweden has been using phone data to track the spread for over month. It is a risky strategy but you must remeber they are very organised state with full universal health, a very high public health program that has matured for decades.

They are still a lot of restrictions but these decisions are being made Health Experts not politicians. There is now talk of locking down Stockholm.

Very different area to Michigan

Well I know enough about health care in sweden, to know ours is much better.

So that's not the factor. Besides, unless you think doctors are running around the country, barging into the businesses and shops with masks and instant tests... Corona is being transmitted outside the health care system. So even if their system was better, that would do nothing to explain why rates are lower.

That said, otherwise I agree. Sweden has not advocated a policy of multi-culturalism, and thus has a much more cultural cohesive society that promotes wise living, and a compliant society.

Not sure what tracking with phone data would do We have trackers all over the place here too. It's not helping much. How exactly does that help?
Sweden has a large developed public health system... This is not just Hospital and Doctors but well developed and trusted public Health Education (Remember when Michelle Obama was trying to get kids eat vegetables and certain people went daft OR how the US government class Pizza as a vegetable). This is big Government and there primary care is highly developed... A public physio used to come into the office to give massages once a week.

Sweden is quite multicultural and has quite large immigrant population.

Contact tracing is a lot bigger in Europe than US. What they do is put traces on peoples phones and if they report positive they automatically tell others that there phone was close... I don't know how Sweden is exactly doing it but that is what is proposed in Ireland.

Saying that there numbers are way higher than there neighbours... And there Economy is also taking a hit...
Why compare Sweden to Michigan? They have little to nothing to do with each other. I don't even think comparing Sweden to much of Western Europe really demonstrates anything.

If you want to compare Sweden to other countries then try her direct neighbors such as other Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway and Finland where you will find the death per capita in Sweden to be at least twice as high as those other countries.

Finland is not a Scandinavian county, dummy.


So.. that's my evidence. Given the fact you called someone else a "dummy".. please provide your evidence that Finland is not a Scandinavian county?
Let's compare the results of Michigan's and Sweden's COVID-19 measures. Michigan and Sweden's populations are almost identical in size. Michigan has been using extreme measures for over a month. Sweden has been using very moderate measures, allowing the nation's businesses and most schools to remain open. How do their COVID-19 numbers compare? As of this afternoon, Michigan has had 25,635 cases and 1,602 deaths, while Sweden has had 10,948 cases and 919 deaths.

Just out of curiosity, is the population density similar? Obviously if swedes are spread out more, they infection rates will be lower.

Very different populations...

Sweden are some of the most educated and compliant people on earth. They really know how to behave (i have worked there 6 months twice).

Also Sweden has been using phone data to track the spread for over month. It is a risky strategy but you must remeber they are very organised state with full universal health, a very high public health program that has matured for decades.

They are still a lot of restrictions but these decisions are being made Health Experts not politicians. There is now talk of locking down Stockholm.

Very different area to Michigan

Well I know enough about health care in sweden, to know ours is much better.

So that's not the factor. Besides, unless you think doctors are running around the country, barging into the businesses and shops with masks and instant tests... Corona is being transmitted outside the health care system. So even if their system was better, that would do nothing to explain why rates are lower.

That said, otherwise I agree. Sweden has not advocated a policy of multi-culturalism, and thus has a much more cultural cohesive society that promotes wise living, and a compliant society.

Not sure what tracking with phone data would do We have trackers all over the place here too. It's not helping much. How exactly does that help?
Sweden has a large developed public health system... This is not just Hospital and Doctors but well developed and trusted public Health Education (Remember when Michelle Obama was trying to get kids eat vegetables and certain people went daft OR how the US government class Pizza as a vegetable). This is big Government and there primary care is highly developed... A public physio used to come into the office to give massages once a week.

Sweden is quite multicultural and has quite large immigrant population.

Contact tracing is a lot bigger in Europe than US. What they do is put traces on peoples phones and if they report positive they automatically tell others that there phone was close... I don't know how Sweden is exactly doing it but that is what is proposed in Ireland.

Saying that there numbers are way higher than there neighbours... And there Economy is also taking a hit...

I'm not sure what you think Michelle Obama, has to do with the quality of health care. Again, having government run a hospital, means what to people eating vegetables? Nothing. Unless you think doctors are in schools, getting kids to eat broccoli.

Trust is a function of a homogeneous culture, not a socialized health care system. In fact, having government run health care, leads to less trust in the health care system. Have you be to a VA hospital lately? I have. Have been to a government run clinic? I have. Have you been to a government run nursing home? I have.

You spend enough time in those places, and you will trust government health care less and less.

Go read Thomas Sowell's A personal Odyssey, about working in a government building with doctors. There's a reason Sowell was originally a pro-government socialist, and went to being a right-wing conservative.

Roughly 14% of the population of Sweden is immigrants. But that's misleading, because half of those are EU citizens, moving to Sweden. That like saying half of Ohio's population are immigrants because we have 200,000 people here from California, and hundreds of thousands more from other states.

Only about 7% of those are from outside the EU.

Moreover, 60% of swedes all belong to the Christian Church of Sweden. And they pay taxes to the Christian Church of Sweden.

Now understand... this isn't even the same as being Christian in the USA. Because there are a wide variety of "Christians". Catholics, Morons, Jehovah witnesses, and a dozen other fractions all called "christian" and yet are very different. (many I don't even consider to be Christian).

But in Sweden 60% of the entire population is not just Christian, but all belong to the exact same denomination.

That is a very very homogeneous society, which breeds trust and harmony between people. Multi-culturalism breeds distrust and friction.
Population density of Michigan is over twice as high as Sweden.

Comparing apples to oranges.

But you are still correct, we have to open the economy back up, responsibly. Personally, I take the virus seriously until we know more.
Seems like a good model. Why didn’t Trump follow that model? Those at risk be careful, those not at risk. Live your lives.

We didn’t have to shut down everything as the press has claimed since the claimed we didn’t.

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