Michigan's right-to-work laws will ripple across the US

U.S. automotive manufacturing plants built in the last 20 years:

Hyundai/Kia: Alabama, Georgia
Daimler: Alabama
BMW: South Carolina (output: 300,000 cars; 75% for foreign markets)
Nissan: Tennessee, Mississippi
Volkswagen: Tennessee
Toyota: Alabama, Texas, Indiana, Mississippi
Honda: Alabama
Chrysler: Indiana
General Motors: Tennessee

All right-to-work states, except Indiana (not until 2012). Why don't they choose California or New England??

Not only automotive: Boeing in SC, Airbus in Alabama, Caterpillar in Georgia, Siemens in NC, GE in Texas, Intel in Arizona...

The U.S. is the only wealthy developed country that still builds new major factories. And the South gets most of them.
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Wrong. By making exceptions they have proved a political cowardice - or actually, a pragmatism.

So Republicans are cowards? (already known).
You can't say, "choice is great for the worker and thats why we did it, but only for certain workers." Either it is or it isn't you can't have it both ways. By exclusion "Right to Work" has become unfair and can be challenged in the courts as discriminatory. It's all about consistancy, and the Republicans are like drunken sailors. Snyder is a prime example of a Republican who doesn't know what conservative values are or mean. His stance on the new bridge is a perfect example.

Politically, they get what they can.

Get what they can? Let me help you again.

Michigan republicans control all three branches of Mighigan government.

Michigan Legislature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Michigan right to work law is inconsistant with it's idea. By being inconsistant it is wrong and unfair. Yes, it does allow workers to choose if they want to be in a union, but it also excludes the police and firemen's unions. The right to work does not apply to these two occupations. By making exceptions they have proved their own reasoning as false.

Michigan excludes police and fire unions from
There are obvious reasons why police and firefighters are prohibited from striking. It's just common sense.

Hope and change is going to come from he state and local level. The federal government is incapable.
U.S. automotive manufacturing plants built in the last 20 years:

Hyundai/Kia: Alabama, Georgia
Daimler: Alabama
BMW: South Carolina (output today: 300,000 cars; 75% for foreign markets)
Nissan: Tennessee, Mississippi
Volkswagen: Tennessee
Toyota: Alabama, Texas, Indiana, Mississippi
Honda: Alabama
Chrysler: Indiana
General Motors: Tennessee

All right-to-work states, except Indiana (not until 2012). Why don't they choose California or New England??

Not only automotive: Boeing in SC, Airbus in Alabama, Caterpillar in Georgia, Siemens in NC, GE in Texas, Intel in Arizona...

The U.S. is the only wealthy developed country that still builds new major factories. And the South gets most of them.

Your post proves that modern Unions fail the working man.
So Republicans are cowards? (already known).
You can't say, "choice is great for the worker and thats why we did it, but only for certain workers." Either it is or it isn't you can't have it both ways. By exclusion "Right to Work" has become unfair and can be challenged in the courts as discriminatory. It's all about consistancy, and the Republicans are like drunken sailors. Snyder is a prime example of a Republican who doesn't know what conservative values are or mean. His stance on the new bridge is a perfect example.

Politically, they get what they can.

Get what they can? Let me help you again.

Michigan republicans control all three branches of Mighigan government.

Michigan Legislature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are flailing pathetically. It is pragmatic to first break the union stangulation of our workforce in the private sector.

The public sector is coming later.

By the way, is the goal of Big Labor to unite the working man against their perceived oppressors, just like the Nazi and Communist parties do / did?
Slight variations of a theme. Both were uniting the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors.

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

slight variation my ass. Let me help you.

File:European-political-spectrum.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Answer the question.

The Nazis were not uniting the downtrodden they were building a nationalistic pride and ramping up a war machine. The Communistis created the peoples party to overthrow a totalitarian Monarchy, which was replace by a communistic totalitarian government. Neither had the intrests of the workers at heart.

You need to focus your question a bit. Like all Republicans you refuse to get specific. Try again.

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Answer the question.

The Nazis were not uniting the downtrodden they were building a nationalistic pride and ramping up a war machine. The Communistis created the peoples party to overthrow a totalitarian Monarchy, which was replace by a communistic totalitarian government. Neither had the intrests of the workers at heart.

You need to focus your question a bit. Like all Republicans you refuse to get specific. Try again.


You want to hang around while I destroy you on this one, or is it time for you to log off?
Hey rectum01 -

Question for you.

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Answer the question.

The Nazis were not uniting the downtrodden they were building a nationalistic pride and ramping up a war machine. The Communistis created the peoples party to overthrow a totalitarian Monarchy, which was replace by a communistic totalitarian government. Neither had the intrests of the workers at heart.

You need to focus your question a bit. Like all Republicans you refuse to get specific. Try again.
The communists and the Nazis were doing about the same thing that the Democrats are doing today. That is, Class warfare and exploiting the young, poor and poorly educated. The only major difference between them was the guise of nationalism and a more pragmatic tolerance of big business on the part of Nazis.
Hey rectum01 -

Question for you.

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Do you know how to read and understand english?
- You said the Republicans are just getting what they can.
- I proved you wrong by showing you the republicans hold a majority in all the branches in Michigan (link provided)

- You said that Fascism and communism were similar.
- I proved you wrong by showing you they are opposites on the political spectrum (link provided)

- You asked a grossly vague question. I asked you to narrow it down. you refused.
- You are now regressing to name calling (as expected)

- You lose this one.
- You are breaking down, and I will not discuss with someone who can't keep it together.
Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Answer the question.

The Nazis were not uniting the downtrodden they were building a nationalistic pride and ramping up a war machine. The Communistis created the peoples party to overthrow a totalitarian Monarchy, which was replace by a communistic totalitarian government. Neither had the intrests of the workers at heart.

You need to focus your question a bit. Like all Republicans you refuse to get specific. Try again.
The communists and the Nazis were doing about the same thing that the Democrats are doing today. That is, Class warfare and exploiting the young, poor and poorly educated. The only major difference between them was the guise of nationalism and a more pragmatic tolerance of big business on the part of Nazis.

Well, that and Obama still hasn't grown one of those funny little dictator mustaches.
Hey rectum01 -

Question for you.

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Do you know how to read and understand english?
- You said the Republicans are just getting what they can.
- I proved you wrong by showing you the republicans hold a majority in all the branches in Michigan (link provided)

- You said that Fascism and communism were similar.
- I proved you wrong by showing you they are opposites on the political spectrum (link provided)

- You asked a grossly vague question. I asked you to narrow it down. you refused.
- You are now regressing to name calling (as expected)

- You lose this one.
- You are breaking down, and I will not discuss with someone who can't keep it together.

You seem afraid of a simple question, rectum.

Let's try again.

Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?
Kasich has already done a GREAT job attracting jobs to Ohio.

#8 in the Nation and #1 in the midwest. He will parlay that into an easy passage of RTW this fall, and with Michigan and Ohio down, where can union thuggery stand?

You, as usual, are full of shit. I live in Ohio. The reason jobs rebounded is because the auto industry rebounded. And certinately you know that Kasich had nothing to do with that.

And so far, Kasich has had enough sense to stay away from that topic.

Like you say, the economy is growing in Ohio, why would the Guv want to fuk it up?

And by breaking the backs of unions, who represent what, 10% of the private sector work force, what do you think will happen?

And why can't rethugs be honest and just say that they want to break the unions so the unions political power will be diminshed.

Lying pieces of shit are what rethugs are. They want to hide behind the bullshit of "workers rights" What a crock. Like rethugs give a fuk about workers.
Does Big Labor seek to unite the downtrodden working man against their perceived oppressors?

Answer the question.

The Nazis were not uniting the downtrodden they were building a nationalistic pride and ramping up a war machine. The Communistis created the peoples party to overthrow a totalitarian Monarchy, which was replace by a communistic totalitarian government. Neither had the intrests of the workers at heart.

You need to focus your question a bit. Like all Republicans you refuse to get specific. Try again.
The communists and the Nazis were doing about the same thing that the Democrats are doing today. That is, Class warfare and exploiting the young, poor and poorly educated. The only major difference between them was the guise of nationalism and a more pragmatic tolerance of big business on the part of Nazis.

I don't think it was class warfare in Nazi Germany, as much as it was anti-semetic. Anti-semetism doesn't care what class you are from. It also started weeding out the "undesireables", again not class warfare. Communism was class warfare until the totalitarian part came in.
This is exciting! Ohio should be next!!

'The impact of Michigan’s decision will be felt far beyond the borders of the once-staunchly pro-union state. Even though the ranks of union workers have been dwindling across the nation, the influence of big unions is still felt from the halls of government to corporate board rooms, and their clout affects everything from the economy to the political field. But the rising number of right-to-work states could further drain that influence.

"It’s a union story today, and a much broader economic story tomorrow,” said Harley Shaiken, a professor at UC Berkeley and an expert on union issues. '

Michigan's right-to-work laws will ripple across the US - Economy Watch on NBCNews.com

Yay! Lower wages for all!
Kasich has already done a GREAT job attracting jobs to Ohio.

#8 in the Nation and #1 in the midwest. He will parlay that into an easy passage of RTW this fall, and with Michigan and Ohio down, where can union thuggery stand?

You, as usual, are full of shit. I live in Ohio. The reason jobs rebounded is because the auto industry rebounded. And certinately you know that Kasich had nothing to do with that.

And so far, Kasich has had enough sense to stay away from that topic.

Like you say, the economy is growing in Ohio, why would the Guv want to fuk it up?

And by breaking the backs of unions, who represent what, 10% of the private sector work force, what do you think will happen?

And why can't rethugs be honest and just say that they want to break the unions so the unions political power will be diminshed.

Lying pieces of shit are what rethugs are. They want to hide behind the bullshit of "workers rights" What a crock. Like rethugs give a fuk about workers.

'Since Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, signed the legislation making his state the nation’s 23rd right-to-work state in early February, Indiana has added about 43,000 jobs, while Michigan has lost about 7,300, said Vincent Vernuccio, director of labor policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Mich.'

Indiana's move pushed Michigan on right-to-work - Washington Times

Ohio shall shat the death grip of Big Labor and be open for business!
Kasich has already done a GREAT job attracting jobs to Ohio.

#8 in the Nation and #1 in the midwest. He will parlay that into an easy passage of RTW this fall, and with Michigan and Ohio down, where can union thuggery stand?

You, as usual, are full of shit. I live in Ohio. The reason jobs rebounded is because the auto industry rebounded. And certinately you know that Kasich had nothing to do with that.

And so far, Kasich has had enough sense to stay away from that topic.

Like you say, the economy is growing in Ohio, why would the Guv want to fuk it up?

And by breaking the backs of unions, who represent what, 10% of the private sector work force, what do you think will happen?

And why can't rethugs be honest and just say that they want to break the unions so the unions political power will be diminshed.

Lying pieces of shit are what rethugs are. They want to hide behind the bullshit of "workers rights" What a crock. Like rethugs give a fuk about workers.

'Since Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, signed the legislation making his state the nation’s 23rd right-to-work state in early February, Indiana has added about 43,000 jobs, while Michigan has lost about 7,300, said Vincent Vernuccio, director of labor policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Mich.'

Indiana's move pushed Michigan on right-to-work - Washington Times

Ohio shall shat the death grip of Big Labor and be open for business!

What's Indiana going to do now? Michigan will get all those jobs back. They have to find out some way to allow business to fuck employees and the environment so they can compete with Michigan. Whichever state doesn't suck the most big business cock loses!
You, as usual, are full of shit. I live in Ohio. The reason jobs rebounded is because the auto industry rebounded. And certinately you know that Kasich had nothing to do with that.

And so far, Kasich has had enough sense to stay away from that topic.

Like you say, the economy is growing in Ohio, why would the Guv want to fuk it up?

And by breaking the backs of unions, who represent what, 10% of the private sector work force, what do you think will happen?

And why can't rethugs be honest and just say that they want to break the unions so the unions political power will be diminshed.

Lying pieces of shit are what rethugs are. They want to hide behind the bullshit of "workers rights" What a crock. Like rethugs give a fuk about workers.

'Since Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, signed the legislation making his state the nation’s 23rd right-to-work state in early February, Indiana has added about 43,000 jobs, while Michigan has lost about 7,300, said Vincent Vernuccio, director of labor policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Mich.'

Indiana's move pushed Michigan on right-to-work - Washington Times

Ohio shall shat the death grip of Big Labor and be open for business!

What's Indiana going to do now? Michigan will get all those jobs back. They have to find out some way to allow business to fuck employees and the environment so they can compete with Michigan. Whichever state doesn't suck the most big business cock loses!

The companies who just chose to start up in Indiana are now going to relocate to Michigan, then?

You are a fucking retard.

'Since Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, signed the legislation making his state the nation’s 23rd right-to-work state in early February, Indiana has added about 43,000 jobs, while Michigan has lost about 7,300, said Vincent Vernuccio, director of labor policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Mich.'

Indiana's move pushed Michigan on right-to-work - Washington Times

Ohio shall shat the death grip of Big Labor and be open for business!

What's Indiana going to do now? Michigan will get all those jobs back. They have to find out some way to allow business to fuck employees and the environment so they can compete with Michigan. Whichever state doesn't suck the most big business cock loses!

The companies who just chose to start up in Indiana are now going to relocate to Michigan, then?

You are a fucking retard.


You have trouble comprehending things.

Maybe you can explain to us how the 22 of the 24 RTW states that have had RTW laws for more than a decade on average have lower wages and weaker economies than the rest of the states?
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You just don't get it snippy.

If you and I are working a production line and I am union and you are not. And you make the same money I do, how long will I keep paying union dues? Not to long. IF the company is paying the same rate for non union employees.

Once enough union members quit paying dues (which is the entire idea) then the union is done. Only a matter of time till it ceases to exist.

Then, after the union is gone, guess what, The company is free to lower the wages you get paid. With no one to fight for the workers.

Won't it be great when everyone is working for a lot less money for their labor.

That'll help America recover. Maybe you rethugs could pass a law that says that no hourly worker can get paid more than minimum wage. That make you happy?

And of course, break the unions and get rid of that money backing Dem politicians. The real goal.

You rethugs just don't have the balls to admit it.

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