Michigan's right-to-work laws will ripple across the US

What's Indiana going to do now? Michigan will get all those jobs back. They have to find out some way to allow business to fuck employees and the environment so they can compete with Michigan. Whichever state doesn't suck the most big business cock loses!

The companies who just chose to start up in Indiana are now going to relocate to Michigan, then?

You are a fucking retard.


You have trouble comprehending things.

Maybe you can explain to us how the 22 of the 24 RTW states that have had RTW laws for more than a decade on average have lower wages and weaker economies than the rest of the states?

You are trying to deflect because you have once again had your head handed to you.

Prove the Indiana companies which have just moved in will relocate back to Michigan, as you claim.
The Nazis were not uniting the downtrodden they were building a nationalistic pride and ramping up a war machine. The Communistis created the peoples party to overthrow a totalitarian Monarchy, which was replace by a communistic totalitarian government. Neither had the intrests of the workers at heart.

You need to focus your question a bit. Like all Republicans you refuse to get specific. Try again.
The communists and the Nazis were doing about the same thing that the Democrats are doing today. That is, Class warfare and exploiting the young, poor and poorly educated. The only major difference between them was the guise of nationalism and a more pragmatic tolerance of big business on the part of Nazis.

I don't think it was class warfare in Nazi Germany, as much as it was anti-semetic. Anti-semetism doesn't care what class you are from. It also started weeding out the "undesireables", again not class warfare. Communism was class warfare until the totalitarian part came in.
Quote from Adolf Hitler

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

Adolf Hitler Quote/Quotation

Sounds like something JoeB or some OWS schmuck would say. Not a great deal of difference.
Yeah, God forbid someone should actually be allowed to apply for a job and not have to be part of the union to get that job and hold on to that job. Unions are upset because they are on their out, more and more people are waking up and seeing them as part of the money laundering scheme for the Democrat Party and for the violent thugs they really are.

If one wants to join a unions, great, that is their choice. The problem is, people like you and those in unions think that joining a union should be the only option if you are to get a job. Contrary to your beliefs, that is not what this country was founded upon.

To error is human, to really screw things up requires the Democrat Party and unions.

First of all, you don't know shit about me. So slow your roll.

Second of all, you seem not to care about employees having some ACTUAL leverage against their bosses. If you did, then you could at least admit that unions have a valid purpose.

Third of all, if you really cared about what the Founding Fathers wanted...then the freedom to associate and the freedom to contract would mean something to you. People entering into contracts to multiply their power is EXACTLY what this country was founded on, buddy. The Constitution is the greatest social contact ever.

That's fine though. Fuck over the little guy. See where that gets the country. :clap2:
Fokk the unions...are we clear? Your talking points are a dime a dozen when it comes to TAXPAYERS EXPENSE and we are tired of your worn out ..that company still makes a profit. Half truths/lies will never make your case.

Nothing you say matters after this. You're obviously partisan and couldnt see straight with your head up your own ass.

These aren't talking points. They're life experience. There are NO half-truths ANYWHERE in what I posted.

Obviously you either don't KNOW or don't CARE about the Freedom to Associate and the Freedom to Contract. Since you don't, your opinion is worth even LESS than nothing.

Good job being a partisan hack.
First of all, you don't know shit about me. So slow your roll.

Second of all, you seem not to care about employees having some ACTUAL leverage against their bosses. If you did, then you could at least admit that unions have a valid purpose.

Third of all, if you really cared about what the Founding Fathers wanted...then the freedom to associate and the freedom to contract would mean something to you. People entering into contracts to multiply their power is EXACTLY what this country was founded on, buddy. The Constitution is the greatest social contact ever.

That's fine though. Fuck over the little guy. See where that gets the country. :clap2:
Fokk the unions...are we clear? Your talking points are a dime a dozen when it comes to TAXPAYERS EXPENSE and we are tired of your worn out ..that company still makes a profit. Half truths/lies will never make your case.

Nothing you say matters after this. You're obviously partisan and couldnt see straight with your head up your own ass.

These aren't talking points. They're life experience. There are NO half-truths ANYWHERE in what I posted.

Obviously you either don't KNOW or don't CARE about the Freedom to Associate and the Freedom to Contract. Since you don't, your opinion is worth even LESS than nothing.

Good job being a partisan hack.

Sure there is. You corrupt the Constitutional principle of freedom of association and freedom to contract' by pretending forced government compliance of labor laws is something a business owner willing decides to participate in.

Forced collective bargaining compliance is decidedly anti-freedom and anti-choice.
I honestly would love to understand why you think right-to-work is so amazing. In an economy where employers already have the vast advantage over employees, how is giving employers more power to treat workers poorly a step up?

Yeah, God forbid someone should actually be allowed to apply for a job and not have to be part of the union to get that job and hold on to that job. Unions are upset because they are on their out, more and more people are waking up and seeing them as part of the money laundering scheme for the Democrat Party and for the violent thugs they really are.

If one wants to join a unions, great, that is their choice. The problem is, people like you and those in unions think that joining a union should be the only option if you are to get a job. Contrary to your beliefs, that is not what this country was founded upon.

To error is human, to really screw things up requires the Democrat Party and unions.

First of all, you don't know shit about me. So slow your roll.

Second of all, you seem not to care about employees having some ACTUAL leverage against their bosses. If you did, then you could at least admit that unions have a valid purpose.

Third of all, if you really cared about what the Founding Fathers wanted...then the freedom to associate and the freedom to contract would mean something to you. People entering into contracts to multiply their power is EXACTLY what this country was founded on, buddy. The Constitution is the greatest social contact ever.

That's fine though. Fuck over the little guy. See where that gets the country. :clap2:

The keyword being freedom. And where's the freedom part about join the friggin' union or you don't get the job? Requiring union participation is the antithesis of freedom. Except to the union stooges.
Fokk the unions...are we clear? Your talking points are a dime a dozen when it comes to TAXPAYERS EXPENSE and we are tired of your worn out ..that company still makes a profit. Half truths/lies will never make your case.

Nothing you say matters after this. You're obviously partisan and couldnt see straight with your head up your own ass.

These aren't talking points. They're life experience. There are NO half-truths ANYWHERE in what I posted.

Obviously you either don't KNOW or don't CARE about the Freedom to Associate and the Freedom to Contract. Since you don't, your opinion is worth even LESS than nothing.

Good job being a partisan hack.

Sure there is. You corrupt the Constitutional principle of freedom of association and freedom to contract' by pretending forced government compliance of labor laws is something a business owner willing decides to participate in.

Forced collective bargaining compliance is decidedly anti-freedom and anti-choice.

Wrong again. It's a little thing called fairness.

I corrupt nothing. In fact, I highly doubt you've even heard of the freedom of contract and probably had to look it up.

If you don't want to work for a union...don't work in a profession or don't work for an employer that is unionized. There's your choice. There's your freedom.

But you can't expect a free lunch. The union goes to the trouble and expense of being the leverage against the employer...and non-union folks don't have to contribute? Bullshit.

You've offered NO replacement leverage for the little guy against their employers. When you create an institution that can help increase wages and protect workers that's not a union...then come back and talk. Until then, you've just been a partisan hack.
This is exciting! Ohio should be next!!

'The impact of Michigan’s decision will be felt far beyond the borders of the once-staunchly pro-union state. Even though the ranks of union workers have been dwindling across the nation, the influence of big unions is still felt from the halls of government to corporate board rooms, and their clout affects everything from the economy to the political field. But the rising number of right-to-work states could further drain that influence.

"It’s a union story today, and a much broader economic story tomorrow,” said Harley Shaiken, a professor at UC Berkeley and an expert on union issues. '

Michigan's right-to-work laws will ripple across the US - Economy Watch on NBCNews.com

If this were true,

tell us specifically how this will lead to more good paying jobs in America.
Right to work states have lower unemployment. And those are good paying jobs. Even without being in the union.
Unions became exactly what they were originally fighting against. Once unions realized that they could pay politicians to give them benefits in exchange for money, the unions started losing power.
Nothing you say matters after this. You're obviously partisan and couldnt see straight with your head up your own ass.

These aren't talking points. They're life experience. There are NO half-truths ANYWHERE in what I posted.

Obviously you either don't KNOW or don't CARE about the Freedom to Associate and the Freedom to Contract. Since you don't, your opinion is worth even LESS than nothing.

Good job being a partisan hack.

Sure there is. You corrupt the Constitutional principle of freedom of association and freedom to contract' by pretending forced government compliance of labor laws is something a business owner willing decides to participate in.

Forced collective bargaining compliance is decidedly anti-freedom and anti-choice.

Wrong again. It's a little thing called fairness.

I corrupt nothing. In fact, I highly doubt you've even heard of the freedom of contract and probably had to look it up.

Again, dumbass, such freedom has to be a two way street. Labor laws force employers to
engage in them. Don't even try to pretend businesses willingly cowtow to Leftist union assholes out of the goodness of their heart.

If you don't want to work for a union...don't work in a profession or don't work for an employer that is unionized. There's your choice. There's your freedom.

How about you stop telling entrepreneurs whom they must hire and how much they must be compensated if you want to talk about 'freedom'? Employees are free to work elsewhere. Again, a two way street, but you are such a dedicated Leftist that really does not compute with you.

But you can't expect a free lunch. The union goes to the trouble and expense of being the leverage against the employer...and non-union folks don't have to contribute? Bullshit.

Show me in the Constitution where leverage against an employer is a Founding principle. Again, this is all a product of your libtard mind, and Barney the Purple Dinosaur telling you life should be fair.

You've offered NO replacement leverage for the little guy against their employers. When you create an institution that can help increase wages and protect workers that's not a union...then come back and talk. Until then, you've just been a partisan hack.

Again, someone along the way told you the Constitution guarantees equal outcome.

It doesn't.
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Fokk the unions...are we clear? Your talking points are a dime a dozen when it comes to TAXPAYERS EXPENSE and we are tired of your worn out ..that company still makes a profit. Half truths/lies will never make your case.

Nothing you say matters after this. You're obviously partisan and couldnt see straight with your head up your own ass.

These aren't talking points. They're life experience. There are NO half-truths ANYWHERE in what I posted.

Obviously you either don't KNOW or don't CARE about the Freedom to Associate and the Freedom to Contract. Since you don't, your opinion is worth even LESS than nothing.

Good job being a partisan hack.

Sure there is. You corrupt the Constitutional principle of freedom of association and freedom to contract' by pretending forced government compliance of labor laws is something a business owner willing decides to participate in.

Forced collective bargaining compliance is decidedly anti-freedom and anti-choice.

The law prohibits an employer from freely negotiating a contract with its employees.
This is exciting! Ohio should be next!!

'The impact of Michigan’s decision will be felt far beyond the borders of the once-staunchly pro-union state. Even though the ranks of union workers have been dwindling across the nation, the influence of big unions is still felt from the halls of government to corporate board rooms, and their clout affects everything from the economy to the political field. But the rising number of right-to-work states could further drain that influence.

"It’s a union story today, and a much broader economic story tomorrow,” said Harley Shaiken, a professor at UC Berkeley and an expert on union issues. '

Michigan's right-to-work laws will ripple across the US - Economy Watch on NBCNews.com

Great Day for Michigan!!

Amazing, maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel...

It may, but I foresee widespread buyer's remorse by 2014 - and especially by 2016.


Yeah, we would hate to see a new flood of businesses moving in.

So you cannibalize good paying jobs from one state and turn them into low paying jobs in another state.

How does that make anyone's life better?

You think domestic jobs are a zero sum game, don't you?

(Laughing out loud - really, really hard)
More people have jobs. Stop repeating that group of words that form nothing more than nonsense.

Well, blacks had full employment before slavery was abolished, if that's your standard.

Seriously. You don't know the facts on the labor participlation rate, so you play the race card?


I know that 75% of the states with the lowest per capita incomes in the US are right to work states.

Like I said. Right to work cannibalizes good paying jobs and turns them low paying jobs.

But that's what conservatives want. Widen that gap between rich and poor.
Then cites a source that show higher incomes in union states. Well that's a shocker, considering unions fight to bloat market labor wages. No shit, they also cause higher unemployment because employers are forced to higher under the conditions of bloated wages. This means less people highered.

But who cares about those folks who want to work and are willing to take a few thousand less than a union laborer would consider. They should go somewhere else, right?

The log in the eye of a pro-union burnt turd.

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