Mick Mulvaney: just like we lost Arizona because of Trump's personal vendetta against McCain, we'll lose Kentucky because of vendetta against Mitch!

The GOP lost Georgia for the same reason.
The GOP lost GA because someone had Doug Collins run against Kelly Loeffler splitting the GOP vote.
I don't know who put Collins up against Loeffler.
Mick Mulvaney believes you have to kiss RINO / Corrupt Washington Establishment 'Go Along To Get Along' cuck ass; however, these are people who need to be sent packing back home rather than be catered to in order to keep them in the Republican Party.

John McCain served our country in war time. In a completely seperate 'world' he was a US politician. The 2 can not be confused with each other or considered tied together. They are seperate, and as a 'Conservative politivcian' McCainsucked.

As fr as McConnell goes, he is a useless, spineless, self-enriching, CCP-ass-kissing cuck whose #1 priority as a politician is to ensure he stays in office. He once said it was better to NOT be in charge, meaning he was a gutless coward who did not want to LEAD because it meant being out in front...where all eyes are on you. He preferred to be the '2nd string QB' in ths shadows where he could bitch about things and tell people he opposed what was / is going on then vogte for it to engratiate himself withthe Dems in charge. The latest news exposed about his CCP connection only solidifies the belief his ass needs to be removed from office....like Feinstein, Swalwell, Pelosi, Schiff, and others.

McConnell reminds me of someone who would be a rat in prison or a concentration camp, willing to sacrifice his buddies to gain specialtreatment from his oppressors.

Instead of defending McConnell, Mulvaney needs to be educating people to the POS Mcconnell is to show people why he needs to be removed.
Mick Mulvaney believes you have to kiss RINO / Corrupt Washington Establishment 'Go Along To Get Along' cuck ass; however, these are people who need to be sent packing back home rather than be catered to in order to keep them in the Republican Party.

John McCain served our country in war time. In a completely seperate 'world' he was a US politician. The 2 can not be confused with each other or considered tied together. They are seperate, and as a 'Conservative politivcian' McCainsucked.

As fr as McConnell goes, he is a useless, spineless, self-enriching, CCP-ass-kissing cuck whose #1 priority as a politician is to ensure he stays in office. He once said it was better to NOT be in charge, meaning he was a gutless coward who did not want to LEAD because it meant being out in front...where all eyes are on you. He preferred to be the '2nd string QB' in ths shadows where he could bitch about things and tell people he opposed what was / is going on then vogte for it to engratiate himself withthe Dems in charge. The latest news exposed about his CCP connection only solidifies the belief his ass needs to be removed from office....like Feinstein, Swalwell, Pelosi, Schiff, and others.

Trump started a lie to stay in office. It didn't work but..........................
NAACP lawsuit will put Trump “out of business,” lawmaker says | WTRF


Thompson, represented by the NAACP, filed the lawsuit Tuesday alleging that Trump, Giuliani, and the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers conspired to incite the attack while lawmakers were gathered to reaffirm President Biden’s Electoral College victory.

The lawsuit accuses them of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibits two or more people from conspiring to “prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat,” any office-holder from performing their duties.

“The act was put in place to protect those members of Congress so that we can actually have a democracy that stands up to the promise of the Constitution, without individuals being in fear of their intimidation or threat to their lives,” Johnson said, adding that the Capitol riots “fit perfectly” into why the legislation was passed.

Thompson compared modern-day extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to the Ku Klux Klan, claiming the groups “morphed out of the Klan connection.”


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