Microsoft threatens to shut down Gab after anti semitic post by user

Not really for several reasons. There are local anti discrimination laws in the area where the baker was. The baker violated them and the case went through the courts ending in a very narrow ruling that indicated extreme bias by one of those involved in prosecution.

In the case of these social media companies, what law are they violating?
Is there any law stating they most host every view?
Are they allowed to drop people who violate their openly stated Terms of Service?

A better example is this. Can a baker be forced to create a Nazi themed pro- holocaust cake? No.
These are publicly traded companies who provide acomodations for a service. If they are going to ban Jones for violating their EULA then they need to show how it was violated or face a significant lawsuit.

The funny thing about it is that Alex Jones has more subscribers to his private podcast now than before the ban, a sort of 'Banned in Boston' effect.

And I am not a jones fan; anyone that thinks that the US government attacked us in a false flag attack on 9-11 is way off the deep end for my tastes.
So how many of you will gladly give your internet rights and site ownership up to China?
Sounds like a “brother company”, looking out for its “sister company”; by trying to eliminate its direct competitor through its platform (Google).
I actually think it’s a good sign. It could mean that Twitter is starting to feel the weight of their own policy enforcement, coming to bear. So if people are turning to Gab instead; Google is trying to find an excuse to shut Gab out of its domain. Sounds like competition to me...

People are most def. turning to GAB and leaving twitter, I'm seeing others say all over the place. They deserve to lose esp. since most of the social web sites are owned by TRUMP HATING TARDS kinda odd isn't it.
Some can’t comprehend the meaning of PRIVATE COMPANIES.

If you were talking about the government, you would have a point.

Like cake

The role reversal is rather revealing, isn't it?

Freedom for some - it is the Communist way.

The Stalinists are right that FascistBook is a private company with the right to serve or not serve anyone they please. Just as bakers are private companies.

You of the double standard are fine with enforcing leftist dominion over bakers, but balk at the idea that this should equally apply to the concerns of the leftist Oligarchs.

UNTIL PA laws are put on the shit pile of history, where they belong, then they must be applied EQUALLY to all businesses.
Some can’t comprehend the meaning of PRIVATE COMPANIES.

If you were talking about the government, you would have a point.

Like cake
Not really for several reasons. There are local anti discrimination laws in the area where the baker was. The baker violated them and the case went through the courts ending in a very narrow ruling that indicated extreme bias by one of those involved in prosecution.

In the case of these social media companies, what law are they violating?
Is there any law stating they most host every view?
Are they allowed to drop people who violate their openly stated Terms of Service?

A better example is this. Can a baker be forced to create a Nazi themed pro- holocaust cake? No.

Oh, so there are LAWS that make bakers subjects to obey the state. The Masters of the Universe have no need for laws, they own governors, senators, and congress critters. Laws are not meant for them.

Liberty for some - the Communist motto.
MS does not have to give anyone a platform.

End of story.
Because PRIVATE COMPANIES can decide who they will and will not serve?
No. Because they can decide what messages they choose to host and it is clearly stated in the TOS you agree to when you sign up.

The PRODUCT FascistBook sells is the SERVICE of providing a platform for sharing information. IF a baker is compelled by their master to violate their principles, then FascistBook must be held to the same standards.

You Stalinists are outrageous hypocrites - don't think no one notices.
Not really for several reasons. There are local anti discrimination laws in the area where the baker was. The baker violated them and the case went through the courts ending in a very narrow ruling that indicated extreme bias by one of those involved in prosecution.

In the case of these social media companies, what law are they violating?
Is there any law stating they most host every view?
Are they allowed to drop people who violate their openly stated Terms of Service?

A better example is this. Can a baker be forced to create a Nazi themed pro- holocaust cake? No.
These are publicly traded companies who provide acomodations for a service. If they are going to ban Jones for violating their EULA then they need to show how it was violated or face a significant lawsuit.

The funny thing about it is that Alex Jones has more subscribers to his private podcast now than before the ban, a sort of 'Banned in Boston' effect.

And I am not a jones fan; anyone that thinks that the US government attacked us in a false flag attack on 9-11 is way off the deep end for my tastes.

LOL well get ready because another 911 and worse is coming =)

and when you think about it if it wasn't an inside job how in the hell is some CIA agent whose a poor rat country and they have the ability to set up three huge planes into the US.

It takes the insider ( infiltare from within) to pull off sending jets into the WTC etc..
We cannot be a nation of double standards.

Either we have liberty, or public accommodation laws. But if we chose to have government decide who we do business with, then that applies to the left as well as the right.

NOt really.

You can't deny people service for who they are.
You can deny them service for what they do.

this isn't complicated.
That is essentially what it boils down to.

Homosexuality is what people do - dumbshit.

This is simply another instance of "One law for the peasants, no law for the elite."
We cannot be a nation of double standards.

Either we have liberty, or public accommodation laws. But if we chose to have government decide who we do business with, then that applies to the left as well as the right.

NOt really.

You can't deny people service for who they are.
You can deny them service for what they do.

this isn't complicated.

Homosexuality is an act, what people do.

Yet our rulers dictate that peasants MUST bow and scrap to homosexuals.

I get it, one law for the peasants, no law for the elite.

Justice for some.
Americans have for years criticized the Communists for having no standards. JoeB Stalin and Coyote want to make it clear that not only do they have a standard, the have TWO. A double standard is twice as good as a single standard, according to Marxist dogma!
We cannot be a nation of double standards.

Either we have liberty, or public accommodation laws. But if we chose to have government decide who we do business with, then that applies to the left as well as the right.

NOt really.

You can't deny people service for who they are.
You can deny them service for what they do.

this isn't complicated.
That is essentially what it boils down to.

I used to respect you, though I disagreed.

Integrity means something.

You of the double standard are fine with enforcing leftist dominion over bakers, but balk at the idea that this should equally apply to the concerns of the leftist Oligarchs.
Still a lie. You could easily prove it, too, if it were true. But it's not. I've been consistently opposed to this kind of shit since the start.

But I guess you'll just keep repeating the lie regardless. Anything to distract from your flip-flopping hypocrisy.
We cannot be a nation of double standards.

Either we have liberty, or public accommodation laws. But if we chose to have government decide who we do business with, then that applies to the left as well as the right.

NOt really.

You can't deny people service for who they are.
You can deny them service for what they do.

this isn't complicated.
That is essentially what it boils down to.

I used to respect you, though I disagreed.

Integrity means something.

Very few leftists on this forum have an ounce of goes straight out the window when you toe the party line and are a partisan hack.

The hypocrisy on this one is mindboggling
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you.....
Facebook can't come for anyone. That's the difference between a business and the government. I don't expect you to understand that, but others here do and are ignoring it for political expediency.
We cannot be a nation of double standards.

Either we have liberty, or public accommodation laws. But if we chose to have government decide who we do business with, then that applies to the left as well as the right.

NOt really.

You can't deny people service for who they are.
You can deny them service for what they do.

this isn't complicated.
That is essentially what it boils down to.

I used to respect you, though I disagreed.

Integrity means something.

Very few leftists on this forum have an ounce of goes straight out the window when you toe the party line and are a partisan hack.

The hypocrisy on this one is mindboggling

For a long time Coyote could argue in the forum in a level field.

Sad to see the TDS corrupt her.
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you.....
Facebook can't come for anyone. That's the difference between a business and the government. I don't expect you to understand that, but others here do and are ignoring it for political expediency.

Nor can bakers.

FascistBook is a monopoly and has a great deal of power. The Market is the answer to monopolies.
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you.....
Facebook can't come for anyone. That's the difference between a business and the government. I don't expect you to understand that, but others here do and are ignoring it for political expediency.

Nor can bakers.

FascistBook is a monopoly and has a great deal of power. The Market is the answer to monopolies.

They, as usual, miss the point. They have no problem using government to enforce laws they approve of (forcing a baker to violate their beliefs) but it's quite OK for Fascistbook, Twitter or whoever to stifle speech because they are a "private business". If government stepped in and said that is a violation of the Constitution they would howl at the moon. They deny it they are goddamn liars
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you.....
Facebook can't come for anyone. That's the difference between a business and the government. I don't expect you to understand that, but others here do and are ignoring it for political expediency.

Nor can bakers.

FascistBook is a monopoly and has a great deal of power. The Market is the answer to monopolies.

They, as usual, miss the point. They have no problem using government to enforce laws they approve of (forcing a baker to violate their beliefs) but it's quite OK for Fascistbook, Twitter or whoever to stifle speech because they are a "private business". If government stepped in and said that is a violation of the Constitution they would howl at the moon. They deny it they are goddamn liars

They don't miss the point. The left is evil.

Forcing FascistBook to live by the rules imposed on Americans might just compel the Oligarchs to suddenly decide authoritarian control of private business might not be such a great idea after all.

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