Middle-Class Values Must Be Destroyed

Forevermore, the pseudocons have completely obliterated their claim to any morals or values whatsoever.

Their finger pointing at the Left is a fucking joke.

Donald Trump cheated on all three wives, and divorced twice.

But it is the fucking liberal homos who are destroying family values, folks. Never forget!

I don't care for Gays at all.
Especially the men, merely because of STD risks, and they seem to have a lot of other problems too, a lot of mass-murderers have been Gays, like Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Albert Fish, Omar Mateen, and others.

With that said, Divorce is prob even worse, EXCEPT in a terrible marriage.
HOWEVER, the Trump style Divorce stinks, using a affair to ruin a marriage, and leave the kids behind.

IMO that's kind of worse than Gays.
"Middle-Class Values Must Be Destroyed"

Trump: Mission Accomplished
The Left hates family and middle class values because those things interfere with their despicable agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.

Trump's such a family values man, talking about grabbing Pu$$y, and with his Playboy Prostitute Stormy Daniels, his Divorces, his hiring of Illegal immigrants below minimum wage to build his Trump tower.
Well, Trump is not middle class. So he gets to be a whoremongering pathological liar and serial adulterer with multiple marriages and gets to go to heaven with Jesus.

Every good moral middle class person should aspire to be just like him.

Liberals are the scum of this country and they hate middle class values. They are the queers, illegals, TDS afflicted Moon Bats, welfare queens and other undesirables.
We all know corporations cannot be trusted to do the right thing. NEITHER can the dems. The top may be slightly better but right now neither party has my trust as they believe the rich must be attended to first and foremost. Third party here i come.
We all know corporations cannot be trusted to do the right thing. NEITHER can the dems. The top may be slightly better but right now neither party has my trust as they believe the rich must be attended to first and foremost. Third party here i come.

too bad the OP is too much of an idiot to get that that neither party is here to serve the people,that both are corrupt and cant deal with pesky facts that reagan catered to the corporations.LOL
That is the doctrine at the heart of every totalitarian political philosophy.

1. And what are those middle-class, bourgeoisie values?
They are the rules and ideals which every good parent wishes to inculcate to their children, they are the paths to happiness and success in a healthy society.


the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.

(in Marxist contexts) the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production. Google

2. "In August 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote a column for the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of middle-class values. She and her co-author cited a list of behavioral norms that, as Wax, put it, "was almost universally endorsed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s."

They were: "Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime."

She later wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "The fact that the 'bourgeois culture' these norms embodied has broken down since the 1960s largely explains today's social pathologies – and re-embracing that culture would go a long way toward addressing those pathologies."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

3. Due to the influence of Marxism, the term 'bourgeois,' and the values expressed by Professor Wax have taken on a pejorative cast.

In 1921, Lenin, and Stalin, annexed Georgia. And Stalin advised it be done with maximum force.
He demanded of the local Bolsheviks:

" You must draw a white-hot iron over this Georgian land!… It seems to me you have already forgotten the principle of the dictatorship of the proletariat. You will have to break the wings of this Georgia! Let the blood of the petit bourgeois flow until they give up all their resistance! Impale them! Tear them apart!" Suggestion Box for Future Book Discussions ~

Of course, today, we find a new term the Left uses to replace ‘bourgeoisie’…..


No worries. Reagan started the destruction in the 80s and the Republicans have been keeping it going ever since.

she can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll she is.LOl TAKING HER TO SCHOOL EVEN MORE AS I DO.

I come to bury Reaganomics, not to praise it.

But the bottom line on the tax question: is what happened in the Reagan era to government tax revenues overall? Did the amount of taxes extracted from the American people by the federal government go up or down during the Reagan years? The facts are that federal tax receipts were $517 billion in the last Carter year of 1980. In 1986, revenues totaled $769 billion, an increase of 49%. Whatever that is, that doesn't look like a tax cut.
The Myths of Reaganomics | Murray N. Rothbard

This lady Olivia nailed it.same as how she said a Reaganut lover left a class her professor was teaching when he debunked the myths of Reagan and told the TRUTH how he was a traiter to americans and the middle class,he left the class and never returned unable to deal with pesky facts his hero Reagan,the myths the maintream media and the tales that Rush Limbaugh told over the years,that he destroyed them.:yes_text12::lmao::laughing0301:

Olivia LaRosa
2 years ago
I took a class in International Trade Law in law school. The professor started out the class by debunking the main myths of Reaganomics, starting with Reagan administration's huge increase of the deficit. There was a member of the Federalist Society in that first class. He never returned. Couldn't stand to have his illusions shattered, perhaps?

Like i said,Olivia above,she nailed it.:thup::2up::beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

This guy skip Robinson ALSO nailed it below.:2up:

Skip Robinson
Ray2 years ago
Ray, You sadly bought into one of the biggest oligarchy controlled lamestream media memes in history. That the Republicans won the cold war by increasing government spending on defence. However, you are not without company. Every four years, your fellow demopublicans do it.

The Soviet Union collapsed because communism, socialism and fascism are failed systems. It is why our state of affairs are so poor at this point. They never have been successful for a prolonged period and always collapses on their own merits. Since Reagan, our defence spending and military industrial complex have grown exponentially, helping to place 100,000,000 Americans at or near the poverty line. The so-called War on Terror could be fought with 20% of the $602 billion annual defence budget. If all the other countries of the world can do it so can we. We spend more than the next 11 largest budgets combined. Whereas the Washington Establishment is doing great financially. As an example, the next Attorney General, Senator and war monger Jeff Sessions if he can get confirmed, saw his wealth grow an average of 25% annually over the last 15 years as a seasoned bureauRat. Hook, line and sinker?

so as the UNBIASED people can see that go by cold hard facts such as skews,with the help of people like skews,skip robinson and olivia,same as i always have the last several years.I have kicked the OPS ass all up and down over the forum on the subject of Reagan.:abgg2q.jpg:

this is ME standing in thr white shorts and this is PC down on the floor in pain after i knocked her out and kicked her ass spanking her.:lmao::laughing0301:


PC would be laughed out of a debating hall within seconds .It is common knowledge of professers around the country that the myth of reagan has been exposed too many times to remember what a traiter he was to the middle class familys.LOL

using wikipedia as your source just shows how ignorant she is since everybody knows they are just a MOUTHPIECE for our corrupt government and have been exposed too many times to remember for lying all the time.:haha::iyfyus.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:
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