Middle-Class Values Must Be Destroyed

Oh, here's something the pseuedocon propagandists keep from their parroting tards: Not one of the giant broker-dealers who imploded (Bear Stearns, Lehman, Merrill, etc.) were subject to the CRA. None of them were forced to sell mortgages to minorities.

Not a one.

In fact, Lehman acquired it's own mortgage brokerage supply chain in order to keep feeding the massive demand for CDOs. The government was not forcing Lehman to make those toxic loans. Customer demand was.

And when the broker-dealers ran out of good risk borrowers, they didn't want the music to stop, and so they threw the underwriting laws of the Universe out the window and began making loans to anyone who could draw a breath.

All to get those service fees for creating, selling, and managing all those CDOs.

And the government went along with relaxing the lending rules because they got to take credit for increasing the percentage of American homeowners.

It wasn't the government forcing lending. That is a giant hoax.

It was the lenders' and broker-dealers' greed which brought down the house.
That is the doctrine at the heart of every totalitarian political philosophy.

1. And what are those middle-class, bourgeoisie values?
They are the rules and ideals which every good parent wishes to inculcate to their children, they are the paths to happiness and success in a healthy society.


the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.

(in Marxist contexts) the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production. Google

2. "In August 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote a column for the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of middle-class values. She and her co-author cited a list of behavioral norms that, as Wax, put it, "was almost universally endorsed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s."

They were: "Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime."

She later wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "The fact that the 'bourgeois culture' these norms embodied has broken down since the 1960s largely explains today's social pathologies ā€“ and re-embracing that culture would go a long way toward addressing those pathologies."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

3. Due to the influence of Marxism, the term 'bourgeois,' and the values expressed by Professor Wax have taken on a pejorative cast.

In 1921, Lenin, and Stalin, annexed Georgia. And Stalin advised it be done with maximum force.
He demanded of the local Bolsheviks:

" You must draw a white-hot iron over this Georgian land!ā€¦ It seems to me you have already forgotten the principle of the dictatorship of the proletariat. You will have to break the wings of this Georgia! Let the blood of the petit bourgeois flow until they give up all their resistance! Impale them! Tear them apart!" Suggestion Box for Future Book Discussions ~

Of course, today, we find a new term the Left uses to replace ā€˜bourgeoisieā€™ā€¦..


No worries. Reagan started the destruction in the 80s and the Republicans have been keeping it going ever since.

Let's check.

ā€œBetween the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.ā€
How Capitalism Will Save Us

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. Butā€¦.the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. ā€œAs a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.ā€ http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

ā€œAs inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.ā€ http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rateā€¦compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh Dā€™Souza, ā€œRonald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,ā€ p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

Remember the last time you got anything right?

Me neither.

Wrong. The middle class all but got wiped out after 1980. The middle class was at its peak period between 1947 and 1979. Due to strong union representation and corporate pensions for retirees. Reagan ended all of that with massive tax cuts for the upper 10%, and repealed the law making it illegal for corporations to by back their own stock instead of funding workers pensions.

Even G Bush Sr has to raise taxes at the end of Reaganā€™s term to stop the bleeding. Both of Reaganā€™s economic advisors have admitted to this.

It was the Clinton administration that created the economic boom starting in 96ā€™ which actually had us at zero deficit and the national debt starting to go down.

Then W and the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

Youā€™re not real bright are you?

1. Everything I posted was linked and sourced.

You, on the other hand, have effortlessly become our best source of greenhouse gases.

2."Then W and the worst economic crash since the Great Depression."

Of course it was nothing of the sort.

So saith the Left leaning Reuters:

The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression | Reuters

3.The recession under Bush was due, totally, to Democrat/Liberal policies.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

It was Democrats and Democrat policies that caused the Mortgage Meltdown

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.

Any other lies you'd like me to pulverize......just post 'em.

Enthusiastically ignorant

Thatā€™s a special kind of willful ignorance

Youā€™ll learn these things if you ever get out of that land of oz bubble you live in and venture out into the real world

In your case sweetheart you should probably have some adult supervision with you. Things just jump out at you in the real world. Itā€™s not for everybody

Enthusiastically ignorant

Thatā€™s a special kind of willful ignorance

Youā€™ll learn these things if you ever get out of that land of oz bubble you live in and venture out into the real world

In your case sweetheart you should probably have some adult supervision with you. Things just jump out at you in the real world. Itā€™s not for everybody[/QUOTE]

same as I always do,you ALSO pulverized all her lies,she can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll she is.:abgg2q.jpg:
amazing think about PC op's is that she brings out the truly loony responses. See pbtw on how the middle class should not exist.

she always POSTS the most looney responses when getting her ass owned on Reagans corruption,THAT cant be debated.:abgg2q.jpg:
Butā€¦..it is not just Communists, and their spin-off, the Nazis, who champion the destruction of the bourgeoisieā€¦..

ā€¦.it is also the ersatz versions of the above, the Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Iā€™ll prove itā€¦ā€¦

5. "In August 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote a column for the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of middle-class values. She and her co-author cited a list of behavioral norms that, as Wax, put it, "was almost universally endorsed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s."

They were: "Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime."

She later wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "The fact that the 'bourgeois culture' these norms embodied has broken down since the 1960s largely explains today's social pathologies ā€“ and re-embracing that culture would go a long way toward addressing those pathologies."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Any doubt that Liberals, Progressives and Democrats stand with Communists and Nazis in the battle to destroy middle-class, bourgeoisie values?

ā€œFor her left-wing colleagues at Penn Law School, this list was beyond the pale. About half of her fellow professors of law ā€“ 33 of them ā€“ condemned her in an open letter. And Wax wrote in the Journal, "My law school dean recently asked me to take a leave of absence next year and to cease teaching a mandatory first-year course."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

"The Pennsylvania chapter of the left-wing National Lawyers Guild condemned her for espousing bourgeois values and questioned "whether it is appropriate for her to continue to teach a required first-year course."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Not communists, or Nazis, or Liberals, or Progressives, or Democrats......none can stand the sorts of values that made this nation the shining city on the hill.
Now youā€™ve lost it. Try to figure out why the Nazi party, the Aryan nation, the KKK, and white nationalist have found such a comfortable home within the Republican Party.
And donā€™t say itā€™s not true because we know it is.

1. The actual Nazi party was a socialist endeavor.....exactly as the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive is.

2. The Nazis stood for exacty the same program as the current Democrat/Liberal/Progressive Party does.

3. "Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

He says he's retracting his endorsement of Donald Trump.

By Rachel Dicker, Associate Editor, Social Mediaā€ƒMarch 14, 2016, at 5:27 p.m.


Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President


HILLARY CLINTON CAN ADD a new name to her list of endorsements ā€“ a prominent Ku Klux Klan member who says he likes her because of her "hidden agenda."
Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan's California chapter, told the Telegraph Monday that he would be switching his support from Donald Trump to Clinton."https://www.usnews.com/news/article...-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president

Now.....you were saying????
You lost me at the Nazis are socialists.
The Nazis were fascists and they were white racist. They were more white than the Republican Party which is only 90% white.

"You lost me at the Nazis are socialists."

First, and foremost.....I don't want you.

Second.....The name Nazis means 'socialist.'

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei ā€” in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"

Third.....the Nazis' policies were exactly the same as the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives.

Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.
LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

The Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV), meaning "National Socialist People's Welfare", was a social welfare organization during the Third Reich. The NSV was established in 1933,.... The NSV became established as the single Nazi Party welfare organ in May 1933.[1] .... the programme was massively expanded, so that the rƩgime deemed it worthy to be called the "greatest social institution in the world." One method of expansion was to absorb, or in NSDAP parlance coordinate, already existing but non-Nazi charity organizations. NSV was the second largest Nazi group organization by 1939, second only to the German Labor Front.

The National Socialists provided a plethora of social welfare programs under the Nazi concept of Volksgemeinschaft which promoted the collectivity of a ā€œpeopleā€™s communityā€ where citizens would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The NSV operated ā€œ8,000 day-nurseriesā€ by 1939, and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families, and was involved with a ā€œwide variety of other facilities.ā€[4]

The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941[5] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible ā€œfor travellersā€™ aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; ā€˜supportā€™ for re-migrants from abroad; assistance for the physically disabled, hard-of-hearing, deaf, mute, and blind; relief for the elderly, homeless and alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics.ā€

These social welfare programs represented a Hitlerian endeavor to lift the community above the individual while promoting the wellbeing of all bona fide citizens. As Hitler told a reporter in 1934, he was determined to give Germans ā€œthe highest possible standard of living.ā€ National Socialist People's Welfare - Wikipedia

Fourth....the Nazis claimed their programs were modeled after the Democrats/Progressives
1. First, the Nazis copied the Progressives/Democrats Immigration Policies.

Only the ā€˜right racesā€™ welcomed.

ā€œProgressives opposed immigration and enacted several immigration restrictions during the 1920s. Progressives also tried to force immigrants to adopt Progressive moral beliefs.ā€ Progressive Movement - Ohio History Central

Andā€¦ Immigrant Restrictions During the Progressive Era | Synonym

Hitler lauded the Progressivesā€™ immigration policies.

ā€œBy refusing immigration on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain racesfrom naturalization, it professes in slow beginnings a view which is peculiar to the folkish state concept.ā€
ā€œMein Kampf,ā€ chapter three

ā€œHitler also appealed to the racially exclusionary provisions of U.S. immigration laws, specifically the 1924 Immigration Act that had been pushed by American progressives as a model of enlightened eugenic legislation. ā€œThere is today one state,ā€ Hitler noted, ā€œin which at least weak beginning toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course it is not our German Republic but the American union. By refusing immigration on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain races from naturalization, it professes in slow beginnings a view which is peculiar to the Volkish state concept.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

How about Franklin Roosevelt's attitude toward other races....?
"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." FDR's troubling view of Jews

Sieg Heil, Franklin????

2. Know what else the Nazis learned from the Progressives/Democrats?

ā€œā€¦history of laws against miscegenationā€”interracial marriage or procreationā€”in the United States.

Under the influence of Darwinism, racial science and an associated eugenics movement emerged in the late nineteenth century, grew with the Progressive movement, peaked in the 1920s, and disappeared during World War II. (Its enthusiastic embrace by Hitler did not help itā€¦ā€ The Race Against Race

ā€œThe Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.ā€
Adolph Hitler
Untitled Document

ā€œAt Nuremberg, the Nazis sought to preserve Nordic racial purity by outlawing racial intermarriage with Jews in much the same manner that Democratic anti-miscegenation laws outlawed racial intermarriage with blacks.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

3. Guess were Adolph got the idea for sterilization of ā€˜undesireablesā€™???

ā€œā€¦Hitler learned from progressive sterilization laws that had been enacted in America through the influence of activists like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. ā€œI have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would in all probability be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.ā€

Hitlerā€™s viewsā€”which closely parallel Sangerā€™sā€”provided the basis for the Nazi sterilization laws of 1933 which began by targeting ā€œimbecilesā€ and the mentally retarded, and later expanded to cover Jews, gypsies, and other social undesirables.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his ā€œThe Case for Sterilization.ā€
(Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

German race science stood on American progressiveā€™s shoulders.

4. The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In ā€œHitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,ā€ by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democratsā€™ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ā€˜blackā€™ and inserted the word ā€˜Jew.ā€™

ā€œLetā€™s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

From the LATimes:

ā€œAt a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes

Anything else I can help you with?
Butā€¦..it is not just Communists, and their spin-off, the Nazis, who champion the destruction of the bourgeoisieā€¦..

ā€¦.it is also the ersatz versions of the above, the Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Iā€™ll prove itā€¦ā€¦

5. "In August 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote a column for the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of middle-class values. She and her co-author cited a list of behavioral norms that, as Wax, put it, "was almost universally endorsed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s."

They were: "Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime."

She later wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "The fact that the 'bourgeois culture' these norms embodied has broken down since the 1960s largely explains today's social pathologies ā€“ and re-embracing that culture would go a long way toward addressing those pathologies."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Any doubt that Liberals, Progressives and Democrats stand with Communists and Nazis in the battle to destroy middle-class, bourgeoisie values?

ā€œFor her left-wing colleagues at Penn Law School, this list was beyond the pale. About half of her fellow professors of law ā€“ 33 of them ā€“ condemned her in an open letter. And Wax wrote in the Journal, "My law school dean recently asked me to take a leave of absence next year and to cease teaching a mandatory first-year course."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

"The Pennsylvania chapter of the left-wing National Lawyers Guild condemned her for espousing bourgeois values and questioned "whether it is appropriate for her to continue to teach a required first-year course."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Not communists, or Nazis, or Liberals, or Progressives, or Democrats......none can stand the sorts of values that made this nation the shining city on the hill.
Now youā€™ve lost it. Try to figure out why the Nazi party, the Aryan nation, the KKK, and white nationalist have found such a comfortable home within the Republican Party.
And donā€™t say itā€™s not true because we know it is.

1. The actual Nazi party was a socialist endeavor.....exactly as the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive is.

2. The Nazis stood for exacty the same program as the current Democrat/Liberal/Progressive Party does.

3. "Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

He says he's retracting his endorsement of Donald Trump.

By Rachel Dicker, Associate Editor, Social Mediaā€ƒMarch 14, 2016, at 5:27 p.m.


Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President


HILLARY CLINTON CAN ADD a new name to her list of endorsements ā€“ a prominent Ku Klux Klan member who says he likes her because of her "hidden agenda."
Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan's California chapter, told the Telegraph Monday that he would be switching his support from Donald Trump to Clinton."https://www.usnews.com/news/article...-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president

Now.....you were saying????
You lost me at the Nazis are socialists.
The Nazis were fascists and they were white racist. They were more white than the Republican Party which is only 90% white.

"You lost me at the Nazis are socialists."

First, and foremost.....I don't want you.

Second.....The name Nazis means 'socialist.'

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei ā€” in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"

Third.....the Nazis' policies were exactly the same as the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives.

Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.
LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

The Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV), meaning "National Socialist People's Welfare", was a social welfare organization during the Third Reich. The NSV was established in 1933,.... The NSV became established as the single Nazi Party welfare organ in May 1933.[1] .... the programme was massively expanded, so that the rƩgime deemed it worthy to be called the "greatest social institution in the world." One method of expansion was to absorb, or in NSDAP parlance coordinate, already existing but non-Nazi charity organizations. NSV was the second largest Nazi group organization by 1939, second only to the German Labor Front.

The National Socialists provided a plethora of social welfare programs under the Nazi concept of Volksgemeinschaft which promoted the collectivity of a ā€œpeopleā€™s communityā€ where citizens would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The NSV operated ā€œ8,000 day-nurseriesā€ by 1939, and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families, and was involved with a ā€œwide variety of other facilities.ā€[4]

The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941[5] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible ā€œfor travellersā€™ aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; ā€˜supportā€™ for re-migrants from abroad; assistance for the physically disabled, hard-of-hearing, deaf, mute, and blind; relief for the elderly, homeless and alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics.ā€

These social welfare programs represented a Hitlerian endeavor to lift the community above the individual while promoting the wellbeing of all bona fide citizens. As Hitler told a reporter in 1934, he was determined to give Germans ā€œthe highest possible standard of living.ā€ National Socialist People's Welfare - Wikipedia

Fourth....the Nazis claimed their programs were modeled after the Democrats/Progressives
1. First, the Nazis copied the Progressives/Democrats Immigration Policies.

Only the ā€˜right racesā€™ welcomed.

ā€œProgressives opposed immigration and enacted several immigration restrictions during the 1920s. Progressives also tried to force immigrants to adopt Progressive moral beliefs.ā€ Progressive Movement - Ohio History Central

Andā€¦ Immigrant Restrictions During the Progressive Era | Synonym

Hitler lauded the Progressivesā€™ immigration policies.

ā€œBy refusing immigration on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain racesfrom naturalization, it professes in slow beginnings a view which is peculiar to the folkish state concept.ā€
ā€œMein Kampf,ā€ chapter three

ā€œHitler also appealed to the racially exclusionary provisions of U.S. immigration laws, specifically the 1924 Immigration Act that had been pushed by American progressives as a model of enlightened eugenic legislation. ā€œThere is today one state,ā€ Hitler noted, ā€œin which at least weak beginning toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course it is not our German Republic but the American union. By refusing immigration on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain races from naturalization, it professes in slow beginnings a view which is peculiar to the Volkish state concept.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

How about Franklin Roosevelt's attitude toward other races....?
"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." FDR's troubling view of Jews

Sieg Heil, Franklin????

2. Know what else the Nazis learned from the Progressives/Democrats?

ā€œā€¦history of laws against miscegenationā€”interracial marriage or procreationā€”in the United States.

Under the influence of Darwinism, racial science and an associated eugenics movement emerged in the late nineteenth century, grew with the Progressive movement, peaked in the 1920s, and disappeared during World War II. (Its enthusiastic embrace by Hitler did not help itā€¦ā€ The Race Against Race

ā€œThe Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.ā€
Adolph Hitler
Untitled Document

ā€œAt Nuremberg, the Nazis sought to preserve Nordic racial purity by outlawing racial intermarriage with Jews in much the same manner that Democratic anti-miscegenation laws outlawed racial intermarriage with blacks.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

3. Guess were Adolph got the idea for sterilization of ā€˜undesireablesā€™???

ā€œā€¦Hitler learned from progressive sterilization laws that had been enacted in America through the influence of activists like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. ā€œI have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would in all probability be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.ā€

Hitlerā€™s viewsā€”which closely parallel Sangerā€™sā€”provided the basis for the Nazi sterilization laws of 1933 which began by targeting ā€œimbecilesā€ and the mentally retarded, and later expanded to cover Jews, gypsies, and other social undesirables.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his ā€œThe Case for Sterilization.ā€
(Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

German race science stood on American progressiveā€™s shoulders.

4. The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In ā€œHitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,ā€ by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democratsā€™ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ā€˜blackā€™ and inserted the word ā€˜Jew.ā€™

ā€œLetā€™s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

From the LATimes:

ā€œAt a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes

Anything else I can help you with?

Socialism is more compatible with Socially Conservative values, and Nationalism than Capitalism is.

That's what Republicans get wrong, over, and over again.

Even Stalin was more of a Nationalist, and Social Conservative than the modern Republican.

We are marching in support of gay rights, ObamaCare, undocumented immigrants, affirmative action, and multiculturalism!

I was looking at our universities the other day, and I noticed something was missing.


"Herr Goring", I said. "We do not have enough Negroes in our universities! We must put into place an affirmative action plan to correct this terrible situation."


Heil multiculturalism!!


But I was just getting started!


"I want homosexuals in the Wehrmacht first thing in the morning!!!", I said.


Heil diversity!!!


And that's how we know when we attack homosexuals...


...and send reporters outside our building to interview well-dressed negroes with identity papers to prove there are no negroes who don't have identity papers...


...and defend torture and worship the Department of Homeland Security...


...we can't have Nazi tendencies. Because Nazis are liberals
The retards have to go back more than half a century to find Democratic Kluxxers. :lol:

Christian extremists is what they are, and always have been. The poor retards can't see the evidence right in front of their faces. They have a cross on their uniforms!

The tards prefer half truths. "Dey wuz Democrats a very long time ago." The dumb shits connect dots that aren't there to the modern Democratic party, as if those old timey Kluxxers would support ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, high taxes, affirmative action, and amnesty for illegals. I can just hear those good old boys now. "The Confederate flag is racist!"


They were, and still are, right wing. And Christian.

Now you know the WHOLE truth. For the life of me, I don't know why the retards fear the facts and the whole truth.

Actually, I do. It's because the Klan are their political ancestors. The Klan was Democratic because the South was Democratic. The South is Republican now, and so is the Klan. They are on the same side of the aisle as the pseudo-cons.

Here are some present day Democrats. ;)

I love the votive candles on the cross. Priceless.

I'm sure they would be happy to tell you how racist the Confederate flag is, and how ObamaCare is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and how we need more negroes to be given free college. And I'm sure they would like to see illegal Mexicans to be given US citizenship.

You just know that's what they believe.


Butā€¦..it is not just Communists, and their spin-off, the Nazis, who champion the destruction of the bourgeoisieā€¦..

ā€¦.it is also the ersatz versions of the above, the Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Iā€™ll prove itā€¦ā€¦

5. "In August 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote a column for the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of middle-class values. She and her co-author cited a list of behavioral norms that, as Wax, put it, "was almost universally endorsed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s."

They were: "Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime."

She later wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "The fact that the 'bourgeois culture' these norms embodied has broken down since the 1960s largely explains today's social pathologies ā€“ and re-embracing that culture would go a long way toward addressing those pathologies."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Any doubt that Liberals, Progressives and Democrats stand with Communists and Nazis in the battle to destroy middle-class, bourgeoisie values?

ā€œFor her left-wing colleagues at Penn Law School, this list was beyond the pale. About half of her fellow professors of law ā€“ 33 of them ā€“ condemned her in an open letter. And Wax wrote in the Journal, "My law school dean recently asked me to take a leave of absence next year and to cease teaching a mandatory first-year course."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

"The Pennsylvania chapter of the left-wing National Lawyers Guild condemned her for espousing bourgeois values and questioned "whether it is appropriate for her to continue to teach a required first-year course."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Not communists, or Nazis, or Liberals, or Progressives, or Democrats......none can stand the sorts of values that made this nation the shining city on the hill.
Now youā€™ve lost it. Try to figure out why the Nazi party, the Aryan nation, the KKK, and white nationalist have found such a comfortable home within the Republican Party.
And donā€™t say itā€™s not true because we know it is.

1. The actual Nazi party was a socialist endeavor.....exactly as the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive is.

2. The Nazis stood for exacty the same program as the current Democrat/Liberal/Progressive Party does.

3. "Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

He says he's retracting his endorsement of Donald Trump.

By Rachel Dicker, Associate Editor, Social Mediaā€ƒMarch 14, 2016, at 5:27 p.m.


Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President


HILLARY CLINTON CAN ADD a new name to her list of endorsements ā€“ a prominent Ku Klux Klan member who says he likes her because of her "hidden agenda."
Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan's California chapter, told the Telegraph Monday that he would be switching his support from Donald Trump to Clinton."https://www.usnews.com/news/article...-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president

Now.....you were saying????
You lost me at the Nazis are socialists.
The Nazis were fascists and they were white racist. They were more white than the Republican Party which is only 90% white.

"You lost me at the Nazis are socialists."

First, and foremost.....I don't want you.

Second.....The name Nazis means 'socialist.'

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei ā€” in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"

Third.....the Nazis' policies were exactly the same as the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives.

Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.
LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

The Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV), meaning "National Socialist People's Welfare", was a social welfare organization during the Third Reich. The NSV was established in 1933,.... The NSV became established as the single Nazi Party welfare organ in May 1933.[1] .... the programme was massively expanded, so that the rƩgime deemed it worthy to be called the "greatest social institution in the world." One method of expansion was to absorb, or in NSDAP parlance coordinate, already existing but non-Nazi charity organizations. NSV was the second largest Nazi group organization by 1939, second only to the German Labor Front.

The National Socialists provided a plethora of social welfare programs under the Nazi concept of Volksgemeinschaft which promoted the collectivity of a ā€œpeopleā€™s communityā€ where citizens would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The NSV operated ā€œ8,000 day-nurseriesā€ by 1939, and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families, and was involved with a ā€œwide variety of other facilities.ā€[4]

The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941[5] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible ā€œfor travellersā€™ aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; ā€˜supportā€™ for re-migrants from abroad; assistance for the physically disabled, hard-of-hearing, deaf, mute, and blind; relief for the elderly, homeless and alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics.ā€

These social welfare programs represented a Hitlerian endeavor to lift the community above the individual while promoting the wellbeing of all bona fide citizens. As Hitler told a reporter in 1934, he was determined to give Germans ā€œthe highest possible standard of living.ā€ National Socialist People's Welfare - Wikipedia

Fourth....the Nazis claimed their programs were modeled after the Democrats/Progressives
1. First, the Nazis copied the Progressives/Democrats Immigration Policies.

Only the ā€˜right racesā€™ welcomed.

ā€œProgressives opposed immigration and enacted several immigration restrictions during the 1920s. Progressives also tried to force immigrants to adopt Progressive moral beliefs.ā€ Progressive Movement - Ohio History Central

Andā€¦ Immigrant Restrictions During the Progressive Era | Synonym

Hitler lauded the Progressivesā€™ immigration policies.

ā€œBy refusing immigration on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain racesfrom naturalization, it professes in slow beginnings a view which is peculiar to the folkish state concept.ā€
ā€œMein Kampf,ā€ chapter three

ā€œHitler also appealed to the racially exclusionary provisions of U.S. immigration laws, specifically the 1924 Immigration Act that had been pushed by American progressives as a model of enlightened eugenic legislation. ā€œThere is today one state,ā€ Hitler noted, ā€œin which at least weak beginning toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course it is not our German Republic but the American union. By refusing immigration on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain races from naturalization, it professes in slow beginnings a view which is peculiar to the Volkish state concept.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

How about Franklin Roosevelt's attitude toward other races....?
"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." FDR's troubling view of Jews

Sieg Heil, Franklin????

2. Know what else the Nazis learned from the Progressives/Democrats?

ā€œā€¦history of laws against miscegenationā€”interracial marriage or procreationā€”in the United States.

Under the influence of Darwinism, racial science and an associated eugenics movement emerged in the late nineteenth century, grew with the Progressive movement, peaked in the 1920s, and disappeared during World War II. (Its enthusiastic embrace by Hitler did not help itā€¦ā€ The Race Against Race

ā€œThe Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.ā€
Adolph Hitler
Untitled Document

ā€œAt Nuremberg, the Nazis sought to preserve Nordic racial purity by outlawing racial intermarriage with Jews in much the same manner that Democratic anti-miscegenation laws outlawed racial intermarriage with blacks.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

3. Guess were Adolph got the idea for sterilization of ā€˜undesireablesā€™???

ā€œā€¦Hitler learned from progressive sterilization laws that had been enacted in America through the influence of activists like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. ā€œI have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would in all probability be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.ā€

Hitlerā€™s viewsā€”which closely parallel Sangerā€™sā€”provided the basis for the Nazi sterilization laws of 1933 which began by targeting ā€œimbecilesā€ and the mentally retarded, and later expanded to cover Jews, gypsies, and other social undesirables.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his ā€œThe Case for Sterilization.ā€
(Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

German race science stood on American progressiveā€™s shoulders.

4. The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In ā€œHitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,ā€ by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democratsā€™ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ā€˜blackā€™ and inserted the word ā€˜Jew.ā€™

ā€œLetā€™s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

From the LATimes:

ā€œAt a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes

Anything else I can help you with?

Socialism is more compatible with Socially Conservative values, and Nationalism than Capitalism is.

That's what Republicans get wrong, over, and over again.

Even Stalin was more of a Nationalist, and Social Conservative than the modern Republican.

What does that have to do with the post to which you've linked?
The US flag. A cross. The Holy Bible. The Confederate flag. A sword.

This old time Klansman can't possibly be a right winger! No effing way!

I bet he loves the federal government and high taxes.

Here are some present day Democrats. ;)

I love the votive candles on the cross. Priceless.

I'm sure they would be happy to tell you how racist the Confederate flag is, and how ObamaCare is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and how we need more negroes to be given free college. And I'm sure they would like to see illegal Mexicans to be given US citizenship.

You just know that's what they believe.



The KKK is one of America's smallest criminal organizations.

Having only several thousand members.
only having killed several thousands AT MOST, in the course of 100's of years.

Meanwhile Republicans, and Democrats are criminal organizations with millions, who've killed millions.
(Zionist, Liberal terrorists, and war mongering maniacs BTW)
The Left hates family and middle class values because those things interfere with their despicable agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.
The Left hates family and middle class values because those things interfere with their despicable agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.

Trump's such a family values man, talking about grabbing Pu$$y, and with his Playboy Prostitute Stormy Daniels, his Divorces, his hiring of Illegal immigrants below minimum wage to build his Trump tower.
You have to be a special kind of retard to believe the old racist Democrats of the Jim Crow South have any connection to the modern social justice warrior Democrats of today.

Seriously. Fucking. Retarded.

The retards' propagandists very deliberately call those old right wing assholes "Democrats". They know their tards are just that dumb that they won't even experience so much as a microsecond of cognitive dissonance.

I used to wonder why that is. And then one day it hit me.

To experience cognitive dissonance, one must have COGNITION.

The pseudocon herd has been very carefully dumbed down to the point of being brainless parrots who never engage in critical thinking. Not even for a second.
The Left hates family and middle class values because those things interfere with their despicable agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.

Trump's such a family values man, talking about grabbing Pu$$y, and with his Playboy Prostitute Stormy Daniels, his Divorces, his hiring of Illegal immigrants below minimum wage to build his Trump tower.
Well, Trump is not middle class. So he gets to be a whoremongering pathological liar and serial adulterer with multiple marriages and gets to go to heaven with Jesus.

Every good moral middle class person should aspire to be just like him.
Donald Trump cheated on all three wives, and divorced twice.

But it is the fucking liberal homos who are destroying family values, folks. Never forget!
One of the most hilarious (and yet profoundly insightful) magazine covers of all time.



Vote Trump Family Valuesā„¢, but for GOD's SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO!


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