Middle East 101

I sure hope you apply that Karma theory to the Palestinians 'cause they've been reapin' since 1948.
"So this is how things stand now:

"The tax-paying, army-serving, law-abiding secular and national religious middle class is stuck in the middle between two groups of extremist populations:

"In the left corner: a group of hundreds of extremist rabbis leading a population of one million ultra-Orthodox men, women and children who do not work, do not serve in the army, and have no intention of changing any of that; do not identify with the State, but live off its welfare; and who have one of the highest birthrates in the world.

"In less than 50 years from now, all things staying equal, this population will constitute 30% of the country’s overall population, and less than 0.001% of the workforce.

"Significant parts of this population are becoming more extreme, and the extremism is spreading across the country.

"The number of gender-segregated buses in Israel is increasing; zealots spill over from their neighborhoods into non-haredi neighborhoods and hurl soiled diapers at modest national-religious girls, calling them whores.

"None of these stalkers has been arrested. Their version of reality is completely, utterly different from that of the majority of Israelis."
The Jewish Self-Destruct Button Amir Mizroch
"In the far-right corner: thousands of extremist, religious, settler youth and their charismatic rabbis, who do very little work, whose religious study institutions are funded by the state, who attack and undermine the army, attack the Palestinians, and try their darndest to start a religious war between the Jews and the world’s Muslims by burning mosques in the middle of the Arab Spring/ Islamic Winter.

"They care not for the rulings of the Supreme Court.

"Some of them serve in the army, but they do not submit to the authority of the state, and the state is fearful of imposing its authority on them.

"They don’t listen to their commanders.

"The leak army plans to their friends.

"They don’t listen to the settler leadership.

"They listen only to their rabbis, and their rabbis, God only knows who they listen to. Their version of reality is completely, utterly different from that of the majority of Israelis.

"The settler community, who is the first victim of these radical extremist rabbis and hilltop youth, must cough these criminals out.

"There are two things these groups have in common with each other: they are both led by extremist, insular rabbis who answer to no higher authority but their own; and they both call representatives of the government and its security services 'Nazis'”.

The Jewish Self-Destruct Button Amir Mizroch
Jews reap what they've sown.
I sure hope you apply that Karma theory to the Palestinians 'cause they've been reapin' since 1948.

"So this is how things stand now:

"The tax-paying, army-serving, law-abiding secular and national religious middle class is stuck in the middle between two groups of extremist populations:

"In the left corner: a group of hundreds of extremist rabbis leading a population of one million ultra-Orthodox men, women and children who do not work, do not serve in the army, and have no intention of changing any of that; do not identify with the State, but live off its welfare; and who have one of the highest birthrates in the world.

Birthrates and Birthrights change over time, GP, but to return to the point of our discussion:
Try applying your karma theory to the hapless Arab "refugees" 'cause they've been reapin' what they've sown for decades ... not that you seem to care beyond their value as cannon fodder in your war against the hated Joooos.
Jews reap what they've sown.
I sure hope you apply that Karma theory to the Palestinians 'cause they've been reapin' since 1948.

"So this is how things stand now:

"The tax-paying, army-serving, law-abiding secular and national religious middle class is stuck in the middle between two groups of extremist populations:

"In the left corner: a group of hundreds of extremist rabbis leading a population of one million ultra-Orthodox men, women and children who do not work, do not serve in the army, and have no intention of changing any of that; do not identify with the State, but live off its welfare; and who have one of the highest birthrates in the world.

Birthrates and Birthrights change over time, GP, but to return to the point of our discussion:
Try applying your karma theory to the hapless Arab "refugees" 'cause they've been reapin' what they've sown for decades ... not that you seem to care beyond their value as cannon fodder in your war against the hated Joooos.

The last person who should be talking about "reaping what they've sown" is Gaza George. Meanwhile, many of the Orthodox are going into the Army now, and they are also being trained for high tech jobs.
Try applying your karma theory to the hapless Arab "refugees" 'cause they've been reapin' what they've sown for decades ..
Blaming the victims for the crimes of da Jooos?
"And in the middle between these two groups of zealots: the apathetic, silent majority, who, sadly, has no charismatic and effective leadership.

"Leaders who can stand up to the religious zealots.

"As always, it comes down to leadership.

"They have bad leaders.

"We have none.

"This fire will consume us all if we don’t put it out now."

Where's Moses when you really need help?

The Jewish Self-Destruct Button Amir Mizroch
The last person who should be talking about "reaping what they've sown" is Gaza George. Meanwhile, many of the Orthodox are going into the Army now, and they are also being trained for high tech jobs.

"Two girls with a sign that reads 'Hating Arabs is not racism, it’s values.' (Photo from The People of Israel Demand Vengeance/Facebook via)

"In Israel, racism and extremism are exploding.

"It began shortly after the kidnapping of three Israeli boys—Naftali, Gilad and Eyal—in Gush Etzion, that led to the assault in Gaza which has seen over 1,000 killed.

"A Facebook page calling for the murder of Palestinians went viral. In one photo, a soldier posed broodingly with his gun, the word 'vengeance' written on his chest.

"In another two teenage girls smiled happily with a banner that read: 'Hating Arabs is not racism, it’s values.'"
Your values are showing, Ha$bara $al.

Racists Are Rampaging Through Israel VICE United States
bsolute camel crap from something called Alabalagh.
True or False, Golda?
"The unimaginable persecution of the Jews was not done by the Arabs: it was done by a Christian nation in the West."
The Zionist Occupation of Palestine Old Facts Cold Realities

what "unimaginable persecution"? persecution of the
jews as jews became "unimaginable" with the rise of the
first reich and the elaboration of anti jew laws by the first emperor of the first reich-------Muhummad and the other dog---UMAR----incorporated the very same laws into
"SHARIAH"----all the way down to the details including the
yellow insignia
Try applying your karma theory to the hapless Arab "refugees" 'cause they've been reapin' what they've sown for decades ..
Blaming the victims for the crimes of da Jooos?
"And in the middle between these two groups of zealots: the apathetic, silent majority, who, sadly, has no charismatic and effective leadership.

"Leaders who can stand up to the religious zealots.

"As always, it comes down to leadership.

"They have bad leaders.

"We have none.

"This fire will consume us all if we don’t put it out now."

Where's Moses when you really need help?

The Jewish Self-Destruct Button Amir Mizroch

Hmm, wonder if Moses would be able to stop all the killings of Muslims against Muslims in the Middle East before that entire area self-destructs. They have been busy murdering each other ever since Islam was created so it really is time for them to stop this destructive behavior against each other as well as their destructive behavorior against those who are non Muslims.
Try applying your karma theory to the hapless Arab "refugees" 'cause they've been reapin' what they've sown for decades ..
Blaming the victims for the crimes of da Jooos?
"And in the middle between these two groups of zealots: the apathetic, silent majority, who, sadly, has no charismatic and effective leadership.

"Leaders who can stand up to the religious zealots.

"As always, it comes down to leadership.

"They have bad leaders.

"We have none.

"This fire will consume us all if we don’t put it out now."

Where's Moses when you really need help?

The Jewish Self-Destruct Button Amir Mizroch

Hmm, wonder if Moses would be able to stop all the killings of Muslims against Muslims in the Middle East before that entire area self-destructs. They have been busy murdering each other ever since Islam was created so it really is time for them to stop this destructive behavior against each other as well as their destructive behavorior against those who are non Muslims.

It's only a matter of time before those Islamist conflicts spill over onto the real world. The West's primary agenda in dealing with those people is to contain the violence within the Arab/Muslim World. Hopefully the West will provide just enough guidance and weaponry to keep the Jihadists at each others throats for as long as it takes for their Islamic culture to grow out of this phase.
The West's primary agenda in dealing with those people is to contain the violence within the Arab/Muslim World. H
Then why did the west invade and occupy Iraq, thereby setting Sunni and Shiite Iraqis at each others' throats after they had lived as neighbors in that state since its inception?
The West's primary agenda in dealing with those people is to contain the violence within the Arab/Muslim World. H

Then why did the west invade and occupy Iraq, thereby setting Sunni and Shiite Iraqis at each others' throats after they had lived as neighbors in that state since its inception?

Really? Sunni and Shia have always gotten along? You never fail to blame the West - and particularly America - for the utter failure of Arab/Muslim culture.
Many of your comrades there also look everywhere but the mirror when trying to assess blame for their failures but honest, courageous Mideast Arab scholars can not avoid the truth when reporting to the UN in their Arab Human Development Reports. Of course, you are aware of both the reports and their truths but continue to blame America because ... well, because that's what peeps like you do.
Even the fitful, half-hearted efforts to address these endemic cultural deficiencies are a source of irritation among Islamists who believe they are protecting the purity of the "Faith" by killing those who don't see things their way.
The Arab region is hobbled by a poverty of capabilities and of opportunities. These have their roots in three deficits: lack of freedom, oppression of women and brutally enforced ignorance. Growth alone will neither bridge these gaps nor set the region on the road to sustainable development. Only a long hard look in the mirror can set the Arab World on the path to peaceful coexistence.

Really? Sunni and Shia have always gotten along? You never fail to blame the West - and particularly America - for the utter failure of Arab/Muslim culture.
I never said: "Sunni and Shia have always gotten along."
I said they were not abusing each other in anyway like they are today inside Iraq prior to March 2003 when the US launched its invasion/ occupation.

Do you dispute that?
Really? Sunni and Shia have always gotten along? You never fail to blame the West - and particularly America - for the utter failure of Arab/Muslim culture.
I never said: "Sunni and Shia have always gotten along."
I said they were not abusing each other in anyway like they are today inside Iraq prior to March 2003 when the US launched its invasion/ occupation.

Do you dispute that?

Absolutely. :biggrin:
Really? Sunni and Shia have always gotten along? You never fail to blame the West - and particularly America - for the utter failure of Arab/Muslim culture.
I never said: "Sunni and Shia have always gotten along."
I said they were not abusing each other in anyway like they are today inside Iraq prior to March 2003 when the US launched its invasion/ occupation.

Do you dispute that?

Absolutely. :biggrin:
"But what really triggered the recent upsurge in Sunni-Shiite tension was the US invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

"In the strange mental space that is the Arab Middle East, 'Shiite' is regarded as just a synonym for 'Persian', and 'Arab' means 'Sunni'.

"The fact that many Arabs are actually Shiites is difficult to swallow.

"According to what they perceive as the natural order of things, Sunnis are meant to be on top, even where Shiite Arabs are in the majority, as in Iraq (and Bahrain, and Lebanon where they form the biggest single minority).

"The Americans upset this delicate status quo when they orchestrated democratic elections in Iraq, which effectively became the first modern Arab state to be ruled by Shiites."

Maybe you missed the US invasion of Iraq...:ack-1:

The Clash Within Civilisations How The Sunni-Shiite Divide Cleaves The Middle East The Global Mail

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