Middle East 101

George Philip is a well known anti Semite. I'm pretty sure he blames the Jews for his own miserable life
You're still wrong on both counts, Toastie.
My life has never been better, and I'm not anti-Semite; I am anti-racist, like the large scale racism among the Jews on the West Bank. Why aren't you?

how may west bank jews do you know, GEORGIE?

Right now as he sits in his subsidized apartment (financed partly of course by some of the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles), he probably has no contact with Jews at all. I would venture to say that when he gets out of his little place all he comes across are the Hispanics in the Pico-Union neighborhood, many of whom are unable even to communicate with him. Meanwhile, has anyone ever seen Gaza George ever bring up how terrible it is for those who are non Muslims or even Muslims who are not the favored sect in any Middle East country. That is where he is showing himself to be a phony and, of course, an anti-Semite by bypassing the terrible conditions those non believers live under in the Middle East. If he wasn't so lazy, he could certainly find a Coptic or Assyrian Church right here in Los Angeles to ask the people who have newly arrived here or those who still have relatives living in the Middle East how they fared in the country of their origin. There are probably plenty of people in the Middle East who would be happy to trade places with the Arabs in the West Bank regardless of what Gaza George says.
George Philip is a well known anti Semite. I'm pretty sure he blames the Jews for his own miserable life
You're still wrong on both counts, Toastie.
My life has never been better, and I'm not anti-Semite; I am anti-racist, like the large scale racism among the Jews on the West Bank. Why aren't you?

how may west bank jews do you know, GEORGIE?

Right now as he sits in his subsidized apartment (financed partly of course by some of the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles), he probably has no contact with Jews at all. I would venture to say that when he gets out of his little place all he comes across are the Hispanics in the Pico-Union neighborhood, many of whom are unable even to communicate with him. Meanwhile, has anyone ever seen Gaza George ever bring up how terrible it is for those who are non Muslims or even Muslims who are not the favored sect in any Middle East country. That is where he is showing himself to be a phony and, of course, an anti-Semite by bypassing the terrible conditions those non believers live under in the Middle East. If he wasn't so lazy, he could certainly find a Coptic or Assyrian Church right here in Los Angeles to ask the people who have newly arrived here or those who still have relatives living in the Middle East how they fared in the country of their origin. There are probably plenty of people in the Middle East who would be happy to trade places with the Arabs in the West Bank regardless of what Gaza George says.

Why, Gaza George, I hope you are learning some Spanish so that you can converse with some of your neighbors. Sitting in front of a computer all day long showing everyone that you really don't care what is happening to innocent people in the rest of the Middle East, no matter what atrocities are committe, and only are on a Middle East forum because you are nothing more than a two-bit anti-Semite who blames the Jews for your lot in life instead of your own laziness in trying to get ahead is very obvious to many of the viewers..
Why, Gaza George, I hope you are learning some Spanish so that you can converse with some of your neighbors
Still stuck on yourself, $al?
Middle East 101, remember?

"Question: What Was Operation El Dorado Canyon, the US Attack on Libya in 1986?


"Operation El Dorado Canyon was the name of the military operation President Ronald Reagan ordered against Libya on April 15, 1986, in retaliation for a terrorist bombing at a Berlin, Germany, discotheque that April 5."

Operation El Dorado Canyon Libya 1986 Overview
Well seems Israel wants to have less Orthodox Jews so its rather a conundrum, good for them one way and bad another. Survive as a Jewish state , not unless its ran as a Monarchy like Saudi Arabia. Jews are already leaving, and some to Germany as we've read here.

At this time I think more countries recognize Palestine as a state than they do Israel if my memory serves. It would be so much better for one government and one country, in my opinion, but I don't see that happening.

You will find that the numbers are equal, what you will also find is that Palestine is not recognised as a full state just as one on paper. The world cant define its borders, or who will be their leader. It cant define who they will be at peace with or who they will be at war with. They certainly cant grant them self determination and the power to govern themselves. So the worlds nations recognising Palestine is a smoke screen to hide the ugly facts that very soon the world will turn and say to them "right now you are recognised start talking peace and borders or we will recognise you as a terrorist state and enforce sanctions"

You will also find that more Palestinians are leaving for other countries as they are sick and tired of the way their leaders treat them. The Christians have been just about wiped out by the Palestinians reduced to less than 2% of the population from 12% 10 years ago. The time will come when the world rises up against the brutality and violence that is the Palestinians and teach them a lesson.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

So in a state of 2 million people and only 250,000 Jews the Jews outvote the rest, can you produce the evidence of this. Or better still show how the 2 million votes disappear from the ballot boxes and no one queries why the turn out is high yet the votes are low....................
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

The Jewish Lobbies are way down the list, the top ten include Saudi, Pakistan, NRA and some other oil rich arab opec nations. Aipac comes in at tenth on spend and influence so how can it exert more influence. The evidence proves that you are a BRAINWASHED ISLAMONAZI STOOGE and cant see the wood for the trees.
Well seems Israel wants to have less Orthodox Jews so its rather a conundrum, good for them one way and bad another. Survive as a Jewish state , not unless its ran as a Monarchy like Saudi Arabia. Jews are already leaving, and some to Germany as we've read here.

At this time I think more countries recognize Palestine as a state than they do Israel if my memory serves. It would be so much better for one government and one country, in my opinion, but I don't see that happening
The Jewish state will tolerate no more than 20% of its total population being non-Jewish; there are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living there. 66 years ago there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea, and a hundred years ago there were ten times as many Arabs. Something has to change in Jordan and on the Sinai if Jew and Arab are ever to live in peace in Palestine.

There are only two ways to peace in Palestine.

1 The muslims throw everything they have at Israel and wipe out all the Jews leaving the area devoid of any sustainable industry or farmland. Thus throwing it back 200 years and seeing the arab muslims deserting their "homeland" in droves.

2 The world forces the arab muslims to the peace table at the end of a gun and makes them negotiate a just peace and mutual borders, then forces the Palestinians to take up the cross of statehood and work at producing a viable nation.

The first wont happen as the muslims are too disjointed and untrusting of each other. The second might happen if the Palestinians keep demanding more money to engage in terrorism.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

Yeah, isn't it funny, because in a democracy those being elected represent what the people want? And a vast majority of Americans are highly supportive of a Israel. Don't like it? Too bad.
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

I have been reading how the Jews in NY could change the Jewish vote towards Rep in the next years, and I questioned it but I had forgot about the electoral college.

.....sounds like another anti Semite totally obsessed with Jews. They really can't help it. They know more factoids about Jews than even most Jews do. You wanna know about Jews? Ask an anti Semite. Ha ha ha.
There are only two ways to peace in Palestine.
No, there are not "only two ways to peace in Palestine."
"In a Parallel States structure, one Israeli state and one Palestinian would both cover the whole area between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River.

"In such a scenario, military, political, and economic barriers would be lifted, and a joint security and defense policy, a common and equitable economic policy, and joint and harmonized legislation would replace existing divisions.

"Such a structure would allow both for an independent Palestinian state and for Israel to be both Jewish and democratic at the same time. It would bring an end to occupation and would permit free movement over the whole area for both peoples, as well as providing a vision for an end of conflict."

Since there are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, neither Jewish nor Palestinian terrorism will result in any outcome other than fattening the corporate bottom lines of bottom-feeding arms US merchants.

Parallel States Plan for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Is a Recipe for Disaster Commentary Magazine
Why, Gaza George, I hope you are learning some Spanish so that you can converse with some of your neighbors
Still stuck on yourself, $al?
Middle East 101, remember?

"Question: What Was Operation El Dorado Canyon, the US Attack on Libya in 1986?


"Operation El Dorado Canyon was the name of the military operation President Ronald Reagan ordered against Libya on April 15, 1986, in retaliation for a terrorist bombing at a Berlin, Germany, discotheque that April 5."

Operation El Dorado Canyon Libya 1986 Overview

Why, Little Layabout, still too lazy to go to the L.A. Zoo to have a chimp teach you something other than the dollar sign? I think by now we all realize that you don't have too many dollars in your worn-out wallet; therefore, you constantly use the dollar sign to remind youself of that fact..

For me, Middle East 101 starts around 600 A.D. It's better to

go back to the beginning because what is happening now is just a continuation of what started in the past.

First we can read up on the History of Jihad ........

Islam Watch - History of Jihad Authors

and then we can read the following.......

A little history Thomas Jefferson Started A War Against Fundamentalist Islam Over 200 Years Ago - Secular Global Institute

From these articles, you will find that the same things which happened years ago we see happening now, and that one Muslim ambassador made no bones about it.
The two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Islam Watch - History of Jihad Authors
Why, Little Layabout, still too lazy to go to the L.A. Zoo to have a chimp teach you something other than the dollar sign? I think by now we all realize that you don't have too many dollars in your worn-out wallet; therefore, you constantly use the dollar sign to remind youself of that fact.
Ha$bara $al $hills for $hekels.
Why do you bother wasting keystrokes, nothing better to do. Why not call up a few of your chimp friends?
Maybe you'll get lucky?
Why, Little Layabout, still too lazy to go to the L.A. Zoo to have a chimp teach you something other than the dollar sign? I think by now we all realize that you don't have too many dollars in your worn-out wallet; therefore, you constantly use the dollar sign to remind youself of that fact.
Ha$bara $al $hills for $hekels.
Why do you bother wasting keystrokes, nothing better to do. Why not call up a few of your chimp friends?
Maybe you'll get lucky?

If anything, Gaza George, it is you who hope that your new masters will notice that you hate the Jews as much as they do that and will send you a few bucks each month for your effort in constantly blaming your favorite scapegoats for something or other. Many things to do in the Los Angeles area, but Gaza George doesn't seem to have the wherewithall to do anything but stay in his tiny room. Perhaps his new friends will come through for him. Meanwhile, has anyone reading this forum ever seen Gaza George post anything about what is happening to so many innocent people in the Middle East since this is a forum covering the entire Middle East? Maybe in Gaza George's deranged mind, tiny Israel is so enormous and the other large Arab countries are very small that only Israel counts, but I think those who are compus mentis on this forum are quite aware of what is happening to so many unfortunate people.
Meanwhile, has anyone reading this forum ever seen Gaza George post anything about what is happening to so many innocent people in the Middle East since this is a forum covering the entire Middle East? Maybe in Gaza George's deranged mind, tiny Israel is so enormous and the other large Arab countries are very small that only Israel counts, but I think those who are compus mentis on this forum are quite aware of what is happening to so many unfortunate people.
Innocent people are dying in the Middle East because of Zionism, and racist apologists like you do little more than blame the victims.

"Zionism is essentially Jewish nationalism maintained by violence.

"It became serious about a century ago, accelerated with the break-up of the Ottoman Empire and really got off the ground with the British Balfour Declaration which promised Zionists a 'homeland' in Palestine in exchange for certain services to the British Empire.

"The famous declaration contained the impossible condition (now universally forgotten) that the Jewish homeland was not to be at the expense of the majority Arab population of Palestine.

"The actual Zionist state did not come into being until authorized by the United Nations at the end of World War II.

"Its subsequent hallmark characteristics have been open defiance of many, many United Nations criticisms of its racist policies and human rights abuses against the Palestinian Arabs; eradication of Palestinian villages within Israel by bulldozer; occupation of territory beyond its internationally mandated borders by violence; and the planting of its citizens in occupied territory in violation of international law.

"These actions would amply justify the label of 'rogue state' if pursued by any other country."

Zionism Is The Real Problem In The Middle East
Meanwhile, has anyone reading this forum ever seen Gaza George post anything about what is happening to so many innocent people in the Middle East since this is a forum covering the entire Middle East? Maybe in Gaza George's deranged mind, tiny Israel is so enormous and the other large Arab countries are very small that only Israel counts, but I think those who are compus mentis on this forum are quite aware of what is happening to so many unfortunate people.

Innocent people are dying in the Middle East because of Zionism, and racist apologists like you do little more than blame the victims...

Indeed innocent peeps are dying all over the Mideast but to blame Zionism isn't just disingenuous and mendacious, it's downright silly. If you were truly interested in what is killing, maiming and oppressing the Arab/Muslim World, look no further than the mirror, JihadGeorgie.
What Zionist invasion?
"[ Summary: This fascinating essay, written by King Hussein's grandfather King Abdullah, appeared in the United States six months before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

"In the article, titled 'As the Arabs See the Jews', King Abdullah disputes the mistaken view that Arab opposition to Zionism (and later the state of Israel) is because of longstanding religious or ethnic hatred.

"He notes that Jews and Muslims enjoyed a long history of peaceful coexistence in the Middle East, and that Jews have historically suffered far more at the hands of Christian Europe."
The Zionist Occupation of Palestine Old Facts Cold Realities
Indeed innocent peeps are dying all over the Mideast but to blame Zionism isn't just disingenuous and mendacious, it's downright silly.
So tell us why Jew and Arab lived in peace in Palestine prior to the Zionist invasion?

What Zionist invasion?

Let's face it, Sayit, the Jews haters like Gaza George can't stand the fact that the European Jews came to Israel and built it up. There weren't that many Arabs there in the first place, and they came in droves when the European Jews had jobs for them. If Gaza George wasn't so lazy, he would get out on the streets and ask the Central Americans in his own neighborhood, Pico-Union, why they left their countries. They would tell him they wanted work, work that their own countries couldn't supply. Does he think that all of them are unmarried and didn't leave wives and children back home to send back money?

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