Might as well shoot them in the streets

What is not clear if this is political or for safety reasons.

I would like a more comprehensive discussion of this situation.

What do you mean by Safety reasons??? there's no answer but that it's political....safety has nothing to do with it. Who is going to be hurt by a Priest, Pastor or any other religious leader ministering to their people? Like Gallant asked....does this pertain to ALL religions or just Christians?
obama has been at war with Christians in the military since the day he took office. This is just another indication of how much he hates Christians and how far he will go to obstruct them.

What is not clear if this is political or for safety reasons.

I would like a more comprehensive discussion of this situation.

What "safety reasons"? Do the troops need to be protected from the priests, or do the priests need protection from the troops? Either way, a warning would have been enough. Why threaten the chaplains with arrest if they show up to minister to their flock?

You don't think this has anything to do with blocking troops from access to their ministers, do you?
"Added Pompeo: “The President’s strategy during the slowdown, just as during the sequestration, is to create as much pain as possible. However, this action crosses a constitutional line of obstructing every U.S. service member’s ability to practice his or her religion.”
Nah, nothing political here. This administration gets to attack two of their least favorite constituencies with this little gambit: Christians and the military.

Read more here:
Catholic priests in military face arrest for celebrating Mass | Fox News

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