Migrant caravan not walking they're being transported to US border on the back of a flat bed trucks

All 2000, or 4000 or 8000 or whatever number you want to believe of refugees fit on one flat bed truck?

You have no need to be afraid Mind Wars.... don't let your right wing sites put you in to a panic.... that's intentional, on their part.

Your hero, Superman Trump, has already vowed to "save the day"!!!

Democrats did NOT create, pay for, or encourage this caravan..... the only one who benefits from it, is Mighty Dog Trump.... his Russian friends in cahoots with South American countries like Venezuella, probably set it off.

The Democrats would NOT start something like this, to harm their own reelection chances.... and again, as said.... it only benefits Trump and the Republicans in the election coming up.
Of course Democrats are giving these soon-to-be-illegals hope with their open-borders policy and their campaign to abolish ICE.
We don't have an open borders policy.... (we as a nation, have do have a Refugee policy, but that was created by our congress many moons ago, and was bipartisan.)

"Open borders" simply a term created by right wingers as a marketing strategy.... to scare you in to voting for the Republican establishment.

They are more than welcome to apply for refugee status at any US embassy. We should activate the national guard, and have the border secured.
But that is not a requirement under our present laws.... the refugee can apply when they reach our borders and we have to give her/him a hearing... under present law.

MOST refuges, more than 90% are being rejected by our judges at their hearings, from what I understand...

I have no problem with activating our National guard to protect our borders and keep any from crossing illegally!
They do not need to cross the border to file for refugee status. Several of them already admitted that they were already tossed out of the country more than once and many are not carrying any papers to identify themselves at all. Mexico opened their gates and let them without any papers through willingly, Mexico can keep them. (that was video taped as Mexico did it)
All 2000, or 4000 or 8000 or whatever number you want to believe of refugees fit on one flat bed truck?

You have no need to be afraid Mind Wars.... don't let your right wing sites put you in to a panic.... that's intentional, on their part.

Your hero, Superman Trump, has already vowed to "save the day"!!!

Democrats did NOT create, pay for, or encourage this caravan..... the only one who benefits from it, is Mighty Dog Trump.... his Russian friends in cahoots with South American countries like Venezuella, probably set it off.

The Democrats would NOT start something like this, to harm their own reelection chances.... and again, as said.... it only benefits Trump and the Republicans in the election coming up.
Of course Democrats are giving these soon-to-be-illegals hope with their open-borders policy and their campaign to abolish ICE.
We don't have an open borders policy.... (we as a nation, have do have a Refugee policy, but that was created by our congress many moons ago, and was bipartisan.)

"Open borders" simply a term created by right wingers as a marketing strategy.... to scare you in to voting for the Republican establishment.

They are more than welcome to apply for refugee status at any US embassy. We should activate the national guard, and have the border secured.
But that is not a requirement under our present laws.... the refugee can apply when they reach our borders and we have to give her/him a hearing... under present law.

MOST refuges, more than 90% are being rejected by our judges at their hearings, from what I understand...

I have no problem with activating our National guard to protect our borders and keep any from crossing illegally!
They do not need to cross the border to file for refugee status. Several of them already admitted that they were already tossed out of the country more than once and many are not carrying any papers to identify themselves at all. Mexico opened their gates and let them without any papers through willingly, Mexico can keep them. (that was video taped as Mexico did it)

I am so gald you are handling this I really can't deal with indoctrianted fks any more LOL>. Thank you for your time to do so.

Sadly most of the are to far gone on the indoctrination latter they either never wake up or it takes one of thier own to get a smack down from the situations we keep warning these dumb asses about.

The idiots in Europe have done the same thing.
The same stupidity in Europe and they wonder why their daughters, mothers, sisters are getting gang raped. SWEDEN is worse


Voice of Europe on Twitter
Of course Democrats are giving these soon-to-be-illegals hope with their open-borders policy and their campaign to abolish ICE.
We don't have an open borders policy.... (we as a nation, have do have a Refugee policy, but that was created by our congress many moons ago, and was bipartisan.)

"Open borders" simply a term created by right wingers as a marketing strategy.... to scare you in to voting for the Republican establishment.

They are more than welcome to apply for refugee status at any US embassy. We should activate the national guard, and have the border secured.
But that is not a requirement under our present laws.... the refugee can apply when they reach our borders and we have to give her/him a hearing... under present law.

MOST refuges, more than 90% are being rejected by our judges at their hearings, from what I understand...

I have no problem with activating our National guard to protect our borders and keep any from crossing illegally!
They do not need to cross the border to file for refugee status. Several of them already admitted that they were already tossed out of the country more than once and many are not carrying any papers to identify themselves at all. Mexico opened their gates and let them without any papers through willingly, Mexico can keep them. (that was video taped as Mexico did it)

I am so gald you are handling this I really can't deal with indoctrianted fks any more LOL>. Thank you for your time to do so.

Sadly most of the are to far gone on the indoctrination latter they either never wake up or it takes one of thier own to get a smack down from the situations we keep warning these dumb asses about.

The idiots in Europe have done the same thing.
Keeping my mind off of some other issues by keeping busy researching other things for the moment. And I really do not want to see this country go the way of the Brussels bullshit. Same type greedy bastards started several wars already and then whined for help as they were getting converted to become good little drones for the fascist regimes.
American troops are on their way to the border....Breaking news.....Border patrol is welcoming the troops and their help....this caravan will be turned away....
Prediction;....If this mass of people were to get into our nation right in front of the American peoples eyes the dems may never win another election for 20 years...
Prediction;....If this mass of people were to get into our nation right in front of the American peoples eyes the dems may never win another election for 20 years...

Even if they don't get in I hope the scumbagg DEMS have wiped themselves out. Everyone knows thate are the SOB's who engineered this illegal bs. They knew they lost when Hillary lost and it's. snowballed ever since.

These skanks are trying to tank the ECONOMY too, we've been in trouble there way before Trump was in.


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