Mike Huckabee is the next president of the U.S.

No, I am weighing it by what he said.

People will vote against Richardson because he is Hispanic.
They will vote against Obama because he is black and his middle name.
They will vote against Hillary because she is a woman.
They will vote against Romney because he is a Mormon.
They will vote against McCain because he has a "temper".
They will vote against Huckerbee because of his religion.
They will vote against Leiberman because he is a Jew.

Down here? We vote on what legislation the MP believes in.
Who here has had a indepth look at Romney's record? Does he vote according to his religion? Does Obama vote according to his colour? Richardson according to his ethnicity?

People who are running your political system are judged first and foremost by their skin, ethnicity, sexuality, religous affiliation, gender. Totally, utterly pathetic and one of the reasons your system sucks! Your EC is the main other reason too. Finally, to a minor extent, you are practically a one-party state...

I generally don't react to your posts because they seem reasonable, and have a large dose of common sense, which I subscribe to.

This time, you seem completely delusional.

What's up?
First of all explain how Jews "represent" their own interests??

Actually, I'll cop to that. We do. There's AIPAC and NATPAC and the anti-defamation league. We're also very politically active and make a lot of efforts on behalf of Israel.

I figure that's because there have always been sicko's like WJ, so we have to watch our own butts.

But that's why WJ hates us so much, we don't just lay down and die for nazis like him. Pisses him off... would be so much more convenient for him if Hitler had finished the job. Ask him, he'll tell you, I'm sure.
No, I am weighing it by what he said.

People will vote against Richardson because he is Hispanic.
They will vote against Obama because he is black and his middle name.
They will vote against Hillary because she is a woman.
They will vote against Romney because he is a Mormon.
They will vote against McCain because he has a "temper".
They will vote against Huckerbee because of his religion.
They will vote against Leiberman because he is a Jew.

Down here? We vote on what legislation the MP believes in.
Who here has had a indepth look at Romney's record? Does he vote according to his religion? Does Obama vote according to his colour? Richardson according to his ethnicity?

People who are running your political system are judged first and foremost by their skin, ethnicity, sexuality, religous affiliation, gender. Totally, utterly pathetic and one of the reasons your system sucks! Your EC is the main other reason too. Finally, to a minor extent, you are practically a one-party state...
More vitriolic and unjustifiable generalizations from overseas regarding the disgustingly unsuccessful democracy in North America. They criticize us for so many different reasons it is hard to keep track. There must be no stupid voters in New Zealand. What an enlightened land. How nice for them.

Regarding the disparaging remark about the electoral college, yeah it is so unfair, maybe we should just let California, Texas, and Florida decide the next Presidential contest. Now that would be truly representative right?

One party system. Sure. We have one party that wants socialized medicine and another that wants to privatize social security. But according to the pontification from overseas they are practically one party. True, we do not have as many choices on the Left as an enlightened country like New Zealand, but we'll try and muddle through.
I generally don't react to your posts because they seem reasonable, and have a large dose of common sense, which I subscribe to.

This time, you seem completely delusional.

What's up?

Which part is delusional? If you look over the posts on the political threads there are smatterings of "Richardson won't make it because he's half Hispanic".."romney won't make it because he's a Mormon". I have read quite a few pieces online in many different publications. I'm wrong on this?
More vitriolic and unjustifiable generalizations from overseas regarding the disgustingly unsuccessful democracy in North America. They criticize us for so many different reasons it is hard to keep track. There must be no stupid voters in New Zealand. What an enlightened land. How nice for them.

Regarding the disparaging remark about the electoral college, yeah it is so unfair, maybe we should just let California, Texas, and Florida decide the next Presidential contest. Now that would be truly representative right?

One party system. Sure. We have one party that wants socialized medicine and another that wants to privatize social security. But according to the pontification from overseas they are practically one party. True, we do not have as many choices on the Left as an enlightened country like New Zealand, but we'll try and muddle through.

Why are they unjustified? And they are not my generalisations. I have gotten these opinions by reading posts on messageboards and reading your national newspapers online and political pundits on Fox, CNN and a number of other sources?

California, Texas and Florida more or less decide anyway. The EC would be much better if it were split along voting lines. You think it fair that one party get all the votes? It is an antiquated system that fails your people miserably and is unfair.

Sure we have dumb voters in NZ, but you know what? The vast majority decide on the policies of the party. Our PM doesn't have anywhere near the amount of power your president has. Generally the party runs the party, not one person. To give one person the right of veto is ridiculous just as it is for him to give out pardons. Do I think NZ is more enlightened politically? Absolutely. American politics is about smear and innuendo and adding totally unrelated legislation on the coat tails of other pieces of legislation. It's a freaking mess...
Actually, I'll cop to that. We do. There's AIPAC and NATPAC and the anti-defamation league. We're also very politically active and make a lot of efforts on behalf of Israel.

I figure that's because there have always been sicko's like WJ, so we have to watch our own butts.

But that's why WJ hates us so much, we don't just lay down and die for nazis like him. Pisses him off... would be so much more convenient for him if Hitler had finished the job. Ask him, he'll tell you, I'm sure.

OMG!! You evil Jews!! Having interest groups!! Despicable!! Now please disperse all groups and go hide in the corner like a good little Jew.....
Can you give me an example of a way in which white gentiles represent their own interests in the same way that Jews do?

Ever been anywhere south of the mason dixon line? Virtually all statewide elected politicians are white, and the majority of white southerners wouldn't vote for, or support anyone, but a white, christian candidate for office.
Ever been anywhere south of the mason dixon line? Virtually all statewide elected politicians are white, and the majority of white southerners wouldn't vote for, or support anyone, but a white, christian candidate for office.

Obviously, YOU haven't been south of the Mason Dixon line since the 60s, if at all.:lol:
Mike Huckabee is the next president of the United States because he has "THE AURA OF GOD" placed upon him.
Hillarious Clinton will not because she is a she and the N.R.A. will see to it she is not.
Obama will not because the U.S. will not have a black man for president. Even the Black community is saying they wont vote for him because he will just end up being assassinated.
Romney won't because no one wants a president that wears wierd holy underwear and believes he gets his own planet and a bunch of virgins when he dies.
Ron Paul is just a creapy freak.
McCain is too old
Edwards looks too swish and like a little boy ready to cry.
I have $10.00 that says Mike Huckabee is the next President...any takers? I could use some extra cash.:thup:

Please God, save us.

Ron Paul, America's only hope.
The aura of God?

Please tell me that was a joke! LOL. If Huckabee wins, Obama is the next president.
Huckabee won't make the full run. Maybe, McCain will do some push polling in New Hampshire and spread evil rumors about him really being of Muslim decent, that he has a black daughter and his wife is on drugs.

We don't need another person who thinks or wants to make people think that God has selected him for this job.

The next prez will be a Democrat. I will take either Obama or Edwards.

But let's wait and see if Clinton's positive fence building past will help his wife in New Hampshire.
Ever been anywhere south of the mason dixon line? Virtually all statewide elected politicians are white, and the majority of white southerners wouldn't vote for, or support anyone, but a white, christian candidate for office.

George Will this morning said that the Republican Party has a problem in that by constantly playing to the South, it is losing the rest of the country.

And it will lose the next election too.

I'll take $10 on the field. The Huckster won't be the next President. A nice guy but the country is tired of evangelicals who think God is telling them who to invade next.
Huckabee won't make the full run. Maybe, McCain will do some push polling in New Hampshire and spread evil rumors about him really being of Muslim decent, that he has a black daughter and his wife is on drugs.

We don't need another person who thinks or wants to make people think that God has selected him for this job.

The next prez will be a Democrat. I will take either Obama or Edwards.

But let's wait and see if Clinton's positive fence building past will help his wife in New Hampshire.

I'd take Hillary or Obama. Obama is more likely to win, though. Obama would steamroll any Republican.

If the candidates are uber-weak, like a Huckabee v. Edwards race, Bloomsberg could actually pull of a victory. Huckabee and Edwards, after all, are pretty much the same candidate, and would pull from each other. Bloombsberg would be the only anti-fearmongering, secular candidate up there.
Ever been anywhere south of the mason dixon line? Virtually all statewide elected politicians are white, and the majority of white southerners wouldn't vote for, or support anyone, but a white, christian candidate for office.

DCD that has got to be the biggest load of stupid dropped on the board today. Do you always post like that or was today a special occasion?
Why are they unjustified? And they are not my generalisations. I have gotten these opinions by reading posts on messageboards and reading your national newspapers online and political pundits on Fox, CNN and a number of other sources?

California, Texas and Florida more or less decide anyway. The EC would be much better if it were split along voting lines. You think it fair that one party get all the votes? It is an antiquated system that fails your people miserably and is unfair.

Sure we have dumb voters in NZ, but you know what? The vast majority decide on the policies of the party. Our PM doesn't have anywhere near the amount of power your president has. Generally the party runs the party, not one person. To give one person the right of veto is ridiculous just as it is for him to give out pardons. Do I think NZ is more enlightened politically? Absolutely. American politics is about smear and innuendo and adding totally unrelated legislation on the coat tails of other pieces of legislation. It's a freaking mess...
Message boards, national newspapers, and political talking heads? Now I know for sure you do not know America. Regardless of opinions like yours, we are not going to relegate Minnesota, South Carolina, and Delaware to irrelevancy. They are States. If their electoral college votes were split, then the large states would indeed decide the election and most Americans do not think that is fair. And it is no more fair today than it was in 1789. We are delighted that New Zealand is so enlightened and advanced. We feel blessed that nations like yours will stoop to criticize the appalingly corrupt and crumbling American democracy that is by far the strongest nation on the planet. We were sad to see your PM's failure to secure a free trade agreement with America. She must have had to wash long in the shower to get the grime of the US political system off her when she got back from Washington. I have seen your posts. I know you are betting on China and India. Good luck with that. We are amazed at the millions of people lined up at their borders trying to get in.
I see alot of people paying lip service but not many are saying put me down for that 10
Message boards, national newspapers, and political talking heads? Now I know for sure you do not know America. Regardless of opinions like yours, we are not going to relegate Minnesota, South Carolina, and Delaware to irrelevancy. They are States. If their electoral college votes were split, then the large states would indeed decide the election and most Americans do not think that is fair. And it is no more fair today than it was in 1789. We are delighted that New Zealand is so enlightened and advanced. We feel blessed that nations like yours will stoop to criticize the appalingly corrupt and crumbling American democracy that is by far the strongest nation on the planet. We were sad to see your PM's failure to secure a free trade agreement with America. She must have had to wash long in the shower to get the grime of the US political system off her when she got back from Washington. I have seen your posts. I know you are betting on China and India. Good luck with that. We are amazed at the millions of people lined up at their borders trying to get in.

So you DON'T get your opinions from newspapers, online or messageboards, or TV news/current affairs? Other than personally interviewing candidates how do you get your info? I think you'll find our sources are the same..

No, it is not fair. If 20 million people vote in California, with 9,999,999 voting Repub and 10,000,001 voting for Dem, then almost 10 million voters in California are disenfranchised. Why not split it? Do that for every state. I think Iowa or Idaho does that already (not too sure which)..

Yes, the American democracy is crumbling, started by uber-frothing neocons trying to nail Bill to the wall for a BJ. Bush has done nothing to unite your country.

Yes, you are powerful, but nowhere near as well liked as you used to be. That seems fine with a lot of you, and so be it.

I'd rather be betting on the US over China or India any day, but it seems you guys aren't interested in fixing your system. Again, so be it.

Free trade agreement? Yeah, well, you win some you lose some. Asia is going to be our major trading partner of the future...Most of your manufacturing will be done off shore anyway. You'll become a primary resource centre and service-based economy - as will we. We just can't compete with Asian labour costs...
George Will this morning said that the Republican Party has a problem in that by constantly playing to the South, it is losing the rest of the country.

And it will lose the next election too.

I'll take $10 on the field. The Huckster won't be the next President. A nice guy but the country is tired of evangelicals who think God is telling them who to invade next.

Gotcha down

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