Mike Johnson warned the US was going down a 'dark and depraved' path

Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

He's a deranged criminal totalitarian theocrat fantasizing about Talibanic control over the lives of others.

But other than that, seems like a nice guy; Hitler liked animals. :)
Obama CREATED the shit, and he and Fauci sent it from North Carolina to Wuhan with millions of our taxpayer money. Obama had to overturn the ban on gain of function for it to be given functions, like sterility and life long heart problems.
If China developed it, then why do we have the patent on it?
Looks like he was.

Evangelist Franklin Graham said in an interview that divine intervention might be the reason President Trump won in 2016.

“I think God was behind the last election,” Graham told conservative news site The Western Journal---

God would send someone less morally flawed than Trump.
Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

I understand and agree. But the sane among us can’t seem to get you all to understand that Trump is a bad guy. Your insistence to nominate a guy who has promised fascism when elected is worrying.
Okay, now show the equivalent indiscretion of Trump
I'll help.

Found liable for sexual assault. "In court" as you keep on repeating needs to be the norm.

Four women who were competing in the pageant that year — including one who was 15 at the time

All Trump's words. So beyond question.
U would have had to seen 1968 America to believe it. I'd say 1966 would be a better view of a moralistic based America, but even back then America was slipping away into decay/corruption.

I would say 63/64.

IMO, the moral fall of US coincided chronologically with the British Invasion.

Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

I've got twenty bucks that says we'll eventually find out that Mike Johnson's "dark and depraved path" was another man's anus.
Newsom and Biden tried to hide the cutting edge of Progressive culture in San Fransico from XI this week.

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This is truly amateur hour folks...
When you haven't the facts, education or intellect to argue the point just try to deflect with something totally irrelevant like this picture.

Thanks for the concession...
This is truly amateur hour folks...
When you haven't the facts, education or intellect to argue the point just try to deflect with something totally irrelevant like this picture.

Thanks for the concession...
Actually, it is a cogent point that Progressivism is a huge failure, unless ghettos are your goal.
People are voting with their feet.
They are fleeing from the Deep Blue Dystopian Nightmares.
People do not want to live in the backwards Liberal cesspools.
CA, IL and NY are losing congressional districts.
TX and FL are gaining congressional districts.
You are fighting against reality and losing.


Dr. Ossian Sweet’s Black Life Mattered​

It has been 90 years since Ossian Sweet tried to move into his new home; since police stood by and did nothing as a mob threw rocks.

Ossian Sweet was born in 1895 in Bartow, Florida. He was the grandson of a former slave who lived in the Jim Crow South. When he was five, he watched from the bushes as a black man was burned at the stake. Years later, at his murder trial, Sweet would recall the smell of kerosene, the crowd taking pieces of the charred flesh as souvenirs.

The local police inspector and a detail of officers stood outside the house, ostensibly to protect the Sweets, as aPeople threw rocks relentlessly, and the police did nothing but look on… until a shot was fired from inside the house by Henry Sweet, Ossian’s brother. A white man outside was killed. All eleven adults in the house were arrested, initially denied counsel, then denied bail by Judge John Faust who presided over the preliminary hearing, and tried for murder.

A True American Hero!!!!
Actually, it is a cogent point that Progressivism is a huge failure, unless ghettos are your goal.
People are voting with their feet.
They are fleeing from the Deep Blue Dystopian Nightmares.
People do not want to live in the backwards Liberal cesspools.
CA, IL and NY are losing congressional districts.
TX and FL are gaining congressional districts.
You are fighting against reality and losing.
Actually it is a losing and elementary attempt at diversion. Thanks for the concession, even if you aren't bright enough to see it.
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