Mike Johnson warned the US was going down a 'dark and depraved' path

Here is a photograph of Epstein for you.
Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

A non Christian can see a "new normal" in regards to a lot of cultural changes, and for conservatives, the angst they feel over it is, at the very least, understandble. Some of this new normal beggars belief.
She was 22.
does it really matter, an intern, while at work, in the oval office, multiple times, with a woman who would save the cum stained dress

I dont blame bill clinton, a 22 year old or his wife Hillary Clinton, the choice seems easy, but what kind of judgement did he have, to fool around with a woman that would save his seed.
Anyone who supports Trump lacks judgment on moral decline. Everything Christian conservatives hated about Bill Clinton is far more true of Trump, but nearly all Christian conservatives support Trump. Some think Trump was sent by God.
It's not fair to hang the MAGA label on all Christians, many of them, no doubt, but not all of them. Anyone who supports Trump has no room to speak on any topic regarding morality. Many Christians are that in name only, as well.
He is on his third wife, and cheated on all of them. He was banging a porn star right after his wife gave birth to his child. That is low.
is it? Clinton raped and banged anything and everything
Obama paid for sex with men

Porn star? Hahahahah, you would have credibility if you stated super model, because Trump has a record of dating nothing but super models.
He cheated on all 3 of his wives. He had to pay off a porn star he fucked while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son.
Trump never ever paid off a porn star, as proven in court with the conviction of one of his 100 lawyers.
Trump never ever paid off a porn star, as proven in court with the conviction of one of his 100 lawyers.

The paying of the porn star is the least of it. If you are going to talk about morality, leaving your wife at home to recover from giving birth while you went out and fucked a porn star.

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