Mike Kelly Compares Birth Control Mandate To Pearl Harbor, 9/11

Before then still a life, period.


Amoebas are "life" too.
But not a human life.

A fetus is a genetically-distinct human being.


What's your point here? To protect human beings? Or to force women to have babies?

Because I'm not seeing the prior.

I didn't see many conservatives protesting any war this country has been involved in.
Most conservatives favor the death penalty.
Most conservatives couldn't care less about pollution.
Most consevatives favor in vitro fertilization.
Most conservatives are against OSHA.
Most conservatives do not favor social programs designed to feed kids, provide health care to those who can't afford it or take care of the elderly.

So I am not seeing the big concern for human life here.
Yeah. I can't help but notice you didn't answer my question.


No..conservatives have a right to an opinion.

However, blocking every piece of legislation by using a drastic and dramatic congressional procedure as BAU..isn't cool. It's not terrorism..but it is "malpractice".
No, it's not. It's representing their constituents' interests.

The GOP has no obligation to rubber-stamp the Democrat agenda.

Filibusters aren't in the constitution. They were agreed upon rules to give the minority party a chance to slow down the legislative process in order to allow them to amend or block a bill that otherwise would not get a fair vetting. It was never meant to be used all the time.
We disagree here..but I will differ to you on something.

If a pregnancy is one that is wanted..and expected to result in a birth. And some criminal activity results in the loss of a child..there should be a penalty for that..and it should be considered murder.

Murder is defined as one human killing another human. So how can the fetus be considered a human in one context but not in another?

If you're going to argue that it's ok to abort a fetus due in large part to your assertion that it's not a "baby" or a "human" or a "person" yet then, no, someone terminating that fetus, be it the mother or a murderer, in fact is not murder because a human is not killing another human; it's a human eliminating tissue.
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I didn't see many conservatives protesting any war this country has been involved in.

War is war and people die in it. You can argue the merits of a given war but war is fought between adults armed to the teeth with deadly weapons.

Most conservatives favor the death penalty.

Which is reserved for the most heinous of offenders; people who have proved to kill others, thus deemed severe threats to society.

Most conservatives couldn't care less about pollution.

I think that's a ridiculous assertion. It boils down to reasonable restriction and what the opinion of "reasonable" is.

Most conservatives do not favor social programs designed to feed kids, provide health care to those who can't afford it or take care of the elderly.

Ridiculous as well. I think most conservatives favor things like this with qualifications and restrictions so it isn't something that one can comfortably live on thus essentially leech off society.

So I am not seeing the big concern for human life here.

As is typical on this board, one side type casting the other based on assumption and projection.

No..conservatives have a right to an opinion.

However, blocking every piece of legislation by using a drastic and dramatic congressional procedure as BAU..isn't cool. It's not terrorism..but it is "malpractice".
No, it's not. It's representing their constituents' interests.

The GOP has no obligation to rubber-stamp the Democrat agenda.

Filibusters aren't in the constitution. They were agreed upon rules to give the minority party a chance to slow down the legislative process in order to allow them to amend or block a bill that otherwise would not get a fair vetting. It was never meant to be used all the time.
I didn't see many conservatives protesting any war this country has been involved in.
Most conservatives favor the death penalty.
Most conservatives couldn't care less about pollution.
Most consevatives favor in vitro fertilization.
Most conservatives are against OSHA.
Most conservatives do not favor social programs designed to feed kids, provide health care to those who can't afford it or take care of the elderly.

So I am not seeing the big concern for human life here.

Well I can't speak for others, but I'll have a crack at your list:
I protested the invasion of Iraq in the streets of Chicago
I do not support the death penalty
I care very deeply about pollution but disagree more EPA is the answer
Couldn't care less about vitro fertilization
OSHA is unconstitutional and should be a state issue
I favor social programs designed to help the poor...its called charity.

Sorry if all "conservatives" don't fit your preconceived mass generalizations...

No..conservatives have a right to an opinion.

However, blocking every piece of legislation by using a drastic and dramatic congressional procedure as BAU..isn't cool. It's not terrorism..but it is "malpractice".
No, it's not. It's representing their constituents' interests.

The GOP has no obligation to rubber-stamp the Democrat agenda.

Filibusters aren't in the constitution. They were agreed upon rules to give the minority party a chance to slow down the legislative process in order to allow them to amend or block a bill that otherwise would not get a fair vetting. It was never meant to be used all the time.

Oh, someone needs a history book. Originally, a single Senator, just ONE, could stop legislation from proceeding. No override votes could stop him. The term 'filibuster' may not have been used at the time, but that's what it was. It wasn't until later that rules were enacted to allow a certain percentage of votes could override the Senator's efforts.
Ah..so you ARE against the death penalty, in vitro fertilization, war, pollution, and a myriad of other activities that result in the deaths of human beings ?

Wrong! The killing of people is justified in several cases: war, punishment for capital crimes, deadly force in self defense against violent crime.

Abortion is justified when the mother would die without it and possibly a few other instances. The use of abortion for birth control after the fact is murder.

Ah..so now killing people is justified.


Gotta love it.
Killing people has long been justified. Horse thieves were hanged. Adulterers were shot. Traitors were shot. Murderers were hanged. Enemy soldiers in time of war were killed by whatever means was in vogue at the time...sword, shot, grenade, bomb, gas, etc. These killings were and still are justified by written laws that vary from country to country.

We disagree here..but I will differ to you on something.

If a pregnancy is one that is wanted..and expected to result in a birth. And some criminal activity results in the loss of a child..there should be a penalty for that..and it should be considered murder.

Murder is defined as one human killing another human. So how can the fetus be considered a human in one context but not in another?

If you're going to argue that it's ok to abort a fetus due in large part to your assertion that it's not a "baby" or a "human" or a "person" yet then, no, someone terminating that fetus, be it the mother or a murderer, in fact is not murder because a human is not killing another human; it's a human eliminating tissue.
Though it can be stated in various but similar ways, murder is the unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse. (and usually with premeditation)

The question of legality is settled. Abortions are legal. The courts have legalized abortion.

The courts have not and never will determine with any degree of certainty just WHEN the developing fetus is considered a living human being. Despite the fact that it is surviving via the umbilical cord rather than the inhaling of oxygen does not change the FACT that it is a living entity long before exiting the womb. Late term abortion is legalized MURDER...pure and simple.

Pro-abortionists are MURDERERS!
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Criticizing President Barack Obama's health care reform law on Wednesday, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) likened the requirement that private insurance plans provide contraception coverage to two of the most devastating attacks on American soil.

"I know in your mind, you can think of the times America was attacked," he said at a press conference on Capitol Hill. "One is Dec. 7, that's Pearl Harbor Day. The other is Sept. 11, and that's the day the terrorists attacked. I want you to remember Aug. 1, 2012, the attack on our religious freedom. That is a day that will live in infamy, along with those other dates."
Mike Kelly Compares Birth Control Mandate To Pearl Harbor, 9/11

Just when you think they couldn't get any lower..

They do.


Couldn't get any lower? They are Republicans, what do you expect?
No comparison. How many people were killed in Pearl Harbor? How many people are killed every year by abortion? The numbers aren't even close.

Pearl Harbor- 2402 Americans and 64 Japanese.

Abortion- ZERO people are killed in abortion, since neither the law, medical science or the bible recognize fetuses, embryoes or zygots as "people".

All that said, we aren't talking about "abortion" here, we are talking about birth control.
Criticizing President Barack Obama's health care reform law on Wednesday, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) likened the requirement that private insurance plans provide contraception coverage to two of the most devastating attacks on American soil.

"I know in your mind, you can think of the times America was attacked," he said at a press conference on Capitol Hill. "One is Dec. 7, that's Pearl Harbor Day. The other is Sept. 11, and that's the day the terrorists attacked. I want you to remember Aug. 1, 2012, the attack on our religious freedom. That is a day that will live in infamy, along with those other dates."
Mike Kelly Compares Birth Control Mandate To Pearl Harbor, 9/11

Just when you think they couldn't get any lower..

They do.


sounds like he's advocating we bomb the president
No comparison. How many people were killed in Pearl Harbor? How many people are killed every year by abortion? The numbers aren't even close.

Pearl Harbor- 2402 Americans and 64 Japanese.

Abortion- ZERO people are killed in abortion, since neither the law, medical science or the bible recognize fetuses, embryoes or zygots as "people".

All that said, we aren't talking about "abortion" here, we are talking about birth control.

Thus with this post you can see the hate and stupidity of progressives. Your war on babies is pathetic.
No comparison. How many people were killed in Pearl Harbor? How many people are killed every year by abortion? The numbers aren't even close.

Pearl Harbor- 2402 Americans and 64 Japanese.

Abortion- ZERO people are killed in abortion, since neither the law, medical science or the bible recognize fetuses, embryoes or zygots as "people".

All that said, we aren't talking about "abortion" here, we are talking about birth control.

Thus with this post you can see the hate and stupidity of progressives. Your war on babies is pathetic.

War on babies.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Only facist progressives don't see this forcing birth control for what it is. A violation of my first amendment right.

Nobody's being forced to use birth control.

People that don't should not be allowed to use abortion to correct their stupid error.

Yes by all means let them be born so you righties can bitch even more about welfare queens and the poor not paying taxes. I can't tell you how many times I have overheard conversations starting with, "I don't want my taxes to pay for her six kids......"
We disagree here..but I will differ to you on something.

If a pregnancy is one that is wanted..and expected to result in a birth. And some criminal activity results in the loss of a child..there should be a penalty for that..and it should be considered murder.

Murder is defined as one human killing another human. So how can the fetus be considered a human in one context but not in another?

If you're going to argue that it's ok to abort a fetus due in large part to your assertion that it's not a "baby" or a "human" or a "person" yet then, no, someone terminating that fetus, be it the mother or a murderer, in fact is not murder because a human is not killing another human; it's a human eliminating tissue.

And this is why this reasonable law would be blocked.

There's no compromise with you folks. None.

Everything is black and white. Binary.
Pearl Harbor- 2402 Americans and 64 Japanese.

Abortion- ZERO people are killed in abortion, since neither the law, medical science or the bible recognize fetuses, embryoes or zygots as "people".

All that said, we aren't talking about "abortion" here, we are talking about birth control.

Thus with this post you can see the hate and stupidity of progressives. Your war on babies is pathetic.

War on babies.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seeing as you support the execution of babies I would say you are at war with them .....

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