Mike Lee Calls Out Democrats For Magical Reawakening Of Federalism:"Where Was Your Outrage Before?!"

Trump tied to take away the Houses ability to control the purse strings a no-no in the Constitution...Trump screwed up by signing a bill from Congress on a budget with no funding for his wall...
Trump tied to take away the Houses ability to control the purse strings a no-no in the Constitution...Trump screwed up by signing a bill from Congress on a budget with no funding for his wall...
/----/ "Trump tied to take away the Houses ability to control the purse strings a no-no in the Constitution..."
Then why do libtards always blame Trump, Bush, and Reagan for running up the debt?
Republicans expand executive power and then bitch when democrats use that power. Now here we are again with a republican president making the government work in new and unusual ways knowing republicans would shit a brick if it was a democrat.
Trump tied to take away the Houses ability to control the purse strings a no-no in the Constitution...Trump screwed up by signing a bill from Congress on a budget with no funding for his wall...
Trump ended the shutdown.....if he hadn't I'm sure you'd be the first to call him a heartless bastard.
Also, you ignore the fact that Obama did the same thing Trump was forced to do legally on numerous occasions.
And Trump never took away any congressional powers. You're exaggerating.

All of this doesn't give Democrats the moral right to make up lies about what Trump did.

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