Mike Lindell's Cybersecurity Expert: MyPillowGuy's Data is "Illegitimate"

I wonder what it is that makes some people susceptible to being conned by conspiracy theories?

anger, fear... they also are spoon fed reasons to look 'down' for those who are the source of a lot of their problems, instead of looking 'up' for those that are giving them a golden shower.
Even Steve Bannon said Mike Lindell is full of shit!

you mean the SAME human sausage casing steve bannon - who was CONvicted of CONNING donny's dupes into parting with their hard earned cash to build ' a border wall ' to keep them thar mexican brownies out - when he instead pocketed most of that cash & was pardoned by trump - & now the part that was actually built is going to fall into the rio grande river?

THAT steve bannon? that there says so much about lindell's conjob.
lol ... donny started setting up the narrative a year ago when he said if he lost - that means it was rigged.

he just dusted off the 2016 playbook when he said the same thing about hillary. the only difference being that the first time he did win. if he didn't, do you think president tribblehead woulda CONceded?

there was audit after audit after audit. courts threw out frivolous lawsuits brought on by q anon nutters & rotten rudy due to no evidence. the SC weighed in with a one word reply:


what y'all don't understand - either thru willful ignorance or brain cell die off due to the methane filled bubble most of you reside in -

donny is desperate AF to stay in office. why? why you ask?

because he had the protection of the oval office shielding him from any illegality he might have engaged in before, during & now after his reign. PLUS all them thar 'loans' he took out will be coming due in a relatively short time. why do you think he has tried so hard to keep that info under wraps & refused to show his taxes? no way could it have only been cause he 'was under audit'. NIXON was under audit & he showed his taxes. perhaps the conman ISN'T as wealthy as he said?
why does a self proclaimed 'billionaire' need to take out so many loans?
maybe the emperor has no clothes.

donny the 'king of debt 'cause he loves it' not only has lotsa loans coming due - but he has mounting legal bills that he will be paying for thru his PAC.

seems you fell for a grift.

I think you missed the thrust of my post. I am completely non-partisan in my analysis. If the government, the interlocking directorate, and the Corporatocracy are pushing a paradigm? You too should be suspicious, regardless of who was selected for you. The system has become so onerous, that the bureaucracy, the judiciary, and the ruling elites themselves have become stake holders. If you do not understand the implications of this. . . I cannot really explain it to you anymore. I have tried so many times, folks ignore me, attack me, and just call me a "conspiracy theorist," without having knowledge of how realpolitik works.

I never said that he won. Nor did I say that he lost.

I have followed exit polls since before 2000, and I have watched as the establishment stopped publishing them, and de-legitimized, obscured, and hid their meaning.

I am more concerned with the process of representative democracy than either this party or that party. Seriously, I really don't give a shit about Trump.

I was just as disturbed about the fishy crap that went on in other elections, and how the establishment obfuscated the nature of those as well. Your parroting CFR propaganda back to me about how Trump emotionally triggers you, doesn't change how this all works.

The establishment has fixed them before, they will fix them again, and will do what they need to, in order to push what they want and get what they need. They are the ones that do what they need to for their interests, YOU don't matter any more than Trump voters matter. THAT is what I have always observed.

I think you missed the thrust of my post. I am completely non-partisan in my analysis. If the government, the interlocking directorate, and the Corporatocracy are pushing a paradigm? You too should be suspicious, regardless of who was selected for you. The system has become so onerous, that the bureaucracy, the judiciary, and the ruling elites themselves have become stake holders. If you do not understand the implications of this. . . I cannot really explain it to you anymore. I have tried so many times, folks ignore me, attack me, and just call me a "conspiracy theorist," without having knowledge of how realpolitik works.

I never said that he won. Nor did I say that he lost.

I have followed exit polls since before 2000, and I have watched as the establishment stopped publishing them, and de-legitimized, obscured, and hid their meaning.

I am more concerned with the process of representative democracy than either this party or that party. Seriously, I really don't give a shit about Trump.

I was just as disturbed about the fishy crap that went on in other elections, and how the establishment obfuscated the nature of those as well. Your parroting CFR propaganda back to me about how Trump emotionally triggers you, doesn't change how this all works.

The establishment has fixed them before, they will fix them again, and will do what they need to, in order to push what they want and get what they need. They are the ones that do what they need to for their interests, YOU don't matter any more than Trump voters matter. THAT is what I have always observed.

you started out with ... no proof either way.

that's part of the big lie.

did you question donny's win in 2016?

you say you don't care about trump? lol! i've seen enough of yer posts to think otherwise. did you vote for him in 2016? even after everything that came out about him BEFORE the election?

how about this past election? are you kidding me?

now, i've seen donny in action for 40+ years. he's a duper - a conman - & a criminal. he is shitting his britches, as he should.
you started out with ... no proof either way.

that's part of the big lie.

did you question donny's win in 2016?

you say you don't care about trump? lol! i've seen enough of yer posts to think otherwise. did you vote for him in 2016? even after everything that came out about him BEFORE the election?

how about this past election? are you kidding me?

now, i've seen donny in action for 40+ years. he's a duper - a conman - & a criminal. he is shitting his britches, as he should.
Nope. . . I didn't vote. I won't endorse a system of evil.

If you believe there is solid concrete proof of the electoral outcome, that is your right. I have seen computer scientists testify in federal court on these voting systems.

The mass media produces propaganda to convince the masses to believe what those who hold all the power, want us to believe, about our elections.

And yes. . . I did question the legitimacy of Trump's win in 2016, and it did not endear me to many of Trump's fans on this site.

IMO? The same folks that have been attacking Trump for that past four years, are the same folks that put him there. I study Deep Politics and Deep Political events, and it would take me a very very long time for me to explain why those folks would do this. Part of it has to do with money, and part of it has to do with power. It is a long term plan.

These folks are much, much smarter than almost everyone on this site.

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When this is all done with the reality is Trump will have scammed hundreds of millions of dollars from his base and those like Mike will end up broke as hell from losing their case against the Dominion.
I have heard this narrative parroted over. . . and over again by those who get emotional over Trump.

If you have studied Political Science though, you would know, it is illegal to use political donations for anything other than political activity.

It is all tracked.

The "Save America," PAC hasn't spent it's money on candidates yet. . . other than that? I see no "scam."

The only scam, is not looking into, or taking possible origins of Trump's power seriously, because the only serious journalism is done by "conspricy theorists," or radical professors that will only be published by Russians. Why is that?


Who Towers Behind Trump?​

A Mafia Don with a Pompadour​

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You "study" QAnon
Great, post links to this
Now? With this controversy over voting and Google suppressing much of the truth about our system and my memory being what it is? I can't find shit anymore. I do believe it is hidden somewhere in here though. . . watch this, I think you will find it in here.

Now? With this controversy over voting and Google suppressing much of the truth about our system and my memory being what it is? I can't find shit anymore. I do believe it is hidden somewhere in here though. . . watch this, I think you will find it in here.

Phew dude. You need to step away from the computer.

Get a hobby. Gardening maybe?
People in power love power. You seem to doubt that. Why?
When government and the bureaucracy itself became stakeholders in the elections. . . elections themselves were doomed to be corrupt, and it didn't matter which side, left or right, they were both doomed to be robbed of legitimate victories.

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