Mike Pence calls effort to overturn election Un-American

Well, he's toast in the party. He won't bend over. Good for him.
Yup....he refuses to take one up the ars from trump. He will be ridiculed and called a RINO. That is what happens to those in the repub party who stand up for the Constitution.

Can you believe the repub party has fallen so far? And trump is still going to drag them further.
trump is sure dragging your ass around aint he?...
Well, that's Ironic.

And then the pro-trump cult called him a "Traitor." Pence stood up for the Constitution. They stood up for a Treasonous Loser.
No one has to call anyone a traitor.

The audits are part of our American democracy.

The voter laws are inplace for a reason.

Utilizing them is not un-American.

In fact it is the very opposite.

It is an exercise in American democracy.

Thise who oppose are the ones who should be questioned.

No this is not an exercise in American democracy. The exercise in American democracy ended when the ballots were counted and a winner declared.

What Trump and his cult has done since then is an exercise in American sedition. It has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with an attempted overthrow of the legally elected government of the United States of America.
You ignore the laws on the books ....

And, we all know why.

Becuase you are not interested in Ameircan democracy.

You are only interested in Leftist totalitarianism.
Nice spelling there, Double Digit.
Well, he's toast in the party. He won't bend over. Good for him.
Yup....he refuses to take one up the ars from trump. He will be ridiculed and called a RINO. That is what happens to those in the repub party who stand up for the Constitution.

Can you believe the repub party has fallen so far? And trump is still going to drag them further.
trump is sure dragging your ass around aint he?...
Well, that's Ironic.
ironic how?.....can you explain that or not?...
In the repub party, unless you vow to worship trump and express your unwavering loyalty to him, you are a nobody in the repub party. This is the first time in modern history that a political party has lined up in cult fashion behind a man that lost so totally and dramatically. And now his business is facing serious legal problems.

The repub party has placed all their hope in trump. Other members have been warned not to challenge him...even though he is a Loser and has devastated their party. January 6th will play over and over into the 2022 mid-terms...along with the many repub statements that downplay the severity of the attempted insurrection.

What law allows you to send a mob to the capital to kill the line of succession?

Trump went to the courts more than 50 times and they threw out everyone of his cases. There was no evidence, the cases had no merit, and there was no evidence of fraud.

That’s what happened under the laws. What happened on January 6 was completely outside the law.

What is happening now is a slow rolling insurrection whereby a portion of the country six to restore the deposed president to office over the will of the people. It doesn’t get more totalitarian than that.
Last I checked there weeren't any laws.

And, last I checked no one sent "a mob to the capital to kill the line of succession"
Of course, Double Digit....that orange kool aid will do that to your brain.
Well, he's toast in the party. He won't bend over. Good for him.
Yup....he refuses to take one up the ars from trump. He will be ridiculed and called a RINO. That is what happens to those in the repub party who stand up for the Constitution.

Can you believe the repub party has fallen so far? And trump is still going to drag them further.
trump is sure dragging your ass around aint he?...
Well, that's Ironic.
ironic how?.....can you explain that or not?...
happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.
Well, he's toast in the party. He won't bend over. Good for him.
Yup....he refuses to take one up the ars from trump. He will be ridiculed and called a RINO. That is what happens to those in the repub party who stand up for the Constitution.

Can you believe the repub party has fallen so far? And trump is still going to drag them further.
trump is sure dragging your ass around aint he?...
Well, that's Ironic.
ironic how?.....can you explain that or not?...
happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.
but with jim.....trump seems to be dragging his ass all around...how is that ironic?....its true....
Umm no actually allowing a fraudulent election was the un-American part.
Now trump is going from state to state threatening election officials that if they don't allow an audit he will go after them. He was a Mafia Boss in the White House. Now he has taken his show of bullying and intimidation on the road.

The Manhattan DA has only begun to slam the door shut on the trump organization. There will be more criminal indictments coming.
You realize over 60 court cases disagreed. So then the Liar in Chief decided to attempt an insurrection. It failed....so he washed his hands of his involvement and you cultish nuts take the fall for the Capitol attack.

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