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Mike Rowe has AWESOME Response for Liberal Who is Tired of His Talk About “Work Ethic”

Conservatives put the "working class" to work.

Liberals pay the "working class" not to work.

End of fucking story.
To work doing what? Infrastructure? Republicans fight that. Teaching? What, the earth is 6,000 years old? That's stupid and ignorant shit. Work in the fields? Republicans will never lower themselves to do that kind of work. It's something slaves used to do. What's left? Minimum wage jobs with no benefits? Many Republicans are already doing that.

So what is it Republicans are qualified for? Preach nonsense? With those worthless Bible degrees? I call a Bachelor in Bible Study a BS Degree. Good luck with that.
you live in a strange world, mean while in the real world, thanks Nikki Haley :)

New Volvo plant goes to S.C. Autoweek
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This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicant who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
Most "lefties" recognize those problems but it does not tell the whole story. Wage growth is flat and education is getting ever more expensive. Working-class jobs are not the stepping stone to the middle class they used to be, that is a structural flaw in the system.

No the biggest flaw in the system is folks thinking they can enter the main stream work force with massive tattoos, piercings, pants around your knees and pink or purple hair.Also like he said in the article they are telling kids to get an education, go in debt, for jobs that really don't exist in large numbers anymore. Also this notion that any job is beneath anyone is a fable that needs busting. I worked some really crappy, nasty jobs in my life, but I never got one day of unemployment because I was raised with the ethic of if you need work, you take what you can get until something better comes along. People aren't raising their kids that way now.

Yup. I agree.

I've had some pretty crappy jobs in my life. I worked em till something better came along.

I've had times where I didn't have two nickels to rub together and I worked where I could. I've never taken one dime of taxpayer money and I survived. If I can so can so can all the freeloaders in America and boy do we have boatload of those.
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.

Lefties think that one should be able to show up at a job do the bare minimum never work a weekend or holiday, use all their sick time every year never skip a coffee break or leave a vacation day unused and make enough to buy a house 2 cars and put 4 kids through college.

IOW they are fucking delusional
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
You don't even make sense. We know Republicans hate education. Look at Rick Santorum. When Obama said we need to make education available to everyone, Santorum called Obama a "snob". He said there are millions of hard working Americans who have never been indoctrinated by liberal college professors to a cheering crowd of ignorant Republicans. It's Republicans who have no skills. The ignorant base has bought into the propaganda of their fucked up leaders. It's why business wants immigrants with degrees because Republicans are not capable of competing. The GOP base is losing their jobs to unskilled labor overseas and robots, all put together by the very corporations they worship as "Gods" even referring to them as the job "CREATORS", where from all good flows. No one is screwing over the GOP base more than the leaders they idolize. And they do it for two reasons. First, they "vote white". Second, they hate Obama because he isn't white. Until they deny their racism, which is the foundation of that odious party, they are so fucked.

education IS available to anyone.

The point is that not everyone needs a Bullshit BS in underwater basket weaving (Gender studies, women's studies, etc)
Conservatives put the "working class" to work.

Liberals pay the "working class" not to work.

End of fucking story.
To work doing what? Infrastructure? Republicans fight that. Teaching? What, the earth is 6,000 years old? That's stupid and ignorant shit. Work in the fields? Republicans will never lower themselves to do that kind of work. It's something slaves used to do. What's left? Minimum wage jobs with no benefits? Many Republicans are already doing that.

So what is it Republicans are qualified for? Preach nonsense? With those worthless Bible degrees? I call a Bachelor in Bible Study a BS Degree. Good luck with that.

So the only options are government funded jobs or MW?

There are plenty of jobs out there that a person can make a good living at it's just that for some reason we have come to disdain working in the trades.
Conservatives put the "working class" to work.

Liberals pay the "working class" not to work.

End of fucking story.
Putting people to work and paying people a decent wage are two different things. Conservatives could not care less if anyone makes enough to pay rent in the city where they live or can afford child care or any of the other things that makes it possible to make it in the this increasingly dog-eat-dog country. No, conservatives want cheap labor that will work for chicken feed and like it.
Conservatives swim in the shit that you fear.

We conquer both fear and adversity.

You Liberals take refuge under the umbrella of the tit.

Milk that tit, you hapless loser.
Conservatives work dead-end shit jobs and like it? Bullshit. Working class wage growth is dead, The "job creators" you worship killed it.
Funny how all the union loving lefties are the ones who seem to be stuck in MW jobs and are whining for 15 an hour to put french fries in little bags
I wonder why the OP didn't tell the whole story of what Mike Rowe wrote?

It is very telling that one must parse what is written by their source to spin it one way or the other; is it not? For the record...

Hi Craig, and Happy Sunday!

Everyday on the news, liberal pundits and politicians portray the wealthy as greedy, while conservative pundits and politicians portray the poor as lazy. Democrats have become so good at denouncing greed, Republicans now defend it. And Republicans are so good at condemning laziness, Democrats are now denying it even exists. It's a never ending dance that gets more contorted by the day.

A few weeks ago in Georgetown, President Obama accused Fox News of “perpetuating a false narrative” by consistently calling poor people “lazy.” Fox News denied the President’s accusation, claiming to have only criticized policies, not people. Unfortunately for Fox, The Daily Show has apparently gained access to the Internet, and after a ten-second google-search and a few minutes in the edit bay, John Stewart was on the air with a devastating montage of Fox personnel referring to the unemployed as “sponges,” “leeches,” “freeloaders,” and “mooches.

What I've found from many here is if the source material does not say what you wanted to say, you simply ignore part of it or simply make up what was said. During the 3rd Presidential debate, Obama said "We have fewer bayonets and horses). Emphasis on the word "fewer"

Here is the fox news transcript so those on the right believe it happened:
TRANSCRIPT Presidential debate on foreign policy at Lynn University Fox News

Yet look at the response here:
Don't marines still use bayonets?!??
Claiming we don't use horses and bayonettes is untrue. Fact Check checked this.
I thought it was funny Obama said our Military does not use Bayonets anymore.

I could pull similar quotes all day long that intentionally mis-state what was said by our President.

It would be a good lesson for the RIght wing to learn--that voters and observers are not as dumb as you seem to think they are and when you try to pull nonsense like this, it will blow up in your face.

Anyway back to Rowe. Mike continues on:

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

You wrote that, “people want to work.” In my travels, I’ve met a lot of hard-working individuals, and I’ve been singing their praises for the last 12 years. But I’ve seen nothing that would lead me to agree with your generalization. From what I’ve seen of the species, and what I know of myself, most people - given the choice - would prefer NOT to work. In fact, on Dirty Jobs, I saw Help Wanted signs in every state, even at the height of the recession. Is it possible you see the existence of so many unfilled jobs as a challenge to your basic understanding of what makes people tick?

Last week at a policy conference in Mackinac, I talked to several hiring managers from a few of the largest companies in Michigan. They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.

I generally agree with Rowe. As I stated before, we had a few transporters who failed drug tests and were dismissed immediately and nurses were asked to transport patients. You'd have thought we had asked them to donate body parts.

On his second point, I'll take a bit of exception. Saying "please", "thank you", and having manners is important. I don't think physical appearance is as important as Rowe would have us believe. The clientele no longer looks like Richie Cunningham so it's not as important that your employees do. But a lack of courtesy and manners is probably among the biggest problems we have in the nation that nobody is talking about. Just to stress, I don't think he is wrong about it; I just don't believe it is as important as he thinks it is.

It was a good non-partisan piece by Rowe that was immediately bastardized into some sort of hit-piece by the OP.

Why do you find it necessary to shade the source material?


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I like Mike Rowe, he is an excellent example of what a conservative populist ought to be, focused on working class America rather than the ultra-wealthy "job creators", upbeat, positive can-do attitude, no apparent meanness. If republicans were more like him I would consider voting for a few of them. Unfortunately they tend to be blackholes of negativity, bitterness and a "we can't afford to be great anymore" fatalism.

You do realize he deals with people who actually run businesses right? those are the people who actually employ the people who want to work hard....and in fact, those business owners are also working hard....many times harder than their workers because they run the whole business, not just one job in the business.....you lefties....do you ever engage your brains......?

It is you lefties who don't want us to be great anymore....we are constantly fighting your stupid policies that degrade our country.....
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
You don't even make sense. We know Republicans hate education. Look at Rick Santorum. When Obama said we need to make education available to everyone, Santorum called Obama a "snob". He said there are millions of hard working Americans who have never been indoctrinated by liberal college professors to a cheering crowd of ignorant Republicans. It's Republicans who have no skills. The ignorant base has bought into the propaganda of their fucked up leaders. It's why business wants immigrants with degrees because Republicans are not capable of competing. The GOP base is losing their jobs to unskilled labor overseas and robots, all put together by the very corporations they worship as "Gods" even referring to them as the job "CREATORS", where from all good flows. No one is screwing over the GOP base more than the leaders they idolize. And they do it for two reasons. First, they "vote white". Second, they hate Obama because he isn't white. Until they deny their racism, which is the foundation of that odious party, they are so fucked.

And obama shut down the scholarship program for poor kids in D.C.....the Republicans fight for actual education reform...what you morons fight for is more money to be passed through your democrat unions to your democrat politicians while the children in this country get a failing education system...graduating only 50% of a high school class is not fighting for eductation....graduating kids who can't read, right or do math is not fighting for education...but that is what you morons protect.....our kids can't compete because you idiots control the education system and poor, angry, hopeless people are good democrat voters....you have voter turn out factories, not schools.....
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
You don't even make sense. We know Republicans hate education. Look at Rick Santorum. When Obama said we need to make education available to everyone, Santorum called Obama a "snob". He said there are millions of hard working Americans who have never been indoctrinated by liberal college professors to a cheering crowd of ignorant Republicans. It's Republicans who have no skills. The ignorant base has bought into the propaganda of their fucked up leaders. It's why business wants immigrants with degrees because Republicans are not capable of competing. The GOP base is losing their jobs to unskilled labor overseas and robots, all put together by the very corporations they worship as "Gods" even referring to them as the job "CREATORS", where from all good flows. No one is screwing over the GOP base more than the leaders they idolize. And they do it for two reasons. First, they "vote white". Second, they hate Obama because he isn't white. Until they deny their racism, which is the foundation of that odious party, they are so fucked.

And obama shut down the scholarship program for poor kids in D.C.....the Republicans fight for actual education reform...what you morons fight for is more money to be passed through your democrat unions to your democrat politicians while the children in this country get a failing education system...graduating only 50% of a high school class is not fighting for eductation....graduating kids who can't read, right or do math is not fighting for education...but that is what you morons protect.....our kids can't compete because you idiots control the education system and poor, angry, hopeless people are good democrat voters....you have voter turn out factories, not schools.....

30 of 50 State houses have a Republican sitting in them.
30 of 50 States have GOP appointees to the State Boards of Education
30 of 50 States have (assumingly) a majority of school district boards that reflect the wishes of the elctorate.

Liberals do not control education unless, somehow, 30 GOP governors are liberals.

When will the GOP take responsibility for it's actions?
I like Mike Rowe, he is an excellent example of what a conservative populist ought to be, focused on working class America rather than the ultra-wealthy "job creators", upbeat, positive can-do attitude, no apparent meanness. If republicans were more like him I would consider voting for a few of them. Unfortunately they tend to be blackholes of negativity, bitterness and a "we can't afford to be great anymore" fatalism.

You do realize he deals with people who actually run businesses right? those are the people who actually employ the people who want to work hard....and in fact, those business owners are also working hard....many times harder than their workers because they run the whole business, not just one job in the business.....you lefties....do you ever engage your brains......?

It is you lefties who don't want us to be great anymore....we are constantly fighting your stupid policies that degrade our country.....
The republican refrain to everything that might help the working class and the small businesses who employ them: "We can't afford it". You cannot convince anyone at this point that republicans give a damn about anyone who is not fortunate enough to bank six figures a year.
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
You don't even make sense. We know Republicans hate education. Look at Rick Santorum. When Obama said we need to make education available to everyone, Santorum called Obama a "snob". He said there are millions of hard working Americans who have never been indoctrinated by liberal college professors to a cheering crowd of ignorant Republicans. It's Republicans who have no skills. The ignorant base has bought into the propaganda of their fucked up leaders. It's why business wants immigrants with degrees because Republicans are not capable of competing. The GOP base is losing their jobs to unskilled labor overseas and robots, all put together by the very corporations they worship as "Gods" even referring to them as the job "CREATORS", where from all good flows. No one is screwing over the GOP base more than the leaders they idolize. And they do it for two reasons. First, they "vote white". Second, they hate Obama because he isn't white. Until they deny their racism, which is the foundation of that odious party, they are so fucked.

And obama shut down the scholarship program for poor kids in D.C.....the Republicans fight for actual education reform...what you morons fight for is more money to be passed through your democrat unions to your democrat politicians while the children in this country get a failing education system...graduating only 50% of a high school class is not fighting for eductation....graduating kids who can't read, right or do math is not fighting for education...but that is what you morons protect.....our kids can't compete because you idiots control the education system and poor, angry, hopeless people are good democrat voters....you have voter turn out factories, not schools.....

30 of 50 State houses have a Republican sitting in them.
30 of 50 States have GOP appointees to the State Boards of Education
30 of 50 States have (assumingly) a majority of school district boards that reflect the wishes of the elctorate.

Liberals do not control education unless, somehow, 30 GOP governors are liberals.

When will the GOP take responsibility for it's actions?

Oh around the same time the Dems take responsibility for theirs.
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.

If a business can't attract the applicants they want at the pay rate their offering......perhaps their pay rate is too low. If its 'supply and demand' and the good workers are going to higher paying jobs......how is that a failure of society?
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.

If a business can't attract the applicants they want at the pay rate their offering......perhaps their pay rate is too low. If its 'supply and demand' and the good workers are going to higher paying jobs......how is that a failure of society?
There is no shortage of willing unskilled labor there is a shortage of unskilled jobs that will pay the rent.
I wonder why the OP didn't tell the whole story of what Mike Rowe wrote?

It is very telling that one must parse what is written by their source to spin it one way or the other; is it not? For the record...

Hi Craig, and Happy Sunday!

Everyday on the news, liberal pundits and politicians portray the wealthy as greedy, while conservative pundits and politicians portray the poor as lazy. Democrats have become so good at denouncing greed, Republicans now defend it. And Republicans are so good at condemning laziness, Democrats are now denying it even exists. It's a never ending dance that gets more contorted by the day.

A few weeks ago in Georgetown, President Obama accused Fox News of “perpetuating a false narrative” by consistently calling poor people “lazy.” Fox News denied the President’s accusation, claiming to have only criticized policies, not people. Unfortunately for Fox, The Daily Show has apparently gained access to the Internet, and after a ten-second google-search and a few minutes in the edit bay, John Stewart was on the air with a devastating montage of Fox personnel referring to the unemployed as “sponges,” “leeches,” “freeloaders,” and “mooches.

What I've found from many here is if the source material does not say what you wanted to say, you simply ignore part of it or simply make up what was said. During the 3rd Presidential debate, Obama said "We have fewer bayonets and horses). Emphasis on the word "fewer"

Here is the fox news transcript so those on the right believe it happened:
TRANSCRIPT Presidential debate on foreign policy at Lynn University Fox News

Yet look at the response here:
Don't marines still use bayonets?!??
Claiming we don't use horses and bayonettes is untrue. Fact Check checked this.
I thought it was funny Obama said our Military does not use Bayonets anymore.

I could pull similar quotes all day long that intentionally mis-state what was said by our President.

It would be a good lesson for the RIght wing to learn--that voters and observers are not as dumb as you seem to think they are and when you try to pull nonsense like this, it will blow up in your face.

Anyway back to Rowe. Mike continues on:

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

You wrote that, “people want to work.” In my travels, I’ve met a lot of hard-working individuals, and I’ve been singing their praises for the last 12 years. But I’ve seen nothing that would lead me to agree with your generalization. From what I’ve seen of the species, and what I know of myself, most people - given the choice - would prefer NOT to work. In fact, on Dirty Jobs, I saw Help Wanted signs in every state, even at the height of the recession. Is it possible you see the existence of so many unfilled jobs as a challenge to your basic understanding of what makes people tick?

Last week at a policy conference in Mackinac, I talked to several hiring managers from a few of the largest companies in Michigan. They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.

I generally agree with Rowe. As I stated before, we had a few transporters who failed drug tests and were dismissed immediately and nurses were asked to transport patients. You'd have thought we had asked them to donate body parts.

On his second point, I'll take a bit of exception. Saying "please", "thank you", and having manners is important. I don't think physical appearance is as important as Rowe would have us believe. The clientele no longer looks like Richie Cunningham so it's not as important that your employees do. But a lack of courtesy and manners is probably among the biggest problems we have in the nation that nobody is talking about. Just to stress, I don't think he is wrong about it; I just don't believe it is as important as he thinks it is.

It was a good non-partisan piece by Rowe that was immediately bastardized into some sort of hit-piece by the OP.

Why do you find it necessary to shade the source material?

For your information little girl posting rules don't allow you the post complete articles. I posted an excerpt in hopes of getting people to go to the link and read it. It appears you are one of the few that actually did. Goody on you.
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.

If a business can't attract the applicants they want at the pay rate their offering......perhaps their pay rate is too low. If its 'supply and demand' and the good workers are going to higher paying jobs......how is that a failure of society?

That leaves jobs available for the less experienced unproven workers doesn't it? How many people on this board have said there are no jobs out there, well they are out there and if you bothered to read the link you would know many pay pretty well. Ever heard the old saying, "it's easier to find a job when you have a job", believe it or not, it's true.
This guy has it totally right, too bad for the apologist on the left.
If you're a lefty read the complete article, you might learn something. Here's a taste, the rest at the link.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
You don't even make sense. We know Republicans hate education. Look at Rick Santorum. When Obama said we need to make education available to everyone, Santorum called Obama a "snob". He said there are millions of hard working Americans who have never been indoctrinated by liberal college professors to a cheering crowd of ignorant Republicans. It's Republicans who have no skills. The ignorant base has bought into the propaganda of their fucked up leaders. It's why business wants immigrants with degrees because Republicans are not capable of competing. The GOP base is losing their jobs to unskilled labor overseas and robots, all put together by the very corporations they worship as "Gods" even referring to them as the job "CREATORS", where from all good flows. No one is screwing over the GOP base more than the leaders they idolize. And they do it for two reasons. First, they "vote white". Second, they hate Obama because he isn't white. Until they deny their racism, which is the foundation of that odious party, they are so fucked.

And obama shut down the scholarship program for poor kids in D.C.....the Republicans fight for actual education reform...what you morons fight for is more money to be passed through your democrat unions to your democrat politicians while the children in this country get a failing education system...graduating only 50% of a high school class is not fighting for eductation....graduating kids who can't read, right or do math is not fighting for education...but that is what you morons protect.....our kids can't compete because you idiots control the education system and poor, angry, hopeless people are good democrat voters....you have voter turn out factories, not schools.....

30 of 50 State houses have a Republican sitting in them.
30 of 50 States have GOP appointees to the State Boards of Education
30 of 50 States have (assumingly) a majority of school district boards that reflect the wishes of the elctorate.

Liberals do not control education unless, somehow, 30 GOP governors are liberals.

When will the GOP take responsibility for it's actions?

Teachers unions and their democrat politician allies run education....try to fire a bad teacher...try to change educational methods......you run right into the tax payer subsidized teachers unions who funnel tax money, from the teachers dues to their democrat political allies........
Who the fuck are you talking to? Who here has said that working hard, learning a skill and making a case for yourself are 'right wing propaganda'?

Who are 'you people'? I work my ass off. Most of the 'lefties' that I know work their asses off. Who is trash talking the efficacy of work? Some random person that Mike Rowe chose to respond to?

According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
You don't even make sense. We know Republicans hate education. Look at Rick Santorum. When Obama said we need to make education available to everyone, Santorum called Obama a "snob". He said there are millions of hard working Americans who have never been indoctrinated by liberal college professors to a cheering crowd of ignorant Republicans. It's Republicans who have no skills. The ignorant base has bought into the propaganda of their fucked up leaders. It's why business wants immigrants with degrees because Republicans are not capable of competing. The GOP base is losing their jobs to unskilled labor overseas and robots, all put together by the very corporations they worship as "Gods" even referring to them as the job "CREATORS", where from all good flows. No one is screwing over the GOP base more than the leaders they idolize. And they do it for two reasons. First, they "vote white". Second, they hate Obama because he isn't white. Until they deny their racism, which is the foundation of that odious party, they are so fucked.

And obama shut down the scholarship program for poor kids in D.C.....the Republicans fight for actual education reform...what you morons fight for is more money to be passed through your democrat unions to your democrat politicians while the children in this country get a failing education system...graduating only 50% of a high school class is not fighting for eductation....graduating kids who can't read, right or do math is not fighting for education...but that is what you morons protect.....our kids can't compete because you idiots control the education system and poor, angry, hopeless people are good democrat voters....you have voter turn out factories, not schools.....

30 of 50 State houses have a Republican sitting in them.
30 of 50 States have GOP appointees to the State Boards of Education
30 of 50 States have (assumingly) a majority of school district boards that reflect the wishes of the elctorate.

Liberals do not control education unless, somehow, 30 GOP governors are liberals.

When will the GOP take responsibility for it's actions?

Teachers unions and their democrat politician allies run education....try to fire a bad teacher...try to change educational methods......you run right into the tax payer subsidized teachers unions who funnel tax money, from the teachers dues to their democrat political allies........

I will grant that there are unions. As for "democrat allies", there shouldn't be that many if GOP governors and GOP voters are doing their job. Somehow you are stating that these GOP governors appoint democrats to run their schools. Simply does not happen.
According to many lefties there are no good paying jobs available, he pointed to that as the lie it is. The little entitled folks think those jobs are beneath them, if you bothered to actually read the article, he talked to employers who said, applicants who can pass the drug test, lack the basic soft skills to get and keep a job. That's a problem with the culture, not business.
You don't even make sense. We know Republicans hate education. Look at Rick Santorum. When Obama said we need to make education available to everyone, Santorum called Obama a "snob". He said there are millions of hard working Americans who have never been indoctrinated by liberal college professors to a cheering crowd of ignorant Republicans. It's Republicans who have no skills. The ignorant base has bought into the propaganda of their fucked up leaders. It's why business wants immigrants with degrees because Republicans are not capable of competing. The GOP base is losing their jobs to unskilled labor overseas and robots, all put together by the very corporations they worship as "Gods" even referring to them as the job "CREATORS", where from all good flows. No one is screwing over the GOP base more than the leaders they idolize. And they do it for two reasons. First, they "vote white". Second, they hate Obama because he isn't white. Until they deny their racism, which is the foundation of that odious party, they are so fucked.

And obama shut down the scholarship program for poor kids in D.C.....the Republicans fight for actual education reform...what you morons fight for is more money to be passed through your democrat unions to your democrat politicians while the children in this country get a failing education system...graduating only 50% of a high school class is not fighting for eductation....graduating kids who can't read, right or do math is not fighting for education...but that is what you morons protect.....our kids can't compete because you idiots control the education system and poor, angry, hopeless people are good democrat voters....you have voter turn out factories, not schools.....

30 of 50 State houses have a Republican sitting in them.
30 of 50 States have GOP appointees to the State Boards of Education
30 of 50 States have (assumingly) a majority of school district boards that reflect the wishes of the elctorate.

Liberals do not control education unless, somehow, 30 GOP governors are liberals.

When will the GOP take responsibility for it's actions?

Teachers unions and their democrat politician allies run education....try to fire a bad teacher...try to change educational methods......you run right into the tax payer subsidized teachers unions who funnel tax money, from the teachers dues to their democrat political allies........

I will grant that there are unions. As for "democrat allies", there shouldn't be that many if GOP governors and GOP voters are doing their job. Somehow you are stating that these GOP governors appoint democrats to run their schools. Simply does not happen.

Democrats control the teachers and the teachers unions......they then funnel teachers dues to their allies, democrat politicians.....and they will shut down a school if you try to make real reforms......
Here you go.....from Prager University...

All on how unions are destructive to our economy.......

Do Big Unions Buy Politicians - Prager University

Course Description
Who poses the biggest threat to America's economy by striking deals with crooked politicians? Big Oil, Big Pharma, or Big Unions? Daniel DiSalvo, political science professor at the City College of New York, gives the answer.
Taught By
Daniel DiSalvo

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