Mike Vick vs. Rich White Kid {KING}

Vick went to prison for killing a dog.

White kid gets no jail time for killing 4 people.

"It's Hard Work Being Black!" ~ Black Man 1

The kid should have gotten a long stretch. Vick should have been skinned alive and staked out over an anthill. He should have been kept alive as long as they could.
Maybe Shatners wife got snockered due to something happening. I don't drink either. But if I caught my husband cheating or my kid got killed or something like that...it might drive me to pick up a bottle and drink the whole thing. And NOT being a drinker, who knows what happened once I was since I am not used to it. I just can't see Shatner as a murderer. Wagner is a prink. Walken seems ok but he knows more than he is telling. Blake? Hasbeen, so yeah..I can see him offing the wife especially after what came out about her when they dug a little deeper. Gold digger. Got pregnant to snare him. He being a wannabe tough guy offing her.

Just opinions, nothing more.


All white.

Not in jail.


I think the point of this thread is the racial inequity of our justice system.

The OP compared Vick who is black to Couch who is white and the retort was age.

This very Judge sentenced a 14 year black kid to 10 years in prison for punching someone and killing them. That wasn't premeditated either.

Then someone mentioned OJ..who's now in jail for a long clip.

I mentioned Shatner and Blake..you bought up Walken and Wagner.

None of those white folks are in Jail.

We up to speed now?


I think the point of this thread is the racial inequity of our justice system.

The OP compared Vick who is black to Couch who is white and the retort was age.

This very Judge sentenced a 14 year black kid to 10 years in prison for punching someone and killing them. That wasn't premeditated either.

Then someone mentioned OJ..who's now in jail for a long clip.

I mentioned Shatner and Blake..you bought up Walken and Wagner.

None of those white folks are in Jail.

We up to speed now?


:lol: Yep.
Ok, they say "affluenza" caused it, and a dumb ass judge accepted that.

But look at Vick! He's been a pampered star since middle school! On national title tv games in college as a teen! FILTHY RICH as a professional.

WHY....was not his "affluenza" considered, since he has been rich and famous for years and has received special treatment all his life as well???

I Call Bullshit.

This is a just a clear case of the justice system's preferential treatment to whites, and why so many black men have records, etc.

The reason why people like me have to address it.

Because it's bullshit.

You're Welcome.
No, it is not bullshit. Vicks DELIBERATELY tortured, maimed, FOUGHT dogs for MONEY. And then killed some in the most horrendous ways when they didn't win him his bucks in the dog fight ring. AND, he was not sorry he did it. He was sorry he got CAUGHT.

But you know that, don't you? Vicks is black and he could do anything he wanted to and it would be just okey dokey with you, wouldn't it?
Black_Man1....USMB's latest rube.
As stated above at least twice, Vick was not convicted of killing two dogs. As usual you greatly understate the criminality of your latest crusade.
As for the punk ass bitch brat? Of course he should be in jail. But he is a symptom. The problem is activist judges. He didn't get off because of his wealth, he got off because the activist judge is protesting against a system where - oh my God - people are punished!!
So he sent him home where he could get $450k worth of counseling....because this judge believes rehabilitation is more important than punishment.
I disagree with the kid only getting probation, but the comparison is retarded. Comparing a case of accidental death to a forethought ring where dogs were intentionally abused and grossly mistreated & killed with premeditated cause for personal gain....

Its an irresponsible comparison, both morally & intellectually.
I disagree with the kid only getting probation, but the comparison is retarded. Comparing a case of accidental death to a forethought ring where dogs were intentionally abused and grossly mistreated & killed with premeditated cause for personal gain....

Its an irresponsible comparison, both morally & intellectually.

I disagree with the kid only getting probation, but the comparison is retarded. Comparing a case of accidental death to a forethought ring where dogs were intentionally abused and grossly mistreated & killed with premeditated cause for personal gain....

Its an irresponsible comparison, both morally & intellectually.

The comparison is valid and highlights the dirtiness of the legal system. At the end of the day dogs were killed and so were 4 humans. Which do humans consider the most significant loss of life? Even though Vick may be a terrible person this kid killing 4 humans after already getting in trouble is worse if not just as bad.
No it is not valid. One involves torture, pre meditation and personal gain. The other is a tragic accident. The comparison is neglegent.
I disagree with the kid only getting probation, but the comparison is retarded. Comparing a case of accidental death to a forethought ring where dogs were intentionally abused and grossly mistreated & killed with premeditated cause for personal gain....

Its an irresponsible comparison, both morally & intellectually.

The comparison is valid and highlights the dirtiness of the legal system. At the end of the day dogs were killed and so were 4 humans. Which do humans consider the most significant loss of life? Even though Vick may be a terrible person this kid killing 4 humans after already getting in trouble is worse if not just as bad.

It is not valid and only highlights the importance to not elect activist judges.
Race had absolutely ZERO to do with either case.
Vick bar-none deserved his sentence.
This kid got off because the judge wants to make issue of his grumblings with a system he believes is wrong.
There is ZERO comparison between the two. No more than any other random two cases you pull out of a hat.
If the kid was high on pot rather than drunk he'd be wrongly punished even with only probation.
As long as we agree that there were two rich ppl.

One black, one white.

Black kills a dog. Gets thrown into prison, and loses MILLIONS.

White kills 4 people and severely injuries 7 more ppl. Gets probation and gets to ride horseback, HD tv, stays free, sauna, swimming lessons with rich chicks, youtubing and facebooking, etc.


^^^ We all agree on the above statement because it's fact.

Now read it again.
No it is not valid. One involves torture, pre meditation and personal gain. The other is a tragic accident. The comparison is neglegent.

From what I understand Vick killed no people. As much as love dogs they are not people. This was not the kids first time driving drunk. It was premeditated and he knew there was possibility someone could get killed.
No, the fact you leave out is accident versus premeditation.

If you dont understand the terms, perhaps its time to entertain looking them up.

Grass and babyshit are only really comparable in that theyre both green. Plugging your ears and going lalala to ignore their HUGE differences is intellectual dishonesty.
No, the fact you leave out is accident versus premeditation.

If you dont understand the terms, perhaps its time to entertain looking them up.

Grass and babyshit are only really comparable in that theyre both green. Plugging your ears and going lalala to ignore their HUGE differences is intellectual dishonesty.

It would only be an accident if it was not premediated. He knew he could kill someone driving drunk and he did so. Thats why they convict people of murder now when they kill someone driving drunk. So your babyshit analogy while funny on its own merits doesnt hide how flawed your argument is.


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