Mike Vick vs. Rich White Kid {KING}

Ain't this a bitch?

Rich White Kid gets drunk and just kills 4 people and leave a kid in catonic/vegetable state of being.


Mike Vick kills 2 DOGS...

GETS...2 YEARS IN PRISON, and the loss of 30-40 million dollars, community service, huge fines, etc!

BOTH were rich.

Can Anyone explain this please?


Our legal system often considers intent and age moreso than the crime committed. Vick wasnt just convicted of killing the two dogs, but of running for years a large dog fighting enterprise. He did this with prior thought, planning, and a willful disregard of the law.

That young punk ass bitch vehicular murderer did not go out intending to kill people with a vehicle, it was the result of his intoxication, which according to current US law lowers his ability to determine the outcome of his actions. Even if he intentionally got drunk, his acts while drunk cannot be considered pre-meditated.

Alrighty then..

How about 2 kids..same judge..no premeditated murder..different outcomes:

The judge in the controversial Ethan Couch case hasn’t always been so lenient and last year sentenced a 14-year-old African American boy to 10 years in prison after he punched someone and they died.

Judge Jean Boyd is facing calls to be removed from her position after she handed out the remarkably lenient sentence - 10 years probation - to 16-year-old Couch who killed four people and injured seven while on a drunken joyride.

The case has attracted nationwide attention after a psychologist claimed that Couch suffered from ‘affluenza’, a condition in which his wealth and privilege kept him from understanding the consequences of his actions.
Judge who let off 'spoiled' rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS | Mail Online


Here you run into the issue that the one crime (assault) lead to the death, and assault is a felony when it does that much harm. Drunk driving isnt a felony, if it were then vehicular manslaughter would be treated just the same as regular homicide committed in the commission of a crime.

The judge may be biased, but it the law that treats drunk driving differently.
From Black_Man's comparison link:

Last year Judge Boyd sentenced a 14-year old boy to prison for killing one person with a powerful punch. The teenage suspect’s name was never made public since he was prosecuted as a juvenile.

'Just after 10 p.m. on October 6, the teen was riding in a Cadillac with two friends when he suddenly jumped out of the vehicle in the 1700 block of Vaughn Avenue and punched [Mark] Gregory, who was 5-foot-1 and weighed 106 pounds,' said the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office in a statement.

Gregory’s head struck the pavement and he died two days later.'

The 14-year-old boy admitted to the crime and never expressed remorse for the murder, according to prosecutors.

Gregory’s mother, Anita Lauterbach, said she remembers Judge Boyd pushing for rehabilitation, much like in the Couch case.

She wanted to send him to one of these special places in Arizona, but no one would take him,' Lauterbach told WFAA.
From Black_Man's comparison link:

Last year Judge Boyd sentenced a 14-year old boy to prison for killing one person with a powerful punch. The teenage suspect’s name was never made public since he was prosecuted as a juvenile.

'Just after 10 p.m. on October 6, the teen was riding in a Cadillac with two friends when he suddenly jumped out of the vehicle in the 1700 block of Vaughn Avenue and punched [Mark] Gregory, who was 5-foot-1 and weighed 106 pounds,' said the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office in a statement.

Gregory’s head struck the pavement and he died two days later.'

The 14-year-old boy admitted to the crime and never expressed remorse for the murder, according to prosecutors.
Gregory’s mother, Anita Lauterbach, said she remembers Judge Boyd pushing for rehabilitation, much like in the Couch case.

She wanted to send him to one of these special places in Arizona, but no one would take him,' Lauterbach told WFAA.

Sounds like a sociopath, you usually can't fix those.
I don't care WHERE IN THE WORLD it happened.

NEVER, should a person be punished MORE for killing an animal, than SEVERAL human beings!

What about the questionable slaughter habits in America's beef industry? Cows are mentally and physically tortured. It has taken several organizations to get some kind of humane treatment of cows.

But who went to prison for this atrocious treatment, torture, and killing of cows throughout the decades of the treatment of cows?

I don't care WHERE IN THE WORLD it happened.

NEVER, should a person be punished MORE for killing an animal, than SEVERAL human beings!

What about the questionable slaughter habits in America's beef industry? Cows are mentally and physically tortured. It has taken several organizations to get some kind of humane treatment of cows.

But who went to prison for this atrocious treatment, torture, and killing of cows throughout the decades of the treatment of cows?


I agree in re: to cows.

But comparing the torture and murder of dogs for profit to accidental human death is still disingenuous.
I agree with the Black Man - basically. Michael Vick's punishment was much harsher than warranted, probably because he was a public personality and flouted the law. Whether it was because he was "black," I guess depends on the shade of your sunglasses. There are a lot of white entertainers who have been thrown in jail for relatively minor stuff (mainly drug possession), just because they were celebrities.

But the reason why the boy got off so easy is probably because of two factors: Generally, the harsher sentences for DUI and related crimes escalate with the number of infractions. In spite of what the law says, for the first offense or the first couple, you get a relative slap on the wrist. The people who have the book thrown at them are the ones who have multiple DUI's on their record, THEN kill someone. This kid was a first-time DUI.

Secondly and obviously, he is just a kid and all male 16-year-olds are idiots, so the judge cut him some slack.

Bottom line: When you put these two sentences side-by-side, there is a clear case of a huge injustice. Dogs vs. people.
The rich kid deserves prison. Michael Vick deserves to die slowly and painfully instead he got his life back. Trayvon Martin just got what was coming to him.

See what I mean?

Trayvon was a 16 year old kid two weeks before he was killed.

YOU say "Good. He should be dead!"

Vick never killed ANYONE, has paid dearly for his crime, and you say "He should be dead!"

2 blacks that never killed anyone, you want dead.

The white kid who has killed 4 ppl and maimed 7 more for life?

You say "Send him to prison, but let him LIVE".

Blacks who haven't killed anyone, you want dead.

Whites that have killed several people, you do not want dead.

Welcome To My Country....

Trayvon Martin was just a street thug. If the school district had not changed its rules, he would have been in prison and not on the street to attack someone he thought wouldn't be armed.

Michael Vick didn't kill any human. He killed helpless animals unfortunate enough to have ended up in his care. He didn't just kill them, he tortured them to death because he has a depraved heart and enjoyed their suffering.

The kid who killed four people did not do so intentionally. He didn't plan on killing them. He didn't beat them playing a game until they died. The kid got drunk and was in a horrific accident in which four people died. Accidents happen every day in which people die. Paul Walker and his friend just died in a car accident.

You cannot compare an accident with intentional animal cruelty.
I agree with the Black Man - basically. Michael Vick's punishment was much harsher than warranted, probably because he was a public personality and flouted the law. Whether it was because he was "black," I guess depends on the shade of your sunglasses. There are a lot of white entertainers who have been thrown in jail for relatively minor stuff (mainly drug possession), just because they were celebrities.

But the reason why the boy got off so easy is probably because of two factors: Generally, the harsher sentences for DUI and related crimes escalate with the number of infractions. In spite of what the law says, for the first offense or the first couple, you get a relative slap on the wrist. The people who have the book thrown at them are the ones who have multiple DUI's on their record, THEN kill someone. This kid was a first-time DUI.

Secondly and obviously, he is just a kid and all male 16-year-olds are idiots, so the judge cut him some slack.

Bottom line: When you put these two sentences side-by-side, there is a clear case of a huge injustice. Dogs vs. people.

You can look at the cases individually without comparing them disingenuously.

They have no similarities.

Vick got overcharged.

The kid was undercharged.

Personally, on my own conscience - I can live with an accident more than I could live with being a torturous murdering psychopath for personal gain.
Black_Man doesn't understand the justice system at all. Intent plays a roll in such proceedings, fella.
Almost everybody thinks that O.J. was guilty of cutting off the heads of his wife and her friend so it ain't always about race. Maybe in this case it was the rich liberals calling in favors, something like the frat kids who got away with raping the Black prostitute because the media was on their side.
Did OJ accidentally kill his wife and that waiter? Was he picking his teeth and the knife slipped?

The kid, as bad as he was, did not intend to kill anyone. Vick intentionally killed and tortured animals.
Did OJ accidentally kill his wife and that waiter? Was he picking his teeth and the knife slipped?

The kid, as bad as he was, did not intend to kill anyone. Vick intentionally killed and tortured animals.

Killing and torturing animals doesn't warrant skinning and death of a human being, nutbag.
Did OJ accidentally kill his wife and that waiter? Was he picking his teeth and the knife slipped?

The kid, as bad as he was, did not intend to kill anyone. Vick intentionally killed and tortured animals.

Killing and torturing animals doesn't warrant skinning and death of a human being, nutbag.

To you maybe. I would have been happy to do the skinning personally.
Bottom line: When you put these two sentences side-by-side, there is a clear case of a huge injustice. Dogs vs. people.

Dogs over humans any day.
I guess Black_Man1 is against sentence enhancements for hate crimes. Must simply look at outcomes, not at intent.
Ain't this a bitch?

Rich White Kid gets drunk and just kills 4 people and leave a kid in catonic/vegetable state of being.


Mike Vick kills 2 DOGS...

GETS...2 YEARS IN PRISON, and the loss of 30-40 million dollars, community service, huge fines, etc!

BOTH were rich.

Can Anyone explain this please?


Hey numb nuts, we have already stated numerous times that that rich white kid was a criminal and should be in jail. The only thing your ignorant racist ass is proving here is that the judge that sentenced him to probation is a moron.

I don't care WHERE IN THE WORLD it happened.

NEVER, should a person be punished MORE for killing an animal, than SEVERAL human beings!

What about the questionable slaughter habits in America's beef industry? Cows are mentally and physically tortured. It has taken several organizations to get some kind of humane treatment of cows.

But who went to prison for this atrocious treatment, torture, and killing of cows throughout the decades of the treatment of cows?


It matters where each crime happens, state laws are not interchangeable.


He got five years for shooting a dog in the same state.

Man gets 5 years for shooting to death Norfolk neighbor's dog | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
Again, the kid INTENDED to drive drunk.

When you drive, there are always other vehicles around.

You know you are not supposed to drive drunk, because it ENDANGERS THE LIVES OF OTHERS.

You know this BEFORE you get in your vehicle.

You INTEND to "put ppl's lives at great risk" by driving drunk.

When your drunk driving ends up killing several people....

How can you say you did not INTEND for that to happen?

He is just as evil as Vick...if not MORESO because he purposely INTENDED to put HUMAN lives at risk..


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