Mike Vick vs. Rich White Kid {KING}

No, the fact you leave out is accident versus premeditation.

If you dont understand the terms, perhaps its time to entertain looking them up.

Grass and babyshit are only really comparable in that theyre both green. Plugging your ears and going lalala to ignore their HUGE differences is intellectual dishonesty.

It would only be an accident if it was not premediated. He knew he could kill someone driving drunk and he did so. Thats why they convict people of murder now when they kill someone driving drunk. So your babyshit analogy while funny on its own merits doesnt hide how flawed your argument is.


"knew he COULD kill" does not equal premeditation.

Premeditation is planning on committing the act.

You have no proof he killed them on purpose.

Vick's is an obvious open and shut case for pre meditation.

The two cases are *NOT COMPARABLE.

It's disingenuous, it's unjust to do so, and it hurts whatever point or cause you're attempting to get across.

Credibility is important, especially if you're trying to change something. Comparing these two cases diminishes your credibility.
No, the fact you leave out is accident versus premeditation.

If you dont understand the terms, perhaps its time to entertain looking them up.

Grass and babyshit are only really comparable in that theyre both green. Plugging your ears and going lalala to ignore their HUGE differences is intellectual dishonesty.

It would only be an accident if it was not premediated. He knew he could kill someone driving drunk and he did so. Thats why they convict people of murder now when they kill someone driving drunk. So your babyshit analogy while funny on its own merits doesnt hide how flawed your argument is.


"knew he COULD kill" does not equal premeditation.

Premeditation is planning on committing the act.

You have no proof he killed them on purpose.

Vick's is an obvious open and shut case for pre meditation.

The two cases are *NOT COMPARABLE.

It's disingenuous, it's unjust to do so, and it hurts whatever point or cause you're attempting to get across.

Credibility is important, especially if you're trying to change something. Comparing these two cases diminishes your credibility.

Getting emotional and typing in all caps hurts your credibility. The law says its premeditation. Why was that not observed in this case? There certainly is precedence for it. The only way the 2 case are not comparable is that animals and humans were killed.
As long as we agree that there were two rich ppl.

One black, one white.

Black kills a dog. Gets thrown into prison, and loses MILLIONS.

White kills 4 people and severely injuries 7 more ppl. Gets probation and gets to ride horseback, HD tv, stays free, sauna, swimming lessons with rich chicks, youtubing and facebooking, etc.


^^^ We all agree on the above statement because it's fact.

Now read it again.

Who is this WE you are refering to? Speak for yourself, bub.
The law does not say that it is premeditation. And caps is emphasis, not emotion. Stop projecting.
No, youre projecting how you use caps. I use it for emphasis, so SUKKADIKK
Look, all is well!

The Justice System is working exactly how you designed it!

Unarmed Trayvon Martin is stalked and gunned down because he was eating Skittles. You guys call the kid everything but a child of GOD, and the killer goes free. You guys defend that.

Mike Vick is young, rich, and famous and gets sent to prison and has his career ruined for killing dogs. You guys call him every name in the book, even after he's paid his debt to society and then some..

So then the system sets another killer free, and YOU STILL hound Vick YEARS later, while saying just barely discernable insults against drunk killer like "He's a punk"....but you guys are saying CRUCIFY Vick....YEARS after his killing of a dog....even though he's paid his debt!


You should be OUTRAGED!!!!……over the PEOPLE KILLED, but you're blazing guns years later @ Vick killing dogs!!!

Ain't that a bitch?

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Vick did NOT murder just two dogs. His operation went on for several years in which several dogs were murdered by him and his cohorts.

He admitted to knowing about four dogs that his co-conspirators killed in 2002, and he admitted to agreeing to the hanging and drowning of 6-8 dogs who underperformed in 2007. [source link further down this post]

Vick pled guilty (having no other option) after his buddies agreed to rat on him:

After his three co-conspirators pled guilty and began cooperating with authorities, Vick also pled guilty, admitting to funding the dogfighting operation and the associated gambling operation.

Vick was/is one sick, twisted p.o.s. who abused animals for kicks; The White kid committed a stupid, drunken act. Vick has been forgiven and is back to making big bucks playing games; the White kid will probably never be forgiven for his mindlessness.

This isn't about 'justice' with you, is it Black_Man? It's about preferential treatment for blacks and punish Whitey for whatever your little brain perceives to be inequality. Truth is Black_Man, it's all because you hate Whitey, isn't it?

Source for above quotes (read it and realize just how sick Vick is): Animal Fighting Case Study: Michael Vick | Animal Legal Defense Fund
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Ain't this a bitch?

Rich White Kid gets drunk and just kills 4 people and leave a kid in catonic/vegetable state of being.


Mike Vick kills 2 DOGS...

GETS...2 YEARS IN PRISON, and the loss of 30-40 million dollars, community service, huge fines, etc!

BOTH were rich.

Can Anyone explain this please?


Our legal system often considers intent and age moreso than the crime committed. Vick wasnt just convicted of killing the two dogs, but of running for years a large dog fighting enterprise. He did this with prior thought, planning, and a willful disregard of the law.

That young punk ass bitch vehicular murderer did not go out intending to kill people with a vehicle, it was the result of his intoxication, which according to current US law lowers his ability to determine the outcome of his actions. Even if he intentionally got drunk, his acts while drunk cannot be considered pre-meditated.

Alrighty then..

How about 2 kids..same judge..no premeditated murder..different outcomes:

The judge in the controversial Ethan Couch case hasn’t always been so lenient and last year sentenced a 14-year-old African American boy to 10 years in prison after he punched someone and they died.

Judge Jean Boyd is facing calls to be removed from her position after she handed out the remarkably lenient sentence - 10 years probation - to 16-year-old Couch who killed four people and injured seven while on a drunken joyride.

The case has attracted nationwide attention after a psychologist claimed that Couch suffered from ‘affluenza’, a condition in which his wealth and privilege kept him from understanding the consequences of his actions.
Judge who let off 'spoiled' rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS | Mail Online


There may be more to the story of the 14-year-old. I don't know what sentence he should have gotten for violently punching someone who had done nothing to him. I don't know how much of a sentence the 16-year-old should have received.

However the law is far from colorblind and that is one reason I am against the death penalty.
The rich kid deserves prison. Michael Vick deserves to die slowly and painfully instead he got his life back. Trayvon Martin just got what was coming to him.
The rich kid deserves prison. Michael Vick deserves to die slowly and painfully instead he got his life back. Trayvon Martin just got what was coming to him.

See what I mean?

Trayvon was a 16 year old kid two weeks before he was killed.

YOU say "Good. He should be dead!"

Vick never killed ANYONE, has paid dearly for his crime, and you say "He should be dead!"

2 blacks that never killed anyone, you want dead.

The white kid who has killed 4 ppl and maimed 7 more for life?

You say "Send him to prison, but let him LIVE".

Blacks who haven't killed anyone, you want dead.

Whites that have killed several people, you do not want dead.

Welcome To My Country....
Look, all is well!

The Justice System is working exactly how you designed it!

Unarmed Trayvon Martin is stalked and gunned down because he was eating Skittles. You guys call the kid everything but a child of GOD, and the killer goes free. You guys defend that.

Mike Vick is young, rich, and famous and gets sent to prison and has his career ruined for killing dogs. You guys call him every name in the book, even after he's paid his debt to society and then some..

So then the system sets another killer free, and YOU STILL hound Vick YEARS later, while saying just barely discernable insults against drunk killer like "He's a punk"....but you guys are saying CRUCIFY Vick....YEARS after his killing of a dog....even though he's paid his debt!


You should be OUTRAGED!!!!……over the PEOPLE KILLED, but you're blazing guns years later @ Vick killing dogs!!!

Ain't that a bitch?


Do you need a tissue?
Has anyone ever thought that it is bullshit that a person goes to prison for killing dogs, but others get probation for killing humans?

People love to try and dismiss legit grievances by saying "troll".

Homework assignment.

Go find the last black person that was drunk or high, that killed several ppl and wounded others while drunk or high....who didn't get one day in jail.

He is best ignored, Big Reb. If he has nobody to bait, he may fly away. One can hope.
Has anyone ever thought that it is bullshit that a person goes to prison for killing dogs, but others get probation for killing humans?

People love to try and dismiss legit grievances by saying "troll".


There are plenty of things that I think is reversed discrimination.
Like racial quotes for jobs,
black entertainment tv
Loans from banks
NBA basketball
Sports in general

However did both crimes in the OP happen in the same state?
Which state?

The State of Denial it seems.

It shouldn't matter what state you're in, the lives of humans being killed should carry more time than dogs being killed.


Notice how Gracie keeps calling me names, neg repping me, and insulting and attacking me ...while I do none of that to her.

But somehow "I'M" the one that is a problem.

Which state?

The State of Denial it seems.

It shouldn't matter what state you're in, the lives of humans being killed should carry more time than dogs being killed.


Notice how Gracie keeps calling me names, neg repping me, and insulting and attacking me ...while I do none of that to her.

But somehow "I'M" the one that is a problem.


Denial? I asked you a simple question Did both crimes happen in the same state?
If it did not you have nothing legit to bitch about, because each states legal system is set up differently.

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