Militarism at the Heart of US Gun Violence

These shooters seem to be mentally and socially unstable.
How do we cure that?
Take away their video games?
Nerd Reduction pills
Nerd Reduction pills

Do coming Mueller report transcripts support Trump impeachment?
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Gun crime in ghettos is being confused with mass shooters? What are the stats on the ages of their brains?
go for it
It is guaranteed.

Nadler: ‘This is formal impeachment proceedings’

"House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said publicly for the first time on Thursday that his panel is conducting an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, adding that the committee will decide by the end of the year whether to refer articles of impeachment to the House floor."
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Maybe it should be harder to buy a gun than a Bud Light?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them. The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida."
I love the way you refuse to put any responsibility for the way things are, on anyone except the US.

Is that racism because you consider nonwhite people too stupid to be held responsible for their actions or is it just your hate for America?

Regardless my point stands. You want to reduce military spending you need to make the point that we are not in danger.

You still are not even trying to make that case.

What is end game that you want to see the US military nerfed?
I love the way you refuse to put any responsibility for the way things are, on anyone except the US.
What other country besides the US has controlled the global economy since the end of WWII? Which nation created the IMF and World Bank to function as its proxy? Which state insists other countries invest their balance-of-payments inflows and central bank savings in US dollars, especially US Treasuries? How else does the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World afford its 800 military bases around the world?

Why does the US have 800 military bases in 80 Countries around the world? - Fighter Jets World

1. The US does not control the world economy. We are in a very bad situation in the world economy. Our trade balance is not sustainable.

2. I dont' know that the IMF, or the World Bank functions as our proxy.

3. I don't think that we do insist that other nations invest in dollars. IN fact, imo, the fact that the Dollar is the world currency is a massive burden on US.

4. Our military is paid for by the most successful economy in the world, built on internal freedom and economic nationalism, in the past.

5. And even if you were right on ALL of that, it still is not an excuse to give all nonwhite people a pass on responsibility for their actions.
1. The US does not control the world economy. We are in a very bad situation in the world economy. Our trade balance is not sustainable.

2. I dont' know that the IMF, or the World Bank functions as our proxy.

3. I don't think that we do insist that other nations invest in dollars. IN fact, imo, the fact that the Dollar is the world currency is a massive burden on US.
Since 1971 the US Treasury-bond has replaced gold as the global standard for central bank reserves.

That means a glut of US dollars collecting in central banks around the world finances both the US trade deficit and the US budget deficit.

The 800 US military bases around the planet are there to ensure the tribute continues to flow into American pockets. (P.3)

"This Treasury-bond standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down.

"Whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of U.S. Government IOUs that can be run up without limit.

"In effect, America has been buying up Europe, Asia and other regions with paper credit – U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off.

" And there is little Europe or Asia can do about it, except to abandon the dollar and create their own financial system.

"Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism: The Origins and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance explains how the dollar’s being forced off gold in 1971 led to a new international financial system in which the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
How would you suggest we stimulate US exports?

There’d be a lot of tech industry money at stake in a Trump trade war with China

We could eliminate moronic regulations and reduce taxes.
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Maybe it should be harder to buy a gun than a Bud Light?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them. The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida."

I agree, the voting age should be raised to 21.

Make it 25, just to be safe.
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Maybe it should be harder to buy a gun than a Bud Light?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them. The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida."

That teen is 18 years and is deemed old enough by the filthy ass government to fight for the preservation of the Constitution. The same Constitution that says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

If a man is old enough to pledge loyalty to the Constitution and take up arms for its defense he is also old enough to enjoy the Liberties guaranteed in the Bill, of Rights.
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Maybe it should be harder to buy a gun than a Bud Light?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them. The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida."

I agree, the voting age should be raised to 21.

Make it 25, just to be safe.

Also the age to serve in the military. If you aren't old enough to enjoy Constitutional rights then you aren't old enough to fight for those rights.
What other country besides the US has controlled the global economy since the end of WWII? Which nation created the IMF and World Bank to function as its proxy? Which state insists other countries invest their balance-of-payments inflows and central bank savings in US dollars, especially US Treasuries? How else does the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World afford its 800 military bases around the world?

Why does the US have 800 military bases in 80 Countries around the world? - Fighter Jets World

1. The US does not control the world economy. We are in a very bad situation in the world economy. Our trade balance is not sustainable.

2. I dont' know that the IMF, or the World Bank functions as our proxy.

3. I don't think that we do insist that other nations invest in dollars. IN fact, imo, the fact that the Dollar is the world currency is a massive burden on US.

4. Our military is paid for by the most successful economy in the world, built on internal freedom and economic nationalism, in the past.

5. And even if you were right on ALL of that, it still is not an excuse to give all nonwhite people a pass on responsibility for their actions.
1. The US does not control the world economy. We are in a very bad situation in the world economy. Our trade balance is not sustainable.

2. I dont' know that the IMF, or the World Bank functions as our proxy.

3. I don't think that we do insist that other nations invest in dollars. IN fact, imo, the fact that the Dollar is the world currency is a massive burden on US.
Since 1971 the US Treasury-bond has replaced gold as the global standard for central bank reserves.

That means a glut of US dollars collecting in central banks around the world finances both the US trade deficit and the US budget deficit.

The 800 US military bases around the planet are there to ensure the tribute continues to flow into American pockets. (P.3)

"This Treasury-bond standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down.

"Whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of U.S. Government IOUs that can be run up without limit.

"In effect, America has been buying up Europe, Asia and other regions with paper credit – U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off.

" And there is little Europe or Asia can do about it, except to abandon the dollar and create their own financial system.

"Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism: The Origins and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance explains how the dollar’s being forced off gold in 1971 led to a new international financial system in which the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
How would you suggest we stimulate US exports?

There’d be a lot of tech industry money at stake in a Trump trade war with China

We could eliminate moronic regulations and reduce taxes.
We could eliminate moronic regulations and reduce taxes.
How would that lower the cost of living and doing business in the USA?

Seven Factors Driving Up Your Health Care Costs
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Maybe it should be harder to buy a gun than a Bud Light?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them. The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida."

I agree, the voting age should be raised to 21.

Make it 25, just to be safe.
I agree, the voting age should be raised to 21.

Make it 25, just to be safe
How old to buy a gun?
1. The US does not control the world economy. We are in a very bad situation in the world economy. Our trade balance is not sustainable.

2. I dont' know that the IMF, or the World Bank functions as our proxy.

3. I don't think that we do insist that other nations invest in dollars. IN fact, imo, the fact that the Dollar is the world currency is a massive burden on US.

4. Our military is paid for by the most successful economy in the world, built on internal freedom and economic nationalism, in the past.

5. And even if you were right on ALL of that, it still is not an excuse to give all nonwhite people a pass on responsibility for their actions.
1. The US does not control the world economy. We are in a very bad situation in the world economy. Our trade balance is not sustainable.

2. I dont' know that the IMF, or the World Bank functions as our proxy.

3. I don't think that we do insist that other nations invest in dollars. IN fact, imo, the fact that the Dollar is the world currency is a massive burden on US.
Since 1971 the US Treasury-bond has replaced gold as the global standard for central bank reserves.

That means a glut of US dollars collecting in central banks around the world finances both the US trade deficit and the US budget deficit.

The 800 US military bases around the planet are there to ensure the tribute continues to flow into American pockets. (P.3)

"This Treasury-bond standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down.

"Whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of U.S. Government IOUs that can be run up without limit.

"In effect, America has been buying up Europe, Asia and other regions with paper credit – U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off.

" And there is little Europe or Asia can do about it, except to abandon the dollar and create their own financial system.

"Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism: The Origins and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance explains how the dollar’s being forced off gold in 1971 led to a new international financial system in which the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
How would you suggest we stimulate US exports?

There’d be a lot of tech industry money at stake in a Trump trade war with China

We could eliminate moronic regulations and reduce taxes.
We could eliminate moronic regulations and reduce taxes.
How would that lower the cost of living and doing business in the USA?

Seven Factors Driving Up Your Health Care Costs

It wouldn't reduce the cost of living.
It would reduce the cost of doing business.
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

That is some weak ass shit. I'm against the interventionism that we have embraced, but to try to gin up a connection between that and a whack a doodle mass shooter, is

like I said, weak ass shit.

Think so?

This is what two retired Marine Generals think.

Two former U.S. officials who led the global fight against the Islamic State are warning Americans about a new threat to the homeland: homegrown white nationalist terrorism.

Retired Marine Gen. John Allen and Brett McGurk, both of whom served as special presidential envoys for the global coalition taking on ISIS, said in a Washington Post op-ed that the word "terrorism" must be used to describe the new national security threats facing the country from white supremacist groups.

"The terrorist acts may differ from Islamic State attacks in degree, but they are similar in kind: driven by hateful narratives, dehumanization, the rationalization of violence and the glorification of murder, combined with ready access to recruits and weapons of war," they wrote Tuesday.

Retired Marine 4-Star Warns White Nationalist Terrorism Is a Threat Equal to ISIS
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Maybe it should be harder to buy a gun than a Bud Light?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them. The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida."

That teen is 18 years and is deemed old enough by the filthy ass government to fight for the preservation of the Constitution. The same Constitution that says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

If a man is old enough to pledge loyalty to the Constitution and take up arms for its defense he is also old enough to enjoy the Liberties guaranteed in the Bill, of Rights.
That teen is 18 years and is deemed old enough by the filthy ass government to fight for the preservation of the Constitution. The same Constitution that says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Is that teen another victim of corporate greed?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"U.S. corporations like Raytheon, Boeing and Lockheed Martin are the largest global exporters of weapons. In 2015, U.S. companies accounted for about half of worldwide weapons sales that totaled more than $80 billion overall.

"And that's not to mention the even greater sums the U.S. government spends buying weapons for the Pentagon. The search for ever-more effective methods of killing people inevitably leads to weapons manufactured for military purposes ending up in the domestic gun market."
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
You are confused.

Most gun crime in the US is committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the druggies, gangbangers and thugs. Most of it is Black on Black.
Maybe it should be harder to buy a gun than a Bud Light?

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them. The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida."

I agree, the voting age should be raised to 21.

Make it 25, just to be safe.
I agree, the voting age should be raised to 21.

Make it 25, just to be safe
How old to buy a gun?

Whatever it takes to synch up with the voting age.
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

That is some weak ass shit. I'm against the interventionism that we have embraced, but to try to gin up a connection between that and a whack a doodle mass shooter, is

like I said, weak ass shit.

Think so?

This is what two retired Marine Generals think.

Two former U.S. officials who led the global fight against the Islamic State are warning Americans about a new threat to the homeland: homegrown white nationalist terrorism.

Retired Marine Gen. John Allen and Brett McGurk, both of whom served as special presidential envoys for the global coalition taking on ISIS, said in a Washington Post op-ed that the word "terrorism" must be used to describe the new national security threats facing the country from white supremacist groups.

"The terrorist acts may differ from Islamic State attacks in degree, but they are similar in kind: driven by hateful narratives, dehumanization, the rationalization of violence and the glorification of murder, combined with ready access to recruits and weapons of war," they wrote Tuesday.

Retired Marine 4-Star Warns White Nationalist Terrorism Is a Threat Equal to ISIS
This is what two retired Marine Generals think.

Two former U.S. officials who led the global fight against the Islamic State are warning Americans about a new threat to the homeland: homegrown white nationalist terrorism.

PA-16: Hartman Doubles Down on Trump Attack (VIDEO)
Since 1971 the US Treasury-bond has replaced gold as the global standard for central bank reserves.

That means a glut of US dollars collecting in central banks around the world finances both the US trade deficit and the US budget deficit.

The 800 US military bases around the planet are there to ensure the tribute continues to flow into American pockets. (P.3)

"This Treasury-bond standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down.

"Whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of U.S. Government IOUs that can be run up without limit.

"In effect, America has been buying up Europe, Asia and other regions with paper credit – U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off.

" And there is little Europe or Asia can do about it, except to abandon the dollar and create their own financial system.

"Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism: The Origins and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance explains how the dollar’s being forced off gold in 1971 led to a new international financial system in which the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

the world’s central banks are obliged to finance the U.S. balance of payments deficit by using their surplus dollars in the only way that central banks are allowed to use them: to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

"In the process, they finance the U.S. Government’s domestic budget deficit as well."

You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
You don't want to hold "surplus dollars", don't run a trade surplus with the US.
How would you suggest we stimulate US exports?

There’d be a lot of tech industry money at stake in a Trump trade war with China

We could eliminate moronic regulations and reduce taxes.
We could eliminate moronic regulations and reduce taxes.
How would that lower the cost of living and doing business in the USA?

Seven Factors Driving Up Your Health Care Costs

It wouldn't reduce the cost of living.
It would reduce the cost of doing business.
It wouldn't reduce the cost of living.
It would reduce the cost of doing business.
Reducing health care expenses would NOT reduce the cost of living?

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